Standing pretty old

Chapter 112 Who Belongs to Now

Chapter 112 Who Belongs to Now

Before the start of the game, the two teams submitted the starting list for the game:
Atlanta Hawks:
C Ruan Erniu

PF Marvin Williams
SF Josh Smith

SG Joe Johnson

PG Anthony Johnson

Tyronn Lue was truce due to injury in this game, and Axi Lao, who had been injured for several games, the Eagles could only put Old Johnson in the starting position.

San Antonio Spurs:

C Fabricio Oberto

PF Tim Duncan
SF Michael Finley
SG Bruce Bowen
PG Tony Parker
On the technical stage, Popovich and Woodson simply shook hands and greeted each other. Although the two of them were smiling, in fact, they were not thinking of anything good in their hearts.

Popovich: "What the hell? It's just that you have a great rookie, you 'wooden man' still hasn't grown!"

Woodson: "Without Duncan, you are nothing now, old guy, it's my turn to take over!"

By the way, the above picture is caused by fans' brains, and does not represent the views of the parties...

Ruan Erniu succeeded in jumping the ball!Facing Oberto, whose bullet speed was weaker than his own, Ruan Erniu successfully defeated the 6-foot-10 Argentine.

Johnson dribbled the ball across half court and passed the ball to Jon Jonson.

"Crack!" Tony Parker judged the path of the ball and intercepted the ball without hesitation.

Then the Gaul sports car ran all the way, and scored the first point for the Spurs with a layup by an ordinary commoner who could no longer be ordinary.

It seems that Tony Parker, who is married to the "Housewife of Desire" - Eva Longoria, is not indulging in sex. peak period.

The old Johnson is obviously not his opponent.

In the next offensive round, Johnson finally handed the ball to Jon Jonson.

And the opposite of Jiongsen is none other than the nightmare of all forwards and guards in this league, a generation of black feet-Bruce Bowen, this guy's "great achievements" are simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

Vince Carter said he was a "murderer", Ray Allen said he didn't deserve to play at all, Iverson, Kobe, McGrady, Nash, Szczerbiak, etc. were all victims.Let's put it bluntly, from the first to the third position of the alliance, who can face this executioner calmly?Unless you want to end your career directly.

In fact, players in positions [-] and [-] may not necessarily be safe.In the playoffs, the "Uncle Bao", as the Chinese fans call him, also gave the Suns' Xidi (Stodamire) black feet several times in matchups, which almost caused a group fight.

Even better, the tabloids said that the Spurs have always had a secret account.Once Bowen is fined for a malicious foul, all the fines will be paid from this account. This is the real reason why Bowen dared to attack those All-Star players again and again.

How to comment on Bowen, a player who is so dirty that he is famous all over the world?
Michael * Finley, the former leader of the Mavericks, has the best say: "I hated Bruce so much when I was in the Mavericks, I wanted to kill him. But after I got to the Spurs, I am very glad that I have such a teammate!"

And now Jiongsen, who is facing Bowen directly on the field, also feels tremendous pressure. He is very uncomfortable when he holds the ball with his back and is pushed by Bowen's black elbow.

In a hurry, Jiongsen turned over and made a jump shot.Before landing, Jon Jisen made a movement of shrinking his feet intentionally or unintentionally. He was too aware of the destructive power of Bowen's black feet.

"Bang!" Hitting the iron was expected. Fortunately, Ruan Erniu grabbed the offensive rebound and made up the ball against Oberto.

Duncan received the ball from a high position, and after a tentative step, he easily shook off Marvin Williams and hit a jumper with 2 points.

Ruan Erniu successfully hit Oberto with a low-post catch. After a half-body feint, he cut into the inside in the opposite direction, and dunked successfully before Daidai's defense was in place.

Parker passed Anthony Johnson smoothly and gave the ball to Finley, who was three points away, one of the former Jordan successors, and hit this 3-pointer.

Facing Bowen's defense, Jiong Jisen made another shot. Ruan Erniu bravely grabbed the offensive rebound and passed the ball to the unguarded Moon Eclipse, who made a mid-range shot.

"Beep!" Popovich hurriedly called a timeout. During this time, the Spurs' top man defense was very poor, and their protection for the inside was obviously not enough.

From the side, this is also the performance of Ruan Erniu's rebounding strength exceeding their previous estimates.

"Protect the basket, don't give that XX rookie a chance to be presumptuous!" Popovich is not always gentle and polite.The old man turned on the blower mode, which made the players shudder.

The timeout ended and the Spurs started their rotation early.This is also one of the necessary charters of team basketball for the Spurs. In their philosophy, the role of stars is secondary, and a team with ten players will always be more stable than a team with six or seven players.

Replacing Oberto was Matt Bonner, a finance major with only one B in his entire college career and all A's in other grades.

He could have gone to Wall Street to find a decent and easy-to-earn job, but the Red Mamba, who loves to shoot 3-pointers, finally chose to stay in the Spurs to be a quiet and handsome man.

Occasionally grab the limelight of GDP, and do some coquettish careers of scoring 21 points in a single game.

Most of the time, he waits alone, seeking the opportunity to end the game with a 3-pointer at a critical moment.

The nickname of the Red Mamba is a joke on the surface, but it is actually a compliment.

Sure enough, the mamba is poisonous!Bonner hit a goal from outside the 3-point line as soon as he came on the court. Now the problem is Ruan Erniu. Do you want to save it?If it is saved, who will protect the Hawks' backcourt rebounds?

After Bonner hit his second 3-pointer, Woodson called a timeout.

Just when all the generals of the Eagles thought that Woodson would go into a rage, the black servant was uncharacteristically calm and laid out a defensive strategy on the tactical board.

In fact, those sketchy lines mean little to the players.

What really surprised them was that Woodson, who had never been good at making substitutions, started the rotation early. He replaced Marvin Williams with Zaza Pachulia and instructed him to mark Bonner.

Then he smiled at Ruan Erniu: "Do you want to fight directly with the best insider in the league? Tell me, are you worse than him?"

Ruan Erniu said firmly: "No, I will definitely be stronger than him!"

Woodson suppressed his smile, clenched his fist and hit Ruan Erniu on the shoulder: "Prove it to me!"

Popovich saw Woodson's substitution for the first time. He held his chin with great interest, thinking about the opponent's tactics.

"Does the 'wooden man' know that he has changed, or is he really so confident in the Chinese rookie?"

Ruan Erniu wanted to get to the basketball in the low post. Behind him was neither Bonner nor Oberto.

In this game, the Celestials faced Duncan for the first time.

Ruan Erniu didn't use any tricks, he raised his buttocks and chiseled in.

After squeezing Deng Daidai, he dunked with both arms, and Yan dunked the opponent.

"Old man, it belongs to me now!"

Ruan Erniu looked at Duncan who got up, and made a bodybuilder-style biceps display.

At 29:29, the two teams tied in the first quarter...

(End of this chapter)

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