Chapter 265
Just after the marriage between Shangguan Group and Xia Group, the company's situation improved slightly.

But this time the Xia Group had a big problem again, Fengwei suddenly terminated the contract with the Su Group unexpectedly. This time, the Xia Corporation still suffered a lot.

After Xia Nan heard the news, she didn't even have time for her honeymoon, and immediately returned home with Shangguan Ziqi.

In fact, after Shangguan Ziqi heard the news, he immediately understood that Fengwei was probably a pawn arranged by Zitong to contain the Xia Group, so who would be next?

On the one hand, he applauds Zitong's thoughtfulness, and on the other hand, he is also worried about the Shangguan family in his heart. He understands that this time Zitong will not give up until he comes back, so what will be the end of the Shangguan family?

After hurriedly returning to the country, Xia Nan and Shangguan Ziqi immediately went to the Xia Group. The situation was similar to what Shangguan Ziqi had guessed before coming. The company had already become a mess because of this sudden incident.

So when everyone saw Xia Nan, they seemed to see a savior, and Xia Nan immediately entered the conference room to start the meeting.

After a day's meeting, no specific plan was obtained.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the next day the media once again announced that Xi's Group had suspended the existing development projects, so they would compensate all the losses of the participating companies.

Until this moment, everyone was dumbfounded, and after receiving continuous shocks, Xia Group began to change even more. You must know that these two projects are the company's big projects this year, and the investment in the early stage has also been invested. It went in, and now it is suddenly suspended, which will immediately bring the company into a dilemma.

And such a sudden situation also made Shangguan Group difficult. Originally, Shangguan Qi's plan was to marry Shangguan Group and Xia Group, at least to get the support of Xia Group. Now Xia Group is also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river itself It's hard to guarantee, the Shangguan family really has no backing.

Under such a difficult situation, Shangguan Qi began to sell some of his shares to gather funds so that the company could survive this difficult time.

But everything seemed to be beyond his expectation. The shares that were thrown out were continuously bought by a mysterious buyer. It wasn't until the shares in his hand were only 30.00% that he began to realize that the situation was not serious. Right, but by this time it was already too late.

Shangguan Qi was told that the company would reorganize the board of directors, and that mysterious shareholder would also appear at that time.

The time for the board of directors finally came. Shangguan Qi, accompanied by Shangguan Ziqi and Shangguan Min, came to the company together.

Only a few people appeared in the huge meeting room. Seeing such a situation, Shangguan Qi couldn't help asking: "Why are there only so few people here?"

One of the shareholders present replied: "Recently several shareholders of the company have sold their shares."

Hearing such news, Shangguan Qi's face suddenly turned pale. At this moment, there were two more people at the door of the conference room.

The people who came were none other than Xiyue and Yu Kaixing. When he saw the two of them, Shangguan Qi angrily scolded Xiyue, "Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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