The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 257 Betrayed Friends

Chapter 257 Betrayed Friends (2)

No matter how Feng Wei struggled along the way, Xiying just didn't say a word, until the car stopped and Feng Wei was dragged from the car, she stared at the word "Civil Affairs Bureau" in front of her and asked stupidly The man beside him: "What are we doing here?"

Hearing Fengwei's silly words, Xiying asked him with a treacherous smile, "What do you think?"

In an instant, Feng Wei recovered from her stupidity, and the next moment, when Xi Ying was caught off guard, she broke free from his grasping hand, then turned around and ran away.

But just when she ran a step away, Xiying's indifferent voice sounded behind her: "If you leave now, I will immediately take Luoluo back to Germany and make you never see him again, I believe You know I'm capable of it."

And it was such a sentence that made Feng Wei stop, and she was the whole life, as long as she thought that she would not see her son in the future, she would not be able to bear it, and she understood that what the man in front of her said was the truth, and he It really does have this ability.

Thinking of this, tears began to flow down his face involuntarily.

Then she slowly turned around and walked back to Xiying, and said to her, "Please, don't take Luoluo away from my side."

Xiying wiped away the tears from her eyes with heartache and said, "As long as you don't leave, I won't take Luoluo away."

After finishing speaking, he took Feng Wei's hand again and the two walked into the building in front of him together.

When the two walked out of the hall again, Xiying proudly said to the little woman beside her, "Honey, let's go pick up our son."

The call of his wife Xiying was extremely smooth, but Feng Wei beside him blushed slightly.

Looking sideways at the man beside him with a face full of joy that cannot be concealed, Feng Wei's heart suddenly softened, and when Xi Ying's gaze was on her, she avoided her eyes embarrassedly.

She is still in a trance until now, so she married this man?And is he the person she will live for the rest of her life in the future?

In fact, Feng Wei was still struggling in her heart before, but at this moment, her heart suddenly became firmer, she suddenly stopped and pulled the man beside her forward, and then she opened her mouth amidst the surprised expression on the other side's face. Said: "Xiying, I am your wife now, so I will definitely love you, my children, and this family in the future."

Hearing such heartfelt words from his beloved woman suddenly, Xiying didn't say a word, but anyone with a discerning eye would still notice the happy arc rippling at the corner of his mouth.

Just after the two returned to the car, Xiying looked sideways and said softly to his wife, "Honey, let's pick up Luoluo and go home."

"Yes." Although she is still not used to calling him husband, Feng Wei has acquiesced that he calls her wife, and she also believes that the three of them will be very happy in the future.

When the car arrived at the hotel where his son lived, Xiying who was sitting in the car suddenly became nervous. Although he had met his son before, he didn't know that Luoluo was his son at that time, so it was easier to get along with her. at ease.

But now that he knew that Luo Luo was his son, he began to feel scared again in his heart. He was afraid that Luo Luo would not like him as his father, and he was even more afraid that Luo Luo would deny him as his father.

(End of this chapter)

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