Standing pretty old

Chapter 213 The Bull's Counterattack

Chapter 213 The Bull's Counterattack

Objectively speaking, Ruan Erniu's technical moves are closer to Charles Barkley, but the Zen master saw the shadow of Michael Jordan from this ball.

Phil Jackson dispelled this idea calmly, just kidding, just one old rascal like Jordan would be scary enough.

Then Phil, the free KFC spokesperson, turned his attention to Kobe Bryant.

This time, the volute will definitely make a move, the younger brother is being bullied, how can the boss not show up.

Sure enough, Volute asked Fisher for the ball, and he received a pass from Old Fish outside the three-point line. Naturally, the Hawks' defender was Jiongsen.

The volute leaned back and moved a step away from Jiongjisen, wanting to pull it out?
No, the volute broke through. According to the usual practice, the first step of the league's top shooting guards is unstoppable, so Jon Jisen lost his defensive position in an instant.

Ruan Erniu on the inside is ready. As long as Kobe dares to come in, even if he fouls, he will slap his men and the ball away.

Kobe entered the penalty area, and Jiongsen and Erniu have formed a defensive situation.

Kobe took off, and Jiongjisen and Er Niu also jumped up.


No, Kobe made a large horizontal move in the air, throwing Ruan Erniu and Jiong Jisen aside, then Kobe switched hands in the air, and at the moment his body fell, he spun the ball with his left hand out.

Ruan Erniu tried his best to block the ball, but it was a pity that the basketball was always one palm away from his fingers.

The basketball hit the backboard with a rapid spin, and after a sharp change of direction, it turned into the basket with a sound of "swipe!"

"Doo!" Although the defense was very clean, but for the sake of the picturesque action of the volute, the on-duty referee Dan Crawford still gave Kobe a 2+1. body.

What is a superstar?What is a player that the league touts?
Obviously the shooting guard who played better in the first quarter was called Joe Johnson, but at this moment, the light on the entire court was occupied by the man named Kobe Bryant.

This goal, which was destined to become the top five of the day, made Erniu and Jiongsen both the background boards at the same time.

The Lakers' bench suddenly burst into cheers, and they were celebrating the boss's magical performance.

It doesn't matter if it's true, or if you're afraid of being hated by Kobe for not cheering afterwards.At least this goal of the volute was done beautifully!
Volute hit a free throw, and the first quarter gradually came to an end.

At 29:27, the Lakers in the away game led by 2 points.

Strictly speaking, the best players in this quarter should be the Lakers' Radmanovich and the Eagles' Joe Johnson. They scored 13 and 12 points respectively in a single quarter.

But I'm sorry, no matter how dazzling the data of Bosnia and Jon Jonson are, under the dazzling performance of Kobe Bryant at the last moment, they all became irrelevant hot spots.

Sometimes, Comey's pride is not unreasonable. Although Kobe's offensive efficiency is indeed not the top in the league, his technical movements are undoubtedly full of infinite beauty.

Just like his nickname "Black Mamba", soft, stealthy, quick, and that one-hit kill that makes the hairs tremble, full of the killing charm of wild creatures in nature.

On the contrary, although the offensive efficiency of players like Erniu and James is indeed higher than that of Kobe, but because the action tends to open and close, the violence is violence, but it lacks the elegance of both hardness and softness. The attraction is worse than Kobe.

The NBA is a business league. From this point of view, it is reasonable for the league to favor Kobe.

Ruan Erniu didn't care about this, he only knew that in his home court, the limelight was taken away by others.

Ruan Erniu, who was playing in the first quarter, secretly made up his mind to completely blow up the Lakers' inside line in the second quarter.

Today, the two owners of the Hawks, Bruce Levinson and Michael Geron, also came to the scene. Although they came to inspect the Eagles on the surface, in fact, they also wanted to watch Kobe play.

The picturesque shooting is so attractive, even if the last four are turned into three irons?What's more, with Jiasao, Volute's offensive efficiency has also improved significantly.

"Michael, do you think if we can have a Kobe, how good will the football market be?" Levinson suddenly said to the partner beside him.

"Unless Old Buss is crazy, just like we have no possibility of trading Ruan Erniu, the Lakers will not let Kobe go, this is their facade!"

Well, let’s not mention these two disappointing businessmen. Although they appreciate the wonderful performance of the players, they prefer to calculate the economic benefits that the star effect can bring.

The intermission time ended soon, and Ruan Erniu couldn't wait to step on the court. He wanted to hit the Lakers' inside line at the beginning of the game.

The Lakers had the ball, and Sasa Vujacic, who came off the bench at the end of the first quarter, made a shot from outside the 3-point line. Ruan Erniu grabbed the rebound and started a "brute sprint" towards the Lakers halftime.

Er Niu's old senior at UCLA, Jordan Farmer, saw the opportunity as if he was going to steal the ball, but Er Niu made an emergency stop and dribbled the ball under his crotch, which made him dizzy for an instant.
When Farmar managed to stabilize his figure, Kafu Ruan was no longer in sight.

Guarding the basket are Lamar Odom and Ronnie Turiaf.

Can Lama and Butcher protect the team's rim and stop the Celestial assault?
In the next second, Erniu flew into the air. At the highest point, his head was already parallel to the basket, roaring past like a heavy bomber.

"Boom!" The basketball was smashed into the hoop, and both the Lama and the butcher were knocked to the ground.

Dan * Crawford's penalty scale is still fair!

"Doo!" 2 points count, plus 1 free throw.

"Oh!" The Eagles' bench also ushered in a boiling opportunity, and they will not be stingy with their body language.

They twisted their bodies one after another, as if they all wanted to participate in the talent show.

Well, well, there's one person who can't go, and he's Georgian - Zaza Pachulia, this guy's dancing is so twisted, he looks like a mechanical robot that's not well oiled, or the kind that is about to be scrapped .

Thinking of the embarrassing celebration dance that Kraft Nguyen's five-best ball will end with, I don't know if the people of the Celestial Dynasty will be beaten up when they find out.

Later, the technical station showed that the foul was finally recorded on Ronnie Turiaf.

The Gaul quit, he spread his hands and said to Dan Crawford: "I didn't jump, this is an offensive foul by the Chinese!"

Dan Crawford had no time to talk to him, an unknown person, and said coldly: "You are in the reasonable collision zone. Unfortunately, this is the NBA, not FIBA."

The butcher was still chattering, without further ado, the referee Dan Crawford gave him a T directly.

Now the Gauls finally became honest.

Ruan Erniu hit the extra penalty first, and then Jon Jonsen executed a free throw for a technical offense and made the free throw.

From being 2 points behind to leading by 2 points, the Hawks only took one round.

Phil Jackson is notoriously averse to calling timeouts during the regular season, but today, he did.

Volute is nearly 30 years old, and he is not a young man who can spend recklessly. He needs a certain amount of rest time.Therefore, when Volute is not on the court, other Lakers players must contribute their own strength.

Even if Jordan had Pippen and Rodman, wouldn't the helpers like Harper, Kukoc, and Cole not be important?
 Dan Crawford, not the Joseph Joy Crawford who blew Deng Dumber off, whose bald head is dazzling, for note.

(End of this chapter)

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