Standing pretty old

Chapter 228 Eight consecutive victories and the atmosphere of the alliance

Chapter 228 Eight consecutive victories and the atmosphere of the alliance
"MAY, yes, I'm not coming back, we'll take the plane to Charlotte tonight. That's right, tomorrow's flight is cancelled, we have to fly to Charlotte in advance, anyway, it's just over an hour's flight It will be here after a while." Ruan Erniu called Dr. Han on the team bus.

After playing the Pistons, the Eagles will have to rush to the away game non-stop to deal with tomorrow's back-to-back games.

Their opponent is the Charlotte Bobcats. If you count the preseason games, they have played against each other 4 times this season. This is their fifth duel. Unfortunately, the Bobcats have not won a game so far. Pass.

Some hard-core Niu Mi in the United States even put forward the saying that Ruan Erniu will have good luck as long as he meets the North Carolina Gang.

Of course Erniu himself scoffed at this. Marvin Williams is also a member of the North Carolina Gang. He is also Erniu's teammate. Is his luck bad?
Michael Jordan came to the scene to supervise the game again. Before the game started, he also specially came to the Eagles' warm-up half to say hello. In addition to Marvin Williams, an alumnus, of course, there was Ruan Erniu who was so popular that he had no friends.

"Kraft, you really don't think about coming to my place. When your rookie contract expires, the two stingy owners of the Eagles may not necessarily give you a maximum salary, but I can assure you that you will be paid with the highest level of salary." Salary to sign with you."

His Majesty the Flying Man is speechless in terms of draft vision and player operation level, but it has to be admitted that he is also making continuous progress.Didn't everyone learn how to draw big cakes?

Who knows whether the Bobcats will have enough salary space to sign Ruan Erniu in a few years, but it doesn't matter, let's make the promise first, and then think of a way when things come to an end!

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "Michael, let's talk about this matter when I reach the contract year. Who knows what will happen in the future?"

Er Niu is not stupid, you old man Qiao can fool around casually, he is responsible for his career, there is no reason to agree to those irrelevant promises so easily.

In fact, what Erniu is thinking is: With your old draft and operating standards, in three to five years, the Bobcats may not be able to become a strong team in the league.

Since this is the case, Ruan Erniu, as a superstar with goals for performance, why bother to come to Charlotte to swim in the muddy water.

In the first quarter of the game, the Eagles in the away game took the top spot. Ruan Erniu, Jiong Jisen, and Lunar Eclipse had more blooming points, leading the Bobcats by 29 points at 19:10, and ended the first quarter.

Interestingly, Emeka Okafor played well today. In the first quarter, he scored exactly the same data as Er Niu, with 6 points and 6 rebounds.However, Ruan Erniu grabbed 3 offensive rebounds, while Okafor only had 1.

In the second quarter of the game, the situation of the game hardly changed much. In this quarter, the substitutes of the two teams became the protagonists.

In the third quarter, the rookie Axi Lao on the Eagles ushered in an explosion. He made 4 of 3 shots in a single quarter and scored 7 points, which was the team's highest score in a single quarter.

On the Bobcats side, an unknown man named Jemario Davidson scored 7 points on Sheldon Williams, also making 4 of 3 shots.

Lunar Eclipse knows this guy named Davidson, because he is also a local basketball star in Georgia.However, at the level of the NBA, he is destined to be nothing but a nobody, and it is unlikely that he will grow into a star player in the future.

At 51:39, the away Eagles ended the first half with a 12-point advantage.

The generals of the Eagles suddenly looked back and found that their opponents who were in the same muddy pit with them last season had already been thrown behind them. As long as the Eagles themselves did not mess up, the Bobcats had no chance of winning. This was a crushing of strength.

However, the Eagles themselves admitted that as long as they don't make mistakes...

It's a pity that there is an objective phenomenon called "Murphy's Law" in this world. The less you want it to happen, no matter how small the probability is, it will happen.

At the beginning of the fifth quarter, Raymond Felton, one of North Carolina's four young players, made the first effort. The Eagles' No. 4 position has always been notoriously weak. Felton, who only scored 6 points in the first half In this quarter, the opponent was blown away and scored [-] points.

In addition, someone from the Bobcats' bench stood up again. A guy named Jared Dudley scored 8 points and 3 rebounds quietly in this quarter, and the home team's crazy counterattack in the last quarter , laid the foundation.

At the end of the three quarters, the Eagles still led by 10 points, so that Woodson replaced the main players at the beginning of the last quarter. Ruan Erniu, who scored 20+10, did not have the idea of ​​scoring points on the weaker team, so Put on a towel and brag with Jiongsen and Moon Eclipse off the court.

But on the field, the situation changed suddenly!

Raymond Felton, Emeka Okafor, and two-time dunk king Jason Richardson, who pretended to be dead in three quarters, suddenly woke up.

The three teamed up and scored 25 points in the last quarter, and the Bobcats caught up.

Only then did Woodson realize that something was wrong, and hurriedly reassigned all the main players of the Eagles to the field.

But the feeling of Jijisen and Lunar Eclipse has cooled down. At the critical moment, Ruan Erniu withstood the pressure. Facing the explosive Okafor, he insisted on moving with solid steps, causing multiple kills in the paint. point.

In the last 29 seconds, the Bobcats had the ball and the Hawks were two points behind.

It was Ruan Erniu who stood up again. He first gave Jason Richardson a big cap on the defensive end, and then made a precise long pass, which directly found Tyronn Lue in the frontcourt. basket score.

Then the Bobcats missed a shot after a timeout, the red light came on, and regular time ended.

At 94:94, the two teams are tied in four quarters, so they are now going to overtime.

In overtime, the two teams fought hand-to-hand again. Every score was extremely difficult, and every goal was crucial. At this moment, even the air was stagnant.

In the last round, the Hawks were 2 points behind the Bobcats again.

Fortunately, this time, Jon Jonsen stepped forward, one step away from the 3-point line, and made a sudden shot, killing the game.

101:100, the Hawks took the game in Charlotte's thriller.

Ruan Erniu let out a sigh of relief, he himself had to admit that good luck statement.

Just a little bit, this game was successfully counterattacked by the opponent.

After the game, Woodson attended a news conference alone, where he apologized for his misdirection.

Woodson said: "I made an unforgivable mistake. It turns out that the Bobcats are not a weak team. If it weren't for Joe and Kraft's outstanding performance at critical moments, we would probably lose this game."

Er Niu and Jiong Jisen expressed their understanding of this Hei Si's pretentious attitude, who blames them for winning in the end?This attitude is not sincere at all.

Er Niu said to Jiong Jisen: "If I were Mike, I would praise the Bobcats players from the beginning to the end, and add one more sentence at the end, we are just lucky!"

囧囧sen raised his eyebrows, spread his hands, and made it clear that he didn't want to talk to professional posers.

Ruan Erniu's oral skills have improved a lot. Of course, he still has a long way to go to reach the state of proficiency.

I don't know when it started, the league has popularized a competition mode called "Who is the king".

Well, it's all the fault of that damn team in San Antonio, they've screwed up the mood of the league.

(End of this chapter)

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