Standing pretty old

Chapter 158 Can be defeated but cannot be defeated

Chapter 158 Can be defeated but cannot be defeated

"Calm down, think about your usual rigorous training and dedication, what if the Chinese scored 20+10 in a single quarter, they are only leading by 6 points.

Kraft Nguyen shot 70% in the first quarter, which is not normal, he has a lot of mid-range shots, and then he will definitely miss more shots, cheer me up, he first quarter There is no assist, which proves that our defense is successful!
Continue to implement, strengthen the defense, lock the inside line, we will definitely win! "

Jerry Sloan is worthy of his nickname of "iron nose". Facing the explosive Ruan Erniu, he did not waver in the slightest, and unswervingly arranged his defensive strategy.

Hawks bench, Woodson was very quiet, neither criticism nor praise.

"Starting to pretend to be superior again?" the generals of the Eagles couldn't help thinking.

The next moment, Woodson said to Ruan Erniu: "Kraft, you have unlimited firepower in this game!"

Ruan Erniu was stunned for a moment, then said confidently: "So I didn't have this right before?"

Woodson smiled and ticked his fingers at him. As soon as Ruan Erniu leaned down, Woodson patted his head and said, "Would you talk to me like this before today?"

囧囧sen also said on the side: "Although I don't know what happened to you, but I think you are quite handsome today!"

Moon Eclipse pouted and said, "It's just a little worse than my uncle!"

But Marvin said: "Well, I can only guarantee that I am a little more handsome than J-Smoove. Kraft, you don't have to care about someone's opinion!"

Childress pointed at his afro and said, "Kraft, you still lack a reliable hairstyle!"

Sheldon Williams touched his chin and said, "Or grow a nice beard?"


Ruan Erniu looked around, and his eyes drifted past Dr. Han's direction again.

Han Meimei happened to give him a positive look. Even though the Philips Arena was noisy enough, Er Niu still felt that his heart was infinitely peaceful!
This is an indescribable feeling, Ruan Erniu feels that at this moment, he is the center, he is the omnipotent existence.

He smiled and said to his teammates: "Don't you guys have any objections? I stole your right to shoot!"

囧囧sen patted him on the shoulder and said: "Of course the opinion is very big, so we decided to ask you to reimburse the money for the supper tonight!"

Ruan Erniu gave him a high five: "deal!"





It was just the players shouting at first, and soon the fans joined in, and the entire Philips Arena became devilish.

At this moment, the Jazz seem to be in a garden-like home court on the North Shore of Boston. Is this still the home court of Atlanta, which is notoriously unpopular?
Listening to the shouts of the fans in the audience, the hearts of the Jazz players are by no means as relaxed as the expressions on their faces.

Jerry Sloan said to the assistant coach Ty Corbin strangely: "When did Atlanta change?"

Corbin spread his hands and said, "Maybe the Eagles have risen this season? Jerry, do you really think we'll continue to implement the strategy of defending Kraft Nguyen alone?"

Sloan said firmly: "Even if the Celestials go crazy this time, I will not change my strategy. This is just a regular season. Losing is not terrible. What is terrible is shaking my heart!"

Another assistant coach, who is also a long-time friend of Sloan-Phil Johnson, said: "Yes, we can be defeated, but we must not be defeated!"

Sloan is stubborn and tenacious enough, but the gap in strength cannot be made up by these things.

Ruan Erniu, who hadn't played yet, was stopped by the commentator Dominique Wilkins on the sidelines: "Kraft, I think you will definitely do something that makes me regret and hurt today!"

Ruan Erniu asked in confusion: "Remorse? Pain? Nick, what does this mean?"

Wilkins did not answer his question, but said bluntly: "But if you really do it, I will definitely be crazy for you, so do everything you can to compete!"

Ruan Erniu smiled and made an OK gesture, and came to the court confidently.

Paul Millsap continued to guard Ruan Erniu. He instinctively felt the danger. Today's Celestial Man is like a waking beast, which may kill him at any time, before he realizes it at a certain moment!

Er Niu wanted to be in the inside line. After half-turning and making a fake shot, he went inside and faced Carlos Boozer with a ground-breaking dunk.

As strong as Boozer, he was knocked out by Ruan Erniu.

Not only that, but today's referee on duty also has the meaning of a complete Chinese man. Although the whistle sounded late, it was better than nothing.

"Beep!" The ball is scored, and a penalty is added!

Ruan Erniu is on the bottom line, showing off his strong biceps.

The Celestial Man is really going crazy, and no one can stop him!
The Jazz's bench, an angry Sloan jumped up. He felt that the referee was looking for the home whistle after the confrontation, which was too unfair to the Jazz.

However, the referee who was sprayed with anger did not give the famous coach face.

"Beep!" The whistle sounded again, and Jerry Sloan took a "T"!
Phil Johnson quickly grabbed Sloan. Although there is no Ruby God of War card (red card) on the basketball court, this does not mean that the team's head coach will not be expelled!
Ruan Erniu's free throw percentage this season is 78.3%, but he is not actually the team's top free throw shooter.

As the team's regular free thrower, Jiong Jisen generously gave up this opportunity to Er Niu.

Ruan Erniu lived up to expectations and scored the 1 point.

"I've had enough rest! Let me play, sir!" Deron Williams pulled the towel off his head and fell to the ground.

Jerry Sloan looked at D-Will with a determined face, gave his lover a thumbs up in his heart, but still said rigidly: "Don't give me another chance to replace you in advance!"

Deron Williams nodded, high-fived Jason Hart, and stepped back onto the court.

As soon as he came on the court, the little fat man was shaking the old Anthony Johnson. He made CROSSOVER from outside the three-point line in a row, and then quickly rushed to the inside.

Ruan Erniu happened to be blocked on the weak side by Millsap and Boozer.

Marvin Williams jumped up to block D-WILL, but Deron was one step faster, and he dunked the ball into the frame with a sideways hack.

A goal is scored, and a penalty is also added!
The little fat man beat his chest hard and roared wantonly!

He wants to use his actual actions to prove that the Utah Jazz are not a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and they will not lose the game so easily!

Woodson put on Van Maniac again.

But this can't solve the problem, Crazy Fan is too old, and his physical strength is not enough for him to keep up with the young and strong D-WILL.

Deron Williams faced the old ball ruffian who played himself in the first quarter and blasted his opponent in the simplest way.

The strong D-WILL used his body to carry the defense of Madman Fan, and went inside. After attracting Ruan Erniu's defense, he sent the ball to the middle, and Kirilenko who inserted from the back got the ball.

A chic and elegant one-handed dunk scored 2 points for the Jazz.

Sloan's "T" aroused the morale of the Jazz team. They didn't come to Atlanta to have fun.

This iron army will also prove themselves in their own way!

(End of this chapter)

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