Standing pretty old

Chapter 102 Unexpected

Chapter 102 Unexpected
The Eagles requested a timeout, and Woodson handed over the last chance to attack to Jon Jonson.

Ruan Erniu is not dissatisfied, because he has almost never systematically trained 3-pointers since he learned basketball.

After two crossovers, Jon Jonson was the first to run out.

Tyronn Lue throws the inline, and Jon Jonson catches the ball, looking at his watch and dribbling the ball in small steps.

Tony Allen was sent in to defend the final play.

8, 7, 6...

The eclipse suddenly moved forward and made a high-quality pick-and-roll.

囧囧sen got rid of Tony Allen's defense, facing Pierce who was one step away from him, he really shot...


The basket denied the shot, but Ruan Erniu gave the ball to Tyronn Lue on the far end.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu raised his hand and shot 3 points...


Again, Ruan Erniu was pushed into the penalty area by Garnett at this time, but inexplicably picked up the basketball again.

He jumped back with both feet, out of the 3-point line, and pushed the ball with his right arm high...


The basketball didn't hit the basket, but hit the backboard heavily.

Rondo got the rebound, but it didn't mean anything because the timer's red light came on before the ball hit the backboard.

Rondo threw the ball hard into the air, and the Celtics finally won the game.

100:103, no one would have thought that the game would be so intense before the game.

The Eagles are a young team. They were able to fight the Big Three to the last moment, which can be said to have subverted the perception of countless people. This young team is using its own way to enter the field of vision of basketball fans all over the world.

"Hey, people from the Celestial Dynasty, is this your throat-cutting kill?" Of course, the villain KG would not let go of this opportunity to taunt his opponent.

Ruan Erniu gave him a cold look, turned around and went back to the locker room without saying a word.

Er Niu's clenched right hand was almost bleeding. He hated losing, especially the opponent he really wanted to beat.

A CBS reporter interviewed KG after the game and asked him his opinion on the Hawks rookie.

Garnett said solemnly: "This is a difficult game, and the Chinese are a difficult opponent. Although this kid is an annoying guy, you have to admit that he is destined to be recorded in history. Humanoid. But the 'now' doesn't belong to him yet!"

The arrogant KG can say such words, which shows how much threat Ruan Erniu brings to the Celtics.

Ruan Erniu returned to the visiting team's locker room and sat alone in the corner.

囧囧sen was not a talkative person in the first place, so he also sat alone on the side.

The two leaders remained silent at the same time, causing the entire team to fall into an inexplicable atmosphere.

Mike Woodson wanted to say a few words, but he didn't say anything in the end, and turned around to deal with the post-match press conference first.

The first one who couldn't stand this atmosphere was Josh Smith.

Lunar Eclipse was dissatisfied and yelled at Marvin Williams: "Do you know how many points you let KG score? 27 points! Do you know how many rebounds you let KG grab? 19!"

Ma Wen, an honest man, was not to be outdone and said, "But I scored 14 points and my shooting percentage exceeded 60%. There was a man who made 10 shots and only hit 3 of them!"

"Fxxx, do you want to fight?" Lunar Eclipse jumped up immediately, and Marvin stood up without daring to show weakness.

Just when everyone thought that a big battle was inevitable, Ruan Erniu rushed out.

Pushing Yue Eclipse down on the chair, he looked at Marvin closely and said, "Sit back for me, do you hear me?"

Marvin Williams looked at this murderous man, didn't dare to talk nonsense, and sat back obediently, as if the angry man had never appeared before.

Ruan Erniu turned his head to Moon Eclipse and said, "Be quiet!"

Afterwards, he let go of the hand that was pressing on the moon eclipse, and slowly retreated to his position.

Er Niu glanced around and said in a low tone: "We lost, yes, this is a fact that cannot be concealed anyway. But so what? This is just one of the 82 regular season games. Don't we Didn't we lose last season? The important thing is that we fought to the last moment, we died with the last drop of blood.

Since this is the case, what reason do we have to give up on ourselves.Failure is not terrible, the fear of failure is the real terrible thing.What about the vaunted cosmic invincibility of the Big Three?We only lost them by 3 points.Look at their faces after the game, they just had better luck than us.

Guys, we're a team with a purpose and a vision, and this is just a small setback on our way to success.Tell me, will you be upset by this? "

"NO!" 囧囧sen roared.

"NO!" Eclipse and Marvin shouted at the same time.

"NO!" The entire locker room uttered their unyielding voice for fate.

"Brothers, let us walk out of the North Shore Garden with our heads held high. Next time we come here, we will surely take away a victory from here!" Ruan Erniu raised his right hand and shouted, "HAWKS!" (Hawks name)





When Mike Woodson returned to the locker room, the atmosphere in the team took on a new look. The team seemed to get rid of the haze quickly and was full of fighting spirit again!
"What happened?" Woodson asked Larry Drew beside him.

Drew pointed to Ruan Erniu with a smile, and said, "Our new leader has just held an internal meeting, unified his thinking, and mobilized morale."

Woodson nodded in satisfaction, and then lowered his voice worriedly and said, "Larry, if things go on like this, my head coach may be fired at any time. After all, the bosses will try their best to reduce costs!"

After speaking, the two burst out laughing.

Lost?So what, the season is still long and this is just the beginning.

Ruan Erniu, who scored 27 points and 25 rebounds in this game, was the biggest gain for the Eagles. The new "Eagle King" proved with his actual performance that he is a leader who can fight tough battles.

The Eagles took the bus to the airport, and then flew directly back to Atlanta.

Two days later, they will face their next opponent at home, the Washington Wizards. After a big battle, they have no time to stay and urgently need to go home to rest.

And you can also sleep on the plane first, which belongs to the self-contained skill package of NBA players.

When Ruan Erniu returned home, it was already the early morning of the next day.

So, Erniu continued to catch up on sleep, and several hours passed. After waking up, Ruan Erniu found that today is Saturday, and the team did not arrange training, so he decided to go to the next door to find Dr. Han to hang out. Not available.

Thinking of this, Ruan Erniu started calling his cell phone.

He found a problem, the mobile phone was in arrears.

"Damn AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph Company), the company that has a relationship with the Spurs is really unreliable!" Ruan Erniu vented helplessly. (The name of the Spurs' home arena is AT&T Center)

After much deliberation, Ruan Erniu decided to take the initiative to knock on Han Meimei's door.

Er Niu, who did what he said, walked quickly to the apartment next door, after ringing the doorbell twice.

A young Chinese man wrapped in a bath towel and wiping his head with a towel opened the door.

Ruan Erniu stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

In fact, he didn't want to say anything at this time, because a beast in his heart was roaring: "Fuck this bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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