Standing pretty old

Chapter 185 Undercurrent

Chapter 185 Undercurrent
After winning the game, the Eagles immediately caught a plane and flew back to Atlanta. Three days later, they still had a home game to play.

On the second day after returning to Atlanta, Ruan Erniu received good news. He once again won the POW (Player of the Week) in the Eastern Conference. From January 1th to January 13th, Ruan Erniu led the Hawks to consecutive victories. Bulls, Nuggets, Bucks, Raptors.The record of four victories last Thursday, coupled with the super average data of 1 points, 19 rebounds, and 33.1 assists per game, also makes Ruan Erniu's POW well deserved.

In the West, the player who got the POW is also a player produced by UCLA, the bearded Baron Davis of the Clippers. He led the team to a good result of 4 wins and 1 loss last week, with an average of 26.4 points, 5.4 rebounds, 6.8 assists.

For the Eagles, there is also good news that Jon Jonsen, who has a sprained ankle, will return in this game. In fact, Jon Jonsen himself said that he can go to Toronto to play, but the Eagles still let him stay quietly for the sake of safety. Rest in Atlanta.

Now the morale of the whole team is booming, and Jiong Jisen is indeed entitled to enjoy two more rare holidays.

This was something he couldn't have imagined when he led the immature Marvin Williams and Josh Smith alone two years ago.

Ruan Erniu made a special trip to visit him after returning to Atlanta. This cool guy is playing 2K games at home.

In the actual heads-up, it was already difficult to find a cheap Jijisen on Ruan Erniu, and he severely abused the popular fried chicken in the league in the game.On the contrary, it made Ruan Erniu very depressed.

"Kraft, I didn't expect you to be so good at playing games." Jiongjisen laughed.

"Hey, I'm just a novice. When I get familiar with the operation, I hope someone can still be so arrogant. However, I feel relieved to see that you are in a good mood." Ruan Erniu replied with a smile.

Jiongsen nodded and said, "Have you heard any rumors recently?"

Ruan Erniu shook his head and asked, "Rumor, I haven't heard of it, you mean... Billy Knight..."

"Do you know what date is the trading day deadline?"

Ruan Erniu quickly took out his mobile phone and began to search. While looking at the rules, he rummaged through the calendar: "The first Thursday after the All-Star Game is the 16th Thursday of each season. , that is to say... February 2th, less than a month away."

It's hard for Er Niu to describe Jiong Jisen's eyes at that moment, it seems to be looking forward, and it seems to be sighing.

Jon Jonson said: "As a veteran of the league, I have to give you a piece of advice. You have to get used to saying goodbye and accepting, because this is also part of the business."

Ruan Erniu nodded and said, "I've been mentally prepared for a long time, but I don't know if I can really accept it when it comes to this."

Jon Jonson smiled and said: "You will accept it, because you are destined to be the face of the team. Unless there is an accident, the Eagles will never trade you away."

Er Niu still shook his head and said, "Who can explain this kind of thing clearly. After all, business is business."

Compared with the last trade turmoil, the entire Eagles team is now very calm.

Except for leaders like Ruan Erniu and Jiongsen, no one else has heard the relevant news.

Everyone is working hard to prepare for their home opponent-the Portland Trail Blazers.

In the preseason, the Atlanta Hawks lost to the Portland Trail Blazers.This is the first time the two teams have met in the regular season this season.

It is foreseeable that this will inevitably be a game full of gunpowder.

Both teams are also youth teams, and the Portlanders are still struggling for a playoff spot. The competition in the West is too fierce.

However, after the Atlanta people got Ruan Erniu, they were directly promoted to the eastern powerhouse and became a team that could wrestle with the league's top teams.

With Ruan Erniu's performance becoming more and more terrifying this season, Trail Blazers general manager Kevin Pritchard has once again become the object of ridicule by the media.

No matter how he describes how powerful the Blazers are with Brandon Roy, LaMarcus Aldridge, and Greg Oden after Oden's comeback.

The reality is that the Celestials are already the number one center forward in the league in the eyes of most people, and Oden is still suffering from injuries, and he doesn't know when he will be able to realize his talent.

In this game, Pritchard did not personally supervise the battle, but he also gave the team coach Nate McMillan an order to win the Eagles.

On January 1, at the Philips Arena in Atlanta, the Hawks played against the Trail Blazers at home.

Ruan Erniu's opponent is 7 feet 1 inch (216MC) Joel Przibila.

This tall white man is obviously older, and lost to Erniu in the jump ball.

After playing for nearly half a season, Ruan Erniu also discovered that height is not an absolute advantage in the jump ball, and the speed of the ball is the most important.

Anthony Johnson took a break in this game, and Asi Law got the ball as the team's starter.

He dribbled the ball quickly across half court and passed it to Jon Jonson.

Facing Brandon Roy's defense, Jon Jonson made a feint, went straight to the basket, and scored a goal against Roy.

Steve Blake, who dribbled the ball across half court, also gave the ball to the team's point guard.

Roy didn't need to pick and roll. After breaking through, he made an emergency stop and pulled back, and then made a mid-range shot.

Ok?Did the two get the wrong script?
Under normal circumstances, it should be Jon Jonson who makes an emergency stop for a jumper, and Huang Mamba should be the one who breaks through the basket.

After the opening of the two league points, sparks were played.

Erniu didn't mean to attack in a hurry. After receiving the pass in the low post, he used his hip to compress the opponent's defensive space, and then passed back to Jiongsen immediately.

Jiongsen also lived up to Ruan Erniu's pass, and hit a 20-pointer from 2 feet away.

Huang Mamba still dribbled the ball unhurriedly, then suddenly accelerated and then changed his form, and then accelerated to the basket, causing a foul by Marvin Williams.

The whole process is like flowing water, and Huang Mamba's breakthrough rhythm is really good.

It's hard to think that this guy's knee was seriously injured in college, but does his frequent use of shifting and emergency stops really have no effect on his injury?
If it's on another team, it doesn't matter, but the team he stays now is the Portland Trail Blazers.

Blazers veterinarian... No, the professional level of the medical team is widely "touted" in the league. Although Roy's style of play is not violent, it will still have a considerable impact on his knees.

Most of the time in the first quarter of the game was the confrontation between Jiongsen and Huang Mamba.

Ruan Erniu even had time to chat with Aldridge: "Hey! LaMarcus, two guys have already regarded the game as their bullfighting performance, don't you have anything to say?"

Aldridge suddenly shook his head and said, "I don't talk to Taurus men, you guys are all liars."

Ruan Erniu is a bit baffled, so what if he is a Taurus?
During the intermission, Ruan Erniu talked about this topic with Tyronn Lu who was beside him.

Lu is worthy of being an old driver of the league, and he told the truth in one sentence: "Don't forget that guy in San Antonio is also a Taurus! Doesn't he cheat a lot of people?"

Ruan Erniu felt depressed for a while: "This Deng is too dumb, let's see how he has stimulated Aldridge. Isn't this ruining the reputation of Taurus?"

 Daidai is a Taurus, Garnett is also a Taurus, even Chris Paul is a Taurus, well, what did you find?
  Cong (JIAN) Ming (ZHA)!Ha~ha~ha~!

(End of this chapter)

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