The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 255 The Rogue's Nangong Cliff

Chapter 255 The Rogue's Nangong Cliff (4)

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Nangongya let go of Xiyue and arranged her clothes, and then said to her: "Go, send your brother away quickly, I still need to go to the company in the morning."

After speaking, a bright smile bloomed on Nangongya's face.

And this kind of smile made Xiyue grit her teeth, but she knew that she had more important things to do now, so she could only grit her teeth and leave her room, but before she left, Xiyue did not forget to warn Dao Nangong Ya: "Don't touch anything in my room." Then Xiyue left the room.

After his woman left the room, Nangongya began to look at the space he was in. When he came in last night, he didn't look at it carefully. Now that he looked carefully, it really had some taste.

And this smell is the smell of the woman he likes, this feeling is the happiness that Nangongya has never felt.

And just at this moment, Nangong Ya lay back in the bed happily, and then slowly fell asleep.

He hadn't slept so soundly in a long time.

While Nangongya was sleeping soundly, Xiyue also stood in front of her brother Xiying, looking at her brother's half-smile smile, Xiyue suddenly felt her face burning hot.

Then she said to Xiying dissatisfied: "Brother, why are you always looking at me like this?"

Hearing what her sister said, Xiying turned her gaze to the door of her room, and then grinned at her.

It was just that Xiyue's face turned completely red all of a sudden, and then she stammered, "Brother, what are you going to say?"

Hearing that her sister was still sophistrying, Xiying sighed deeply and said, "Do you still want me to go in and catch him?" As she said that, Xiying was about to walk to Xiyue's room.

Seeing this, Xiyue grabbed him and stammered, "Brother, when did you come back?"

Seeing her younger sister admitting from the side, Xiying glanced at her faintly, implying that she would never admit it again.

Facing her brother's shrewd eyes, Xiyue had no choice but to admit it. She glared at him dissatisfied: "Why are you so smart?"

Suddenly a bad idea took shape in Xiyue's heart. In order to divert her brother's attention from her, she had to feel sorry for someone.

Seeing his sister's big eyes rolling, Xiying knew that someone was going to suffer again. Although he didn't know who that person was, he just wanted to pray for that person.

Although she felt sorry for the person who was about to be framed by her sister, Xiying still did not forget the person who was in her sister's room at this time.

Then he slowly restrained the smile on his face, and seriously advised his younger sister: "Yue, you are the only younger sister of my brother. Although you and I are not related by blood, I have always regarded you as my sister." I treat her like my own sister, so I hope my sister is happy, even if Nangongya is your final choice, I will not interfere, but you have to remember that if that man bullies you, I swear that I will not let him go of."

After Xiying said the oath, Xiyue's eyes turned red, but she didn't shed tears, but smiled stubbornly at Xiying and said, "Brother, I understand."

Seeing his sister's promise, Xiying smiled gratifiedly, then he stood up and was about to leave.

"Yue, I'm leaving first, call me if you have something to do." Just as Xiying left, Xiyue's voice sounded behind her again.

(End of this chapter)

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