Standing pretty old

Chapter 178 The Faith You Don't Know

Chapter 178 The Faith You Don't Know
Sports Weekly reporter Wang Meng based in Atlanta got the opportunity to interview Ruan Erniu immediately.

For American fans, this is just an ordinary regular season, but for Chinese fans, this regular season obviously has an unusual meaning.

Wang Meng asked: "Er Niu, the fans are very concerned about your first contest with Iverson. What do you think?"

Ruan Erniu recalled: "In 2001, I had already gone to a sports school, and the basketball team was next door. At that time, AI was really unstoppable. The big brothers on the basketball team and I supported the 76ers, but the Lakers More like a powerful villain!"

Wang Meng said with a smile: "It's a pity that reality is not a fairy tale. The winners are often villains, but that year was indeed Iverson's glory season. So, have you admired him?"

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said, "I have admired it, who can deny the greatness of AI?"

That being said, in fact, Ruan Erniu didn't take Allen Iverson seriously.

If Erniu was still the former fan Ruan Erniu, he would still regard AI as a god, but now Ruan Erniu is already a professional player.

Professional players have the eyes of professional players and must analyze their opponents from different angles.

It is true that as a big offensive weapon, Iverson cannot be ignored at any time.

Compared with Iverson's poor offensive efficiency, from the data point of view, as of 07, Iverson's average field goal per game has been lower than 45% all year round.

In contrast, let's take a look at the super giant who is also highly praised by the league-LeBron James. His average field goal percentage has not been lower than 45% in any season except for his rookie season.

If the efficiency value is compared, the gap between the two is even greater.Of course, Iverson's fans will not admit this. They always think that I, who is less than 183cm in height, am a legend in the NBA.

Things such as hit rate and efficiency value are things that the eunuchs are used to playing with. They don't know what idols are or what beliefs are.

Some sane Ai fans also raged: "Iverson has won four scoring titles, and has averaged more than 4 minutes per game all year round. Is this something that your orangutan can do?"

Yes, it is true that the average playing time per game exceeds 40 minutes all the year round. At first glance, he is simply a physical superman.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not right, because Iverson has a more fatal flaw than James and Kobe, he doesn't defend!
At this time, Ai Fen was about to stand up and rant again: "Blind the eyes of Gou Mi and Zhu Mi, didn't you see that I, Ai, won the steals king twice? This can be called defenseless!"

Yes, Iverson in the collection is always the best. After stealing the ball, he made a chic layup to score.

But in fact, due to his continuous gambling defense on the defensive end, the big loopholes caused by him gave opponents more open scoring opportunities.

In the 00-01 season, the reason why the 76ers were able to tenaciously pass through the obstacles of the teams in the East and finally reached the finals.

Although Iverson's scoring level cannot be questioned, Eric Snow's continuous filling defense is also an achievement that cannot be denied.

It is a pity that most fans only remember the AI ​​who staged a Jedi counterattack, but forget Eric Snow who silently supported him behind him.

After coming to the Nuggets, Iverson also never changed himself.Perhaps as far as he is concerned, he never needs to change, because he is the unique Iverson.

A ball in hand, I have the world!

He is the eternal "I Ai" in the hearts of Chinese fans, but unfortunately, he is not a qualified leader of a championship team.

Ruan Erniu said to Wang Meng: "In fact, our opponent is not just an AI, and we will not conduct special defense against him. The contest with the Nuggets is a confrontation of the overall strength of the two teams. We want to Winning four in a row, that's the point."

Ruan Erniu was discussing tonight's opponent, the Denver Nuggets, with reporters from China. Now that the Nuggets have come to Atlanta, why not talk about this red-hot rookie from China.

"LeBron is a little too gentle with this Chinese man. He shouldn't be too polite to these yellow-skinned monkeys who are trying to steal our jobs."

"Come on, Melo, you are just talking big off the court. If you are willing to pay the fine for me, I can help you beat him up."

"You are so courageous, why don't you just give him a shot when you find an opportunity? The game is the game, don't get involved in those messy things. Of course, if the opponent dares to use dirty tricks, we must fight back." Ivor Even if Sen came to the Nuggets, he was still the boss, and no one dared to be presumptuous in front of him.

Carmelo Anthony, nicknamed "Melon," don't be fooled by the nickname.The star who grew up in the slums of Baltimore grew up in a mixed environment.

Anthony grew up in such an environment, and he naturally had friends from gangsters. Even in his personal DVD, the notorious drug lord - Stewart appeared.

This "melon" is a bit poisonous, and Anthony himself was arrested by the police for possession of marijuana.

And his good teammate and friend in the Nuggets-JR Smith, is even more not a good guy.He once drove illegally and killed his friend.

He also wore a headscarf with a strong gang color all the year round.Although he never talked about this in the media, if one day JR* Smith appeared at a party of a certain American gang, it would definitely be a purely normal thing.

Don't look at it, Anthony and JR Smith are two guys who are very powerful, but compared with Iverson, they are still somewhat unqualified.Why do you say that, please read the following story:
One day during training camp for the Athens Olympics, Iverson was puzzled to find Marbury afraid to leave his hotel room.

Iverson later discovered that Marbury had provoked the girlfriend of a notorious drug dealer who had already slapped Marbury twice in public, once in a club and once in a hotel lobby.

The celebrity "Puff Daddy" in the American entertainment industry was also there at the time. He tried to act as a mediator and suggested that Marbury and the drug dealers should fight each other on the street.

After Iverson learned about it, he asked his men to communicate with the drug dealers.

It ended up being, the drug dealer whispered, "I didn't know he was a friend of Mr. Iverson's."

So, that's how it happened.

The reason why Iverson can hold down the two mixed people, Anthony and JR* Smith, is because he is also a ruthless character.

Iverson's trench head leads the trend of the times, but as far as his personal life is concerned, there is really not much worth learning.

After earning a lot of money, let a group of cronies spend it recklessly, and after making himself bankrupt, he even asked his ex-wife for money to buy a hamburger, and the scene was still in the divorce court. (Iverson still has other property, but there is no cash on hand at the time)

In any case, this man's skills and style of play may become the object of worship of countless basketball fans.But in other respects, this is definitely not an object worth studying.

Well, things on the basketball court will be resolved on the basketball court.No matter how legendary the news stories off the court are, on the court, only the stronger side will be the winner.

On the night of January 1th, at Philips Arena, the Eagles played against the Denver Nuggets at their home court.

There are also many gangster friends in the Eagles. Lunar Eclipse said: "The current Nuggets can be renamed the Gangster!"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "So, today we will replace the police in Atlanta to enforce the law?"

(End of this chapter)

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