Standing pretty old

Chapter 196 Defeat and Re-Chapter Los Angeles

Chapter 196 The Rout and Return to Los Angeles
A fiasco, a game with little room for resistance.

Maybe when the Atlanta people set foot on Phoenix land, they had already lost.

In this cold January, people in Phoenix are still walking on the street in short sleeves.

Although last year at this time, the people of Phoenix encountered snow that has never been encountered in decades, but this year, everything has returned to normal.

As the capital of Arizona, people in Phoenix are more accustomed to living in a summer-like environment.

As Jon Jonson, who spent almost the first four seasons of his career here, knows enough about Phoenix and the Suns.

"This is a team with a fast-breaking tradition. I believe many players on our team are impressed with them. Don't take it lightly because we won one game against them at the beginning of the season. At that time, the Suns' lineup was not complete.

What I also want to say is, don't be fooled by D'Antoni's "seven seconds theory", with Steve Nash, the Suns can complete an offense in less than 5 seconds.I have to drop the tempo down.Otherwise, we are likely to lose this game. "

Unfortunately, Jon Jonson's words did not attract the attention of the Hawks.

From the first quarter, they were pinned to the floor.

Ruan Erniu is not afraid of Xidi (Stoudemire, Amare Stoudemire), but the Eagles are completely lost in the stormy offense of the Suns.

With Stoudemire's powerful end point, Nash's passing power is even more terrifying. At 17:28, the Phoenix people lost the game in the first quarter.

After the start of the second half, Ruan Erniu also tried to lead the team to launch a counterattack.But in the face of the stormy attack wave of the Suns, the Atlanta native was quickly beaten to pieces.

Ma Liang (Marion Pinyin Liandu) made 6 of 6 shots in a single quarter and scored 13 points. His performance was amazing.

Even Grant Hill, a basketball genius who has almost been sentenced to death in his career by a doctor, also has a rapid increase in attendance with the help of the Sun medical team.

In this quarter, Hill made 4 of 4 shots and scored 11 points second only to Ma Liang.

After the end of the third quarter, the Eagles, who were behind by a large score, replaced all the main players.

Ruan Erniu's performance today can't be called not good. He played 3 quarters and scored 30+20 data, which is not bad.

But in the face of the Suns' wave after wave of offense, his personal efforts seemed very small.

Xi Di (Stoudemire) who played against Er Niu scored 24 points and 7 rebounds. Is his performance worse than Er Niu?
Absolutely not, because Xi Di made 11 of 10 shots in this game, and her shooting percentage was as high as 90%.

If you have to find one or two blame for this game.That 囧囧sen and the lunar eclipse are absolutely impossible to escape.


With such a successful and thorough undercover operation, even Ruan Erniu couldn't help but wonder if Jiong Jisen was bought by the Suns, and whether Lunar Eclipse just gambled.

Well, the past cannot be changed after all, 100:125, the Eagles ushered in the worst defeat of the season in the away game, they were completely defeated by the Phoenix.

After the game, Ruan Erniu said depressedly at the press conference: "I didn't defend Amare. This is irrefutable. Apart from that, I have nothing to say."

But ESPN's Phoenix correspondent Mark Stern didn't spare the Chinese. He questioned: "Aren't you dissatisfied with the performance of your teammates? I'm talking about Joe Johnson and Josh Smith."

Ruan Erniu waved his hands and said: "The loss is not the responsibility of one or two players, it is the problem of the whole team. The long-term away trip consumes a lot of energy. Even if it is a challenge for us, it is also an opportunity. We will not be entangled in this game. Lose, the most anticipated game is always the next game."

Ruan Erniu's answer was polite, and Mark Stern sat down resentfully.His questioning was obviously malicious, and anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

After the trip to Phoenix, the Eagles dragged their tired bodies up and down and flew to Los Angeles, the last away game of the five-game streak.

And their opponent is the Los Angeles Clippers.

The Clippers this season can be described as full of disasters. First of all, the "captain" Elton Brand was reimbursed for the season due to injury at the beginning of the season. In this game, the team's top scorer Corey Maggette also Sidelined due to injury.

Faced with such a remnant team, the Atlanta people certainly hope to use a victory to draw a perfect end to their away trip.

The Hawks arrived in Los Angeles one day earlier, and Ruan Erniu returned to California and the city he was familiar with.

From joining the NBA to today, it has only been half a year.But he felt as if he had been away from Los Angeles for years.

In Los Angeles, Ruan Erniu spent most of his first two years in the United States.

Here is his life, his story; here is his sweat, his glory; here is his friend, his love.

This legendary city has witnessed that Ruan Erniu, a superstar, has embarked on a broad career path.

Returning to the old place, I have a lot of thoughts in my heart.

As soon as Team Eagle and his team arrived at the hotel where they were staying, and opened the room, there was a knock on the door of Ruan Erniu's room.

"Russell, long time no see!" Ruan Erniu said in surprise.

"Brother, long time no see!" Wei Shao laughed and stepped forward to hug Ruan Erniu.

There was a tall white man standing behind Westbrook. Westbrook introduced Ruan Erniu: "This is the good partner I mentioned to you on the phone-Kevin Love, after you left, he is now UCLA's most reliable power forward."

Ruan Erniu shook hands with Love and said, "Hi, Kevin, I'm Kraft Ruan!"

Love is tall and strong, but he is a shy person: "Hello, Kraft, I often hear your name at UCLA. Everyone is telling you that you killed alligators and buckeyes all the way last year. Crazy performance."

Ruan Erniu smiled and said: "This is definitely not my result alone. Every player on the field has done their best, including Russell. By the way, Russell, how do you feel in the 2nd position now?"

Da Wei Shao said with a hearty smile: "Very good! I feel full of strength."

In this way, the three UCLA alumni talked about their school and their home team at the door, and talked about various anecdotes that happened between UCLA and USC this year.

Er Niu said that this summer, if he has time, he will definitely go back to his alma mater.

The three chatted for a long time, and Westbrook offered to leave: "Kraft, you need to take a good rest now, because you will play against the Clippers tomorrow, and Kevin and I will go to the scene to cheer you on."

Ruan Erniu nodded with a smile.

This is Westbrook. On the surface, he is a tyrannical player who doesn't care.In fact, in life, this Scorpio is a standard warm man.

After bidding farewell to Westbrook and Love, Ruan Erniu had no time to rest because the second wave of guests came.

The buddies from Ruibei College came to Ruan Erniu's room not long after.

Carlos Rodriguez, Matthew Gable, and Gray Pike, some of them have already worked in the society, and some of them have gone to university to continue their studies.

Of course, now when they usually brag, they all have a common title-Kafu Ruan's teammate.

Asi*lao, who was behind Erniu, voluntarily gave up the room and decided to go out for a walk. He could see that Ruan Erniu needed some time to receive his friends in Los Angeles today.

(End of this chapter)

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