Standing pretty old

Chapter 126 The Internet Tycoon Who Has Been in the NBA

Chapter 126 The Internet Tycoon Who Has Been in the NBA
"Kraft, who do you think is the business core of Team Yao?" Ouyang Haotian asked with a smile.

Ruan Erniu thought for a while and said, "The answer is definitely not Zhang Mingji. I guess this person should be Bill Duffy, right?"

Ouyang Haotian nodded and said: "That's right, this person must and must be Bill Duffy, the so-called 'business model' of the Chicago Business School, the so-called packaging of the domestic brokerage team, these are actually secondary.

Only Bill Duffy is really opening up the business avenue for Yao Ming!Do you know what that means? "

Ruan Erniu refused: "You don't want me to fire Leon Ross, do you? I can't promise you that!"

Ouyang Haotian was not in a hurry to speak, and after taking another sip of tea, he said slowly: "I know you will never fire Leon Ross now, but I dare to predict that this CAA manager will not follow suit sooner or later." Follow your footsteps."

Afterwards, Ouyang Haotian smiled again: "It's getting late, let's be more specific. I have prepared some domestic endorsements for you, and I will send them to you by express delivery later. You have made your choice." After that, you can call me. During this time, I will temporarily stay in Los Angeles. If necessary, I will fly to Atlanta immediately."

Ruan Erniu asked, "Are you in a hurry to go back to Los Angeles these two days?"

Ouyang Haotian said: "Do you have something to do?"

Ruan Erniu nodded and smiled, "Since you want to be my partner, I happen to have a big deal here that I want to discuss with you..."


"Kraft, the man has arrived, and I sent his number to your mobile phone. Although I don't understand what you are going to do, I did my best this time!" Josh Childress said on the phone .

"Thank you, buddy, I will give you my signature pair of sneakers!" Ruan Erniu said on the other end of the phone.

On November 2007, 11, Ruan Erniu welcomed two guests in his rented apartment.

One is of course Ouyang Haotian whom we met last night, and the other is Brian Acton, a college alumnus of Josh Childress.

An ordinary Silicon Valley woman, after taking off the coat, a typical T-shirt + denim.

Of course, there might be something wrong with insisting that Brann Acton is **.After all, he was vice president of engineering at Yahoo a few months ago.However, this was before he left office.

Now Acton is an unemployed person. Not long ago, he went to an interview with FACEBOOK, which is booming. It is a pity that he did not have the opportunity to meet Zuckerberg, because he was eliminated before that.

This 35-year-old white man, just like his growing hairline, is experiencing his own crisis in his prime.

"Hey, Mr. Ruan, even though your homemade Chinese food is delicious, I still have to say that my next job must be in Silicon Valley, not a restaurant!" Brian Acton said after wolfing it down.

Ruan Erniu and Ouyang Haotian looked at each other and said, "Actually, I asked my teammate Josh to ask many of his Stanford alumni for help, but I think you are the most suitable candidate!"

Acton wiped his mouth with a tissue and said casually, "The reason? Because I was rejected by Facebook just now?"

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "No, the reason is that you are the only one who has enough qualifications but is unemployed at home!"

Acton's face changed suddenly, and finally said helplessly: "It's really an unpleasant but irrefutable reason."

Ouyang Haotian on the side suddenly asked: "Brian, why did you choose to leave Yahoo?"

After thinking for a while, Acton said: "Because Yahoo can't give me the space to display my talents, they have entered a dead end, especially, they have personally cultivated their competitor Google to where it is today."

Ruan Erniu continued: "So, you want to find a space where you can display your talents, not another job in the IT industry. If you want to get another job, Chinese restaurants may not be a good choice. !"

Acton said bluntly: "Okay! Mr. Ruan, let's talk about something practical. As a famous NBA star, what do you want me to do?"

Ruan Erniu put down the chopsticks in his hand, picked up his iPhone and said, "Do you use Apple's mobile phone now?"
Acton shook his head and said: "No, I personally prefer to use Nokia. I have also tried IPHONE, but I personally don't have so much demand for the movement of mobile phones. I still prefer mobile phones with stable signals. In fact, IPHONE It is not the first smartphone in the world, Motorola launched the A2000 in 6188! Of course, at present, Motorola and Nokia have been left behind by Apple in the field of smartphones.”

Ruan Erniu nodded and said: "That's right, the iteration speed of mobile phones is astonishing. I am personally optimistic about the future mobile terminal. This may be the future development direction of the entire Internet!"

Acton is amazed that an NBA player has such a business vision. Whether he is right or not, at least he has such an idea, which is amazing in itself.

Could it be this man named Steven who gave him an idea?Brian Acton guessed.

However, Ruan Erniu didn't give him too many chances to think, and immediately said: "Have you used SKYPE?"

"You might as well just say whether you are an alien or not. What does this have to do with our topic? Wait, you mean..." Acton is not an idiot, and it is impossible for many years of IT elites to be insensitive to the industry At this point, he had already guessed a little bit of Ruan Erniu's thoughts.

"But how can you be sure that Jobs will let your application appear in his IOS system?" Acton asked immediately.

Ruan Erniu said very irresponsibly: "I don't know, it is said that the Apple tyrant is moody, and I don't know whether he will release IOS applications. I am betting on the trend, a trend that is very likely to fail. , Brian, would you like to take a gamble with me?"

"Crazy, you must be crazy!" Brian Acton kept shaking his head.

The legend in the IT world wrote in his future autobiography: "The Kraft Nguyen I first met was neither a sports star nor a superstar in the IT world. If I had to find a comparison, the guy hanging around The man who cooks Chinese food in the neck chef skirt may be more like a Chinese food chef. I didn't know until this guy told me to make an app that all my previous judgments were wrong.

But even so, I don't want to cover up. At least at that time, Kraft's poor business negotiation skills were ridiculous. God knows how he got Johnny Han before.Fortunately, Steven is assisting him now.

Sometimes, you have to admit that some people should become leaders at the right time, even if he has never been a layman, even if he knows neither programming nor business management. "

The famous American entrepreneur John Rockefeller once said: "Only the paranoid can succeed!"

Once Ruan Erniu made up his mind to come to the "gambling table", he would be paranoid enough to bet on a future trend.

This point was determined during his communication with Trump on the plane that day!

PS: In fact, besides the alternative title of "Ultimate Low-Position Killer", this book also has an alternative title of "Internet Tycoon Who Mixed in the NBA".I finally wrote this place, well, I can say for sure, the past two are not watery at all!Yes, it is like that!
(End of this chapter)

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