The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 228 Mutual Suspicion

Chapter 228 Mutual Suspicion (2)

"Well, you are willing to cooperate, so you go to xx immediately, and you can figure out how to play it." Shangguan Min said lightly.

"Why don't you go." Yu Xinmeng was no fool, and immediately asked the main point.

"I'm stumbling over Nangongya now."

"Okay, I know, I'll go right away." After speaking, the phone on both sides hung up at the same time, Shangguan Min put the phone in his pocket with a cold smile, then his face slowly returned to softness, and he slowly turned to the table where Nangongya was. go.

"Ya, don't you really need to go? I'm afraid of Zitong." As soon as he sat down, Shangguan Min started to bring up old things again.

Nangongya's face was immediately filled with unhappiness, and he said to Shangguan Min sharply: "Min'er, can we not mention that person?"

"Okay." After Shangguan Min finished speaking, he began to quietly eat the food in front of him, occasionally raising his head to look at Nangong Ya, everything seemed very harmonious.

After Xiyue drove to the agreed place, she ordered a cup of coffee and began to wait quietly for Nangongya's arrival. She hoped that the two of them could sit down and chat peacefully, while Xiyue was waiting quietly.

A figure stood far away on the other side of the road, gave Xiyue a cold look, and then walked towards Xiyue's direction. When Xiyue felt something shaking in front of her eyes, she slowly He raised his head to look at the person who came, and did not speak, but looked at the person with indifferent eyes.

What Yu Xinmeng hates the most is Xiyue's cold eyes, as if everything is dispensable in her eyes, she doesn't like this feeling of inferiority: "Xiyue, don't you wonder why I Standing here, but Nangongya didn't come?"

"Why?" Xiyue asked calmly following Yu Xinmeng's words.

"Xiyue, don't be so unattainable all day long, aren't you very smart? How could you not come up with that answer?" Yu Xinmeng taunted Xiyue with a smug smile.

But the other party just gave her a cold look, then stood up and wanted to leave, but how could Yu Xinmeng let her leave so easily? When Xiyue passed her by, her faint voice drifted across In Xiyue's ear: "It's Nangongya, it's Nangongya who asked me to come, he doesn't want to see you, he doesn't want to see you at all, so please stop pestering him."

When Yu Xinmeng finished speaking, Xiyue's figure had passed by her and walked outside the store. Xiyue didn't turn her head to look at the smug smile behind her, but bit her lower lip tightly and went back to the car, and then she She took out her mobile phone and dialed a number. Before the person over there could speak, Xiyue's cold voice had already passed: "Nangongya, if this is the answer you gave me, then I know." Yue hung up the phone and turned off the phone directly.

At that moment, Xiyue felt that her whole body was icy cold. This feeling reminded her of the moment when Mommy closed her eyes. The whole world was dark, and only her own breath was panting in the air. It was so empty. And lonely, she turned on the heater in the car to the maximum, wrapped her arms tightly around her body, but she still felt so cold, at that moment, she began to feel that she hated that man, why did Yu Xinmeng To humiliate yourself like this, Nangong Ya, don't you want to see me so much?Well, very well, I promise I will never appear in front of you again before long.

(End of this chapter)

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