Standing pretty old

Chapter 133 The Philadelphia Story

Chapter 133 The Philadelphia Story
"So you are depressed?" Doctor Han said with a smile to Ruan Erniu who was setting the tableware in the main hall.

When there is no long-distance road trip, Han Meimei comes to Ruan Erniu's house for dinner, which gradually becomes a routine thing in life.

Reasons can be various, such as the discussion of Ruan Daniu and Fiona's relationship, such as the latest work status of Han Lei in Boston, there is really no reason, and Ruan Erniu can also find reasons such as improving neighbor relations to ask Han Meimei came to eat at home.

Even Ruan Erniu can't tell what kind of relationship he has with Dr. Han. They should have passed the state of being unlucky lovers long ago, but they have never established a definite relationship between men and women.

"MAY, I don't have time to be depressed. The December competition is about to start. Since I have lost the November POM, I will try my best to pursue the December one!" Ruan Erniu tidied up the tableware and laid out the dinner Put it on the table and said.

Dr. Han helped to put the borscht in the middle, and then said: "Recently, housing prices have fallen again, and I don't know what the future of the American economy will be. Er Niu, do you think Chinese people like us will return to China collectively in the future? develop!"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said: "Then I must say on behalf of the people of the Celestial Dynasty: 'Welcome to the motherland!' However, to be honest, there is no need to be too pessimistic about the future of the United States. Weakness is certain. However, there is a saying in the Celestial Dynasty As the saying goes: 'A dead camel is bigger than a horse!'”

Han Meimei squinted her eyes coquettishly, and questioned: "After becoming an NBA star and investing in Internet companies, are you now an economist?"

Ruan Erniu stuffed a portion of peas into his mouth, and after chewing and swallowing, he replied unhurriedly: "If the capital has not been withdrawn from the United States, there is still hope for the United States. In my opinion, the future of the United States remains the same. wonderful!"


On November 11, U.S. time, the Eagles embarked on a flight to Philadelphia. They were going to challenge the 3ers without AI.

The generals of the Eagles on the plane started the mode of talking about mountains as usual.Er Niu concluded: This is the daily nonsense of NBA stars.

Lunar Eclipse, who performed well recently, first said: "Philadelphia is a city with a long history, so as the only college student of history in the team, can you introduce this city to us?"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "Hey, J-Smoove, I'm from the Celestial Dynasty, why do you need me to teach you Americans?"

Zaza Pachulia, who was not much involved in the speech, interjected: "I'm a Georgian, so, Kraft, your reasons don't make sense!"

Er Niu shook his head and said: "Okay, then let me talk about Philadelphia in history! This can be said to be the birthplace of American civilization. According to the textbook, there are at least three major significances for the entire country of America:
First: In September 1774 and May 9, the first and second North American Continental Conferences were held here; second: On July 1775, 5, representatives from 1776 North American colonies signed the The programmatic document of American independence, the Declaration of Independence, announced that the North American colonies would separate from the Three Lions and become an independent and free United States of America; the third: In the summer of 7, 4 representatives from HSD Franklin, Madison, and Hamilton held a constitution-making meeting here The meeting drafted and passed the 13 U.S. Constitution, which stipulates that the U.S. is a federal state, adopting the principle of separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers, and mutual checks and balances.

Well, that’s about it. I don’t think my endorsement ability has declined, at least I haven’t embarrassed my alma mater UCLA! "

Following Er Niu's long narrative, the entire Eagles applauded their leader.From the point of view of these well-developed guys, being able to memorize such a large paragraph of text is simply a miracle.

Acie Law, who has just returned from injury, said: "Actually, the Philadelphia I influenced all came from a movie "The Philadelphia Story". If I remember correctly, Tom Hanks won the first place in his life with this." An Oscar for Best Actor!"

Jon Jonson also said: "That's right, it's the pride of our black people who acted opposite him - Denzel *HSD Moon Eclipse echoed: "Hey!If I were half as handsome as Denzel, I'd be in Hollywood too! "

Marvin Williams struck at the side: "Unless Hollywood film companies dare to lose money and do business, you will never have a bright future!"

The lunar eclipse immediately fought with the guy who demolished himself, and then the circle of standing expanded rapidly...

After a while, the quarrelsome people took back the topic, and they were about to start studying their opponents at night.

Ruan Erniu looked at the player profile of the 76ers and said to Jiongsen beside him: "Anyway, Iguodala is yours, there is no doubt about it."

But Jon Jonson spread his hands and said, "I'm sorry, you guessed wrong. If there is no accident, Willie Green is my opponent, and Iguodala should be facing our J-Smoove."

Ruan Erniu nodded and continued to look at the information in his hand. Suddenly, he saw a very familiar face, but he couldn't name it for a while.

After a while, he asked his teammates again: "This guy named Andre Miller, does he have any relatives in China?"

囧囧sen didn't understand, so he asked, "Why do you ask that?"

Ruan Erniu said casually: "It's nothing, I just think this guy looks familiar!"

Er Niu didn't answer directly, because he already had the answer in his heart. This Andre Miller and a famous Hong Kong female artist - Mo Wenwei really hit each other.

Larry Drew said to Er Niu: "Why do you care so much about the 76ers' guards? Your opponent is this Haitian named Dalembert."

Er Niu nodded, glanced at the opponent's height and technical characteristics, and said that he could handle it.

By the way, Er Niu also took a look at the usual starting candidate for the 76ers' power forward position.

What's the situation with such a idiot face with a strong sense of sight?And think of Marvin Williams with his perpetually grim face.Thinking about it this way, the most interesting match against the 76ers should be the duel at the power forward position.

Reggie Evans, in general, should be a weaker offensive version of Marvin Williams with slightly stronger rebounds.However, Er Niu believes that Marvin should still be slightly better than Evans if it is just a competition of appearance.

Er Niu doesn't know at the moment that in a few years, the rebounding idiot will also have a lot of popularity among the Tianchao fans.

On the evening of December 12, everyone from the Eagles came to the Wachovia Center Arena.

Iguodala had a warm exchange with Jon Jonsen before the game.Don't look at Jiongsen who doesn't talk much at ordinary times, but his friends are all over the league. Although Er Niu succeeded in taking the position, he also has to admit that he still needs to learn from Jiongsen in terms of making friends.

(End of this chapter)

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