Standing pretty old

Chapter 237 Time and Truth

Chapter 237 Time and Truth

Immediately after the Shooting Star game is over, there will be a Skills Challenge.

For the time being, this is a duel that belongs to the backcourt players.

The event has been held since 2003 and is divided into two rounds. Players must complete dribbling over obstacles, fixed-point passing, circle-top shooting and other technical actions that are comprehensively required for point guards in a designated venue. The player with the shortest time wins. .

For this year's All-Star Weekend in New Orleans, the skill challenge lineup is extremely strong. Jason Kidd is the first champion of this competition, which was first established in 2003.

And D. Wade is the champion of two consecutive skill challenges in 06 and 07.

In addition, host Chris Paul and Jazz's backcourt core Deron Williams participated.

Except for Steve Nash, this game basically included the best one position in the league.

In the first round of preliminaries, it was Deron Williams who took the lead. He completed all his movements smoothly, but he was not very successful in passing and shooting at the top of the circle. It took 31.2 seconds in the end.

Kidd was the second player to play. Kidd passed the ball and crossed obstacles perfectly, but Kidd missed a few shots. When it was finally completed, it took 39.7 seconds.

CP3 played in the third place, and all the movements were completed perfectly. He only used 2 times when hitting the ground pass, and finally finished the game in 29.9 seconds.

D. Wade, the two-time skill champion in a row, was blocked by a wooden man when crossing obstacles. When shooting at the top of the ring, he, like Kidd, failed to hit even one of the five balls. After the ball didn't make a hit, Wade had given up the game. After finishing the last basket slowly, 5 seconds had passed.

Well, things like luck never depend on people's will.

CP3 and D-WILL entered the finals, and the two point guards of the 05 class once again stood in the position of the ultimate PK. The so-called enemies of life need stories of constant love and killing each other.

At the beginning of the final, Deron Williams took the lead to play, and all the actions were done in one go. It only took 25.5 seconds to complete the game, which was better than that in the preliminaries.

Chris Paul then came on, but used the first pass twice and the shot twice, finishing in 31.2 seconds.

D-WILL became the new champion of the competition, and 25.5 seconds is also the record since the competition started 6 years ago.

Although CP3 is the host, at present, the little fat man is still hanging him in a direct confrontation.

Since Erniu didn't have a game today, he was also invited by the editor and director of the court station to the commentary booth to make a temporary guest commentary.

Ruan Erniu watched the wonderful performance, and then he said with a smile: "I hope that one day, there will be a group of insiders from the league to participate in the skill challenge. I believe this will be more interesting."

Yu Jia also asked with a smile, "Who do you want your opponent to be?"

Obviously, at this time, no one will take Er Niu's words seriously. This may be a good joke.

Ruan Erniu said solemnly: "It's just O'Neal. I believe that in the shooting part, I will beat him!"

Ao Pang is also a well-known big mouth in the league. Two days ago, he joked in a war of words with Charles Barkley that Ruan Erniu's ass was sexier than Sir Charles's.

Therefore, some people pointed out that the people of the Celestial Dynasty were just fighting back against Ao Pang.

Time will make some jokes come true, but by that time, things have changed.

After the Skills Challenge, there was an exciting three-point contest, especially when the scores of the two players were close. When the final shooting point was reached, every shot could cause the audience to exclaim.

The game was supposed to be played by Kobe, Nowitzki, Nash, Kapono, Gibson, and Stojakovic, but because Kobe had a fractured little finger, Richard Hamilton took his place.

Whether Kobe can participate in tomorrow's All-Star Game is still in doubt.

In the first round, Kapono, Gibson and Dirk Nowitzki entered the final with 20 points, 17 points and 17 points respectively. And Hamilton, who knew he was coming to play soy sauce at a glance, was eliminated.

Well, Hamilton's flame-patterned armguard is still very eye-catching, but, to be honest, the 2-pointer is more suitable for him.

Ruan Erniu commented: "If the three-point line is under the FIBA ​​rules, maybe Hamilton will sweep his opponent. It's a pity that this is the NBA, and the distance from the three-point line is a bit far."

Gibson played first in the second round. Although his performance was average in the first two positions, he suddenly showed his strength in the last three positions, especially in the last point. He scored four goals in a row. In the end, he scored 17 points. Same time, it's a competitive grade.

Nowitzki played second, but his touch seems not as good as the preliminaries.Since only one color ball was hit, the "German Chariot" only scored 14 points in the end, and the Germans withdrew from the competition.

Kapono was the last to play, but his state is also very good, he scored 10 points in the first two points!
The third point has scored 15 points, and by the third ball of the fourth point, he has successfully defended his title.

In the end, he scored 25 points and broke a moderate "unpopularity". He won the honor of "All-Star Three-Point King" again and again.

Yu Jia's comment on this is: "Heaven rewards hard work, a player whose talent is not top-notch, can become a 'three-pointer king' through hard training."

Ruan Erniu didn't take it seriously, but with a high EQ, he didn't dismantle Yu Jia's station on the TV screen.

After the game, Er Niu said privately: "Shooting is also a talent, and Kapono is top-notch in this respect. Of course, whether he can fulfill his talent in the game is another matter."

Edison said that genius is 1% talent plus 99% sweat, but that 1% talent is the most important, even more important than the 99% sweat.

Facts omitted, not truth.Students should understand this best.

Of course, on the other hand, hard work does not necessarily mean success, but without hard work, it will not be easy at all.

This is real life, and no one is exempt.

After the three-point contest, there will be the much-anticipated slam dunk contest.

A total of four people participated in this duel, they are:

Jamario Moon of the Raptors.

Rudy Gay of the Grizzlies.

Gerald Green of the Timberwolves.

And Dwight Howard of the Magic.

Before the game, Huo Huo was a big hit. Can this brilliance finally fulfill his promise?
Basketball fans all over the world are waiting to see!

The first player to play in the first round is the moon man-Jamario Moon (MOON). He once played in the Harlem basketball team and has rich performance experience.

The first dunk really released a peaceful light like the name "Moon". After the run-up on the right wing started, Moon threw the ball and hit the ground, then rebounded the ball and turned for a dunk. The movement was stretched, but the difficulty was not too great, and he scored 46 points. .

Rudy Gay played next. He was recognized as the fastest bouncer before the game. He used the right wing to hold the ball with both arms and rush to the basket for a reverse dunk. The first attempt was unsuccessful, so Gay modified the action. Still crossing the basket from the right wing, dunking with the left hand after changing hands close to the basket, the impression score was not high, and in addition to the mistakes, he only scored 37 points in the end.

The performance of the first two is very average, now it is the turn to boast about the sparks of Haikou, and the defending champion-Gerald Green...

 Starting next week, I will be streaking again, so book friends, it all depends on your subscription and recommendation support. I would like to thank you for this. Compared with those tentacle monster gods, 3 times a day is of course nothing, but for this For the handicapped party, I have tried my best, so please give me your firepower support! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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