The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 243 The Treacherous Villain

Chapter 243 The Treacherous Villain (10)

If such a scene is a person can also say the past, but Sura found that everyone is looking at her like this.

She immediately felt something was wrong.

Suddenly she thought of something, her face turned red all of a sudden, and the next moment she covered her neck with her hands in embarrassment and quickly returned to her office.

After closing the office door, the embarrassment on Sura's face was quickly replaced by anger.

She took out her mobile phone and dialed the number of the man who had just left. Just as the call was connected, before Su La could ask questions, Yu Kaixing's happy voice came from the other side: "Lala, I You missed me only 5 minutes after you left, you are worthy of being my good girlfriend."

In fact, Yu Kaixing understood that the reason why Sura made this call was because the matter had reached the development of his tone, so he was also in a particularly happy mood.

But compared to Yu Kaixing's happy and proud mood, Sura's mood was much more angry. She wanted to endure her anger, but after hearing Yu Kaixing's words, she really couldn't help it. , the next moment, she yelled into the phone: "Yu Kaixing, what are you doing, is it fun?"

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone with a bang.

And when Yu Kaixing dialed back again, the phone had already been shut down.

And Yu Kaixing pretended nothing happened, so he drove back to Xi's Group on his own.

It wasn't until he waited at the door of Sura's house that night and found no one was there that he realized that the matter was serious.

Because this city is not his base camp, even if Yu Kaixing wanted to find someone that night, he had no basis to follow.

When he waited until the early hours of the morning and hadn't found the person he was waiting for, Yu Kaixing's expression was no longer pretty, but turned gloomy instead.

Unable to enter the door, Yu Kaixing waited at the door for a whole night that night.

The next day, Yu Kaixing came to the Su Group with thick dark circles under her eyes, but was told by Su La's secretary that she would not come to the company today.

But when Yu Kaixing asked the secretary where Su La was going if she didn't come to the company today, the other party couldn't tell.

With unwillingness and anger, Yu Kaixing left the Su Group.

Standing at the door of the Su Group, Yu Kaixing dialed Su La's number again, and this time the call finally got through, when Yu Kaixing called out to the phone in surprise: "Lala."

On the other side of the phone came the voice of the person Yu Kaixing didn't want to hear at this moment, and that person was Xiyue.

Xiyue's unhurried voice on the phone reached Yu Kaixing's ears: "Kaixing, how could you call Lala?"

In fact, Xiyue knows everything that happened between Yu Kaixing and Sura clearly from the bottom of her heart, but she just wants to hear Yu Kaixing admit it personally.

The dead man didn't even let her know that he fell in love with Sura.

On the other side of the phone, Yu Kaixing could only grit his teeth at the phone but was powerless. He said angrily to the phone: "Yue, what do you want to know?"

Just ask. "

"Will you be outspoken?" Xiyue said on the phone.

"Yes, be blunt." If Ban Xiyue stood in front of Yu Kaixing like this, he would definitely be torn to pieces by him.

But Xiyue just smiled smugly on the phone and continued: "Yu Kaixing, let me ask you when did you fall in love with Sura."

Speaking of this, Yu Kaixing suddenly hesitated, but it wasn't that he didn't know when he fell in love with Sura, but that everyone must have known about it after Xiyue found out about it.

(End of this chapter)

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