Standing pretty old

Chapter 183 Killing the Game

Chapter 183 Killing the Game

"Kraft, you did a good job, kicking the Denver man's ass!" Eddie Freeman behind the bench shouted at Ruan Erniu with his thin fist.

Er Niu turned around, punched the little fan, and then advised: "Eddie, don't speak foul words, do you hear me?"

"No problem, Kraft, continue to beat them hard, don't show mercy!"

Turning around, Ruan Erniu found that both his teammates and the coaching staff were surrounding him, as if they were waiting for his order.

Ruan Erniu said curiously to Woodson: "Mike, what are you doing just standing there? At this time, shouldn't we arrange tactics for us?"

Mike Woodson rolled his eyes and said angrily: "I am waiting for the head coach of the Atlanta Hawks, Mr. Kraft Ruan, to explain to us the tactical strategy for the last quarter."

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "Okay, okay, it's all my fault."

With that said, he stood up, pushed Woodson on the chair, then took the tactical board from Larry Drew, and respectfully handed it to Woodson.

The Eagles will surround Woodson, ready to listen to the coach's reprimand.

Woodson said unhurriedly: "Give the ball to Kraft, OVER!"

This black servant is getting more and more arrogant, but it makes sense to do so. With such a terrifying weapon as Kafu Ruan in his hand, what's the use of tactics?

In the league, besides Egghead, there is also a head coach named Mike in Cleveland.

His changeable and stylish glasses frame is also famous for his invariable tactical command. When it comes to critical moments, Mike Brown will say to the players without hesitation: "Give the ball to LeBron!"

Perhaps it was because the two black servants had a close communication in private when the Eagles went to Kecheng last time, and now Woodson has also learned this set of bad things.

It's just that Ruan Erniu has to fight for his life on the court and command off the court.

However, dialectically speaking, which super giant did not grow up like this?

A player who does not grab the coaching authority is by no means a good superstar.Without a bit of dominance and poisonous vegetable attributes, I am ashamed to say that I am a top star.

Even that nerd in San Antonio had a history of leaving Popovich behind and holding small meetings with his teammates.

"Don't worry, just continue at this pace, they can't play new tricks! This is both a test and an opportunity for us. Without Joe, we are still a competitive enough team! "

Ruan Erniu was smart enough that he would not arrange any tactics at this time.

If Woodson wants to do this kind of thing, he has already done it.

Now the two teams are holding back their energy, as if to win this game. In this case, pouring a bowl of chicken soup into it with all their might is more reliable than any tactic.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the two teams finally entered the fierce competition stage.

At the beginning of the game, Ruan Erniu elbowed Camby to the ground on the offensive end, which may be an unconscious action.

But even if Camby was not seriously injured, the generals of the Nuggets had already surrounded him.

Lunar Eclipse and Ma Wen are not good at each other, they guard Ruan Erniu on the left and right, and deal with the war that may expand at any time.

The referee and the coaching staff of the two teams immediately separated the players of the two teams.The on-duty referee gave Ruan Erniu a "T" after watching the replay repeatedly. For a star of Ruan Erniu's level, this fine is not painful at all.

In fact, in the confrontation just now, this guy Camby also tripped Er Niu.

Ruan Erniu seized Camby's "dizzy" state, turned on the berserk mode, and successfully singled Camby under the basket in the opening stage of the last quarter.

The score gap returned to more than 15 points, and George Karl requested a timeout.

The home fans piled up again, and no one could refuse the atmosphere of continuous winning.

Since the introduction of the Celestials, Atlanta's ball market has continued to boom.

After the timeout ended, Carmelo Anthony stood up. As the future and pillar of the team, he must show a convincing performance in the strong dialogue.

A three-pointer, a tentative step at the horn position, a flying eclipse, a low post back and a strong attack, reaching the basket and scoring 2+1.
Melon told everyone with his attitude that the Nuggets have not given up hope.

This was destined to be a tragic game. Childress was hit with a nosebleed, and Najera's arm was scratched by someone.

The whistle sounded again and again, and the game was interrupted again and again.

Interestingly, the rhythm of the game is often interrupted, but the enthusiasm of the fans has not waned at all.

In such a hot-blooded environment, yelling and swearing are the most hearty and dripping ways to vent.

Ruan Erniu faintly felt that he was about to win the super data again, but he didn't have time to care about it for the time being.

The Nuggets deserve to be a good player in disrupting battles,
100:108, after a fierce battle, the gap between the two teams is only 8 points. For the Nuggets who are good at 3 points, it is by no means impossible to catch up.

There are still more than 3 minutes in the time, and no one dares to say that the overall situation is settled.

"J-Smoove, defend the shot, don't guard against the rush, stick to Cameron, don't give him a chance to shoot at will, I will protect the basket behind you!"

"Josh, don't give JR too much room to shoot, his shooting percentage is declining, you are doing a good job!"

"Tai Lun, don't you need me to say more?" Ruan Erniu finally said to Lu.

Tyronn Lue said with a smile: "No problem, I will definitely not make Allen feel better."

With the end of the final advertising pause, Ruan Erniu led the Eagles to start a decisive battle.

The Nuggets have the ball, and Melon continues to play the role of the Nuggets savior today.

Strictly speaking, the eclipse's post defense has been achieved to the extreme, but Melon still forcibly hits a 3-pointer with a difficult fadeaway shot.

03 The weakest of the three golden heroes, if you only look at the offensive end, this evaluation is really unfair to Melon.

In the Hawks' offensive round, Ruan Erniu made two consecutive feints in the high position, then went directly to the basket and scored with a dunk.

Camby's D-POY relies on his excellent defensive ability and block data bonus.

As far as single defense ability is concerned, he is definitely not the top player in the league.

Ruan Erniu can even beat O'Neal and Duncan, so how could he be easily blocked by Camby.

The two teams continued their intense competition. If one team scored, the other team would definitely score.Conversely, if one team successfully defends the opponent, the other team can in turn limit the attacker.

There is less than one minute left in the game, 1:110, the Nuggets have the ball.

Iverson staggered through Tyronn Lue's defense, faced Ruan Erniu and Marvin's supplementary defense, and passed the ball to Najera who was hiding on the weak side, and the latter wittily wiped the board Score.

112:115, with 35 seconds left to attack, defend the Hawks and score another goal, the Nuggets still have the possibility of a comeback.

Ruan Erniu made an unexpected move at this time. After receiving the baseline ball from Tyronn Lue, he neither called a timeout nor passed it back to Lue, but directly dribbled the ball towards the Nuggets halftime.

not good? !
By the time the Nuggets reacted, Ruan Erniu had already jumped inside the free throw line!

I don't think about it!

Camby and Melon jumped up at the same time, and they wanted to stop the Celestial Man!

what! ?

In the next second, Erniu's body slid past the defense of the two like plasticine. After a mid-air fold, Ruan Erniu dunked successfully.

The Nuggets failed to hit a 3-pointer.

112:117, the game ended.

Ruan Erniu was surrounded again, and with the "Rain Man" dunk at the last moment, his final statistics were fixed at 41 points, 22 rebounds, and 13 assists.

The Celestials dominated the game again!

(End of this chapter)

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