Standing pretty old

Chapter 206 Trading

Chapter 206 Trading
"Nice to meet you, Kraft! I saw your name on the headlines of various newspapers this morning. You performed a miracle last night." Jobs was not as domineering as the outside world said, he offered his hand He shook hands with Ruan Erniu and said hello.

"I am very honored, Mr. Jobs, you are my idol." Ruan Erniu said.

"Call me Steve, Kraft, I think we need to find a quiet place to sit down and talk." Leader Joe said.

Ruan Erniu said: "Of course, we are ready!"

Immediately, a group of five people came to the meeting room that Ouyang Haotian had reserved in the hotel.

That's right, five people, besides Jobs, Ruan Erniu, Ouyang Haotian, and Brian Acton, Jobs was followed by a man named Tim Cook, although he kept silent most of the time.

Jobs said to Ouyang Haotian: "Steven, how long has it been since we met?"

Ouyang Haotian said: "Four or five years? It seems that in that year, you were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. However, I didn't expect that you are still alive miraculously, and you have launched the iPhone."

Jobs said with a smile: "Most pancreatic cancer patients die within the first two years of discovering symptoms. I have already won one step in the race against death, but I have more to win."

Ruan Erniu admired this man more and more in his heart. Ordinary people may have collapsed long ago when they learned that their life span was short, but this man changed the world with his remaining life.

"The market response to the iPhone has not met our expectations, and now only league players like Kraft or trendy young people like to use it, but in the near future, it will inevitably replace Motorola and Nokia." Jobs said.

Ruan Erniu nodded and said: "This is inevitable, if not, we would not invite you to discuss..."

Jobs waved his hand and said, "I'm curious about one thing, why do you think I will definitely open the APP store?"

Er Niu looked at Ouyang Haotian and Brian Acton respectively, and said, "Intuition is purely my own."

Tim Cook, who was silent at the side, suddenly said: "Kraft, you and Steven are actually the same kind of people."

Er Niu asked curiously, "Why do you say that?"

Cook said: "Because you are all too confident in yourselves. By the way, I never agree with Steven on this point."

Jobs laughed: "I don't need anyone's approval, Tim, I just need you to do your own thing."

Then, Jobs frowned, and said straightforwardly: "Give me a reason, Kraft, give me a reason to put your app that doesn't even have a name in my APP store."

Ruan Erniu said without hesitation: "Time, this is my only bargaining chip!"

Jobs loosened his eyebrows, nodded and said, "Kraft, I have to say, you are the IT businessman I've seen the least like an NBA player. Well, I agree. For specific matters, I can let the technology under my hands staff to discuss."

Ruan Erniu secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and smiled at Ouyang Haotian and Brian Acton, unexpectedly, the matter was settled so easily.

Er Niu said anxiously: "Steven, why don't you ask how we cracked the IOS? You should be very concerned about this matter, right?"

But Jobs shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, the key is that you can crack it and want to 'participate' us."

Ruan Erniu looked at this legendary tyrant again, and the mind and bearing of a man who can accomplish great things are indeed extraordinary.

Tim Cook asked again: "So what is it called? You can't send us a '???' app, and my supply chain will have a big problem."

Brian Acton said: "WhatsApp! This is the result of our joint discussion. You don't need to worry about the phone bill and package fee. As long as there is WiFi, you can make calls and send text messages as much as you want."

Jobs laughed, "Kraft, tell me why you think I'll agree."

Ruan Erniu also laughed and said: "Of course, because SKYPE is slow, they are too proud and don't understand the future of mobile terminals. It's like Motorola developed the first generation of touch-screen mobile phones, but they didn't stick to it."

Jobs propped up his arms and said: "There will always be people who are holding on to the stock of the past and can't let go. They will eventually fall behind or even be eliminated, and we will survive."

Ruan Erniu looked at this thin-faced man and thought with emotion: "His lifespan may be short, but his name will definitely live on. Most people will never forget this event that changed their way of life." man."


This is destined to be a meeting that is suitable for both the host and the guest. There is not much verbal confrontation between the two sides, and it is completely a state of unity.

Among them are the influence of Ouyang Haotian's many years of connections, the consideration of the practicality of WhatsApp, and the mutual benefit of both parties.

Getting to know Jobs is also a milestone in Ruan Erniu's IT career. From this day on, he is no longer an unknown person, and he has the qualifications to officially end and start a game with those giant beasts.

Many years later, Ruan Erniu said in his autobiography: "This is a new starting point. Even at that time, in the eyes of most people, it was nothing more than a successful 'fool' Jobs by an idle NBA player.

In fact, Jobs also needs us, because in the second month, the APP mall will be officially opened.This is the most critical step for IPHONE to succeed. "


Ruan Erniu and his partner were discussing business matters with Jobs.

The general manager of the Hawks, Billy Knight, was also not idle, and he finally finalized the relevant transactions.

Judging from the game, he is still very satisfied with the state of the trade partner.

"Mike, I have almost finished talking with the Kings. In the next time, give our substitutes more playing time. They also need to fully demonstrate themselves." Billy Knight made a call to Woodson's cell phone .

"Billy, I will do it. Do I need to talk to Kraft about this? I think he should have the right to know." Woodson said worriedly.

The current Celestials are no longer rookies who have just entered the league. When the team makes a big deal, they must take care of the leader's emotions and interests.

This is just like Jordan and the Bulls, James and the Cavaliers.Superstars are not only the kings on the court, but off the court, they are also existences that the team must make concessions and compromises.

Billy Knight said: "Of course, both Kraft and Joe should have the right to know. Without their support, how do you stabilize the mood in the locker room?"

After thinking for a while, Woodson said: "Do you think Kraft will have a negative attitude? He has a good relationship with those players."

Billy Knight smiled and said: "You are wrong, Mike, the Chinese is a realistic person, he is far more mature than you think. His goal must be the championship and the Hall of Fame, so he will quickly understand this everything."

Woodson nodded and said, "Okay, I'll tell Kraft and Joe about it tonight."

On the evening of January 1 in Los Angeles, Ruan Erniu did not stay with Jennifer in her apartment because Woodson called: "The deal is confirmed!"

 Originally, I wanted to make this confrontation more intense, but after checking the information, I found that the IPHONE at this time was not as powerful as imagined, so this meeting became a state suitable for both the host and the guest.Personally, I admire Jobs very much, but I also dare not underestimate Cook. Keeping a business is more difficult than starting a business.

(End of this chapter)

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