Standing pretty old

Chapter 239 Encountering a Birdman in the Gym

Chapter 239 Encountering a Birdman in the Gym
Howard raised the championship trophy of the slam dunk contest, becoming the first center dunk king in history.

At the same time, he also drew a perfect end to the All-Star Weekend the next day.

Ruan Erniu ended his career as a commentator. To be honest, he felt that if his investment failed, he could try to do commentary after retiring.

"Alian and Erniu, let's go out for a stroll together, I'll treat you!" Yao Ming said to the two fellow Chinese.

Anyway, the three of them were fine at night, so they started the No. 11 bus together and strolled on the streets of New Orleans.

I don't know why, but the scenery of New Orleans always makes people feel that they are not in the United States, because the customs here are really different from other states in the United States.

Historically, it was the residence of Indians, and it was not until 1718 that the Gauls built a city here.Later, it was brought under the rule of the Spaniards for a while, and the Spaniards and the Gauls trafficked Africans here again in the process of vying for dominance.

Therefore, the customs and habits here have both European traditions and the mystery of the ancient African continent. They combined French, Spanish and African native languages ​​to create a unique Creole language. Until today, this unique language Still used in New Orleans, and throughout central Louisiana.

The three casually had some snacks in a small restaurant, and began to chat about their experience this season.

Both Erniu and Alian played in the NBA for the first time, and Dayao, as a veteran, still put forward a lot of pertinent suggestions.

While chatting, Ruan Erniu chatted with Yao and Yi about the deal between the Eagles and the Kings.

Had a breakup meal. "Ruan Erniu said: "Actually, I knew about this deal as early as half a month ago, but I didn't dare to tell the person who was traded that it would affect the atmosphere of the whole team. There was a party at home and they were invited to a meal. "

Dayao nodded and said: "That's not bad. You can know the news half a month in advance, which proves that the Hawks attach great importance to you. Many times, players have no right to know about the transaction, and we are exchanged like commodities. You will find that, The teammate who was talking to you yesterday has gone to another city the next day."

A Lian nodded in conviction, and then asked, "Two bullies, what do you think of the strength of Sheldon Williams in your team?"

Alian was still a little shy, everyone here is from the Celestial Dynasty, so what can't you talk about openly?

Ruan Erniu said bluntly: "I don't think he will pose a threat to you. The 'Landlord''s CIC skills seem to be inferior to yours. As long as you make good use of your technical advantages, you should still be able to secure the king's starting position." .

A Lian, to be honest, it is useless to avoid competition. Only by defeating your competitors can you gain a foothold in the NBA. "

On this point, Ruan Erniu actually looks down on A Lian to some extent. He seems to always want to avoid or evade competition, which is far from the value orientation of Millikin - "Don't coax, just do it".

Competitive sports are cruel. If you don't beat your opponent in the competition, you will inevitably become a substitute.

In fact, Yao Ming also served as a substitute for Cato, and if Zaza Pachulia was not injured at the beginning of the season, Ruan Erniu would also be a substitute.

But what was the result?After Dayao played for half a season, he successfully squeezed Cato to the 4th position. After Zaza Pachulia returned, he found that he could only obediently be a substitute.

Only through brutal competition can he become a top player. In this regard, Allen still has a lot to do.

The three of them finished this night tour, and Dayao and A Lian were ready to go back to rest.

But Erniu's spirit is exceptionally good, after all, he is the youngest of the three, and after watching the game for another day, Ruan Erniu feels a little bit over-energy now.

So, the three waved goodbye to each other, and Ruan Erniu walked alone on the streets of New Orleans.

After walking a few steps, he entered a two-story building. Why did he go in?

Because the signboard clearly states that this is a fitness equipment gym, and Ruan Erniu, who has so much energy that he has no use for it, decides to vent it on the fitness equipment after much deliberation.

This is a house with at least 400 square meters, but apart from the cashier, there are only two or three customers in motion.

After Ruan Erniu paid the bill, he found a corner by himself, adjusted the height of the seat, and started the training of sitting posture.

After a while, a white man with a height of more than 6 feet 9 inches and long blond hair came in. He took off his coat and walked straight towards Ruan Erniu.

"Hey, go away, this is my special equipment!"

Ruan Erniu just finished a set of training, stood up and said to this impolite guy: "Do you own this store? Why do you want me to go away?"

"Huh? Are you guys also playing in the NBA? Why do you look so familiar to me?"

Ruan Erniu also looked at this guy afterwards. This guy is full of tattoos on his arm, and he is colorful and has everything. What attracts Erniu's attention the most is the word "good" on the inside of his right arm, and A "evil" character on the inside of the left arm.

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "I just participated in the Rookie Challenge yesterday. Which team do you play in?"

The guy patted his head, said "Ni Hao" in poor Chinese, and then continued: "So you are the hottest rookie in China—Kafu Ruan. I'm Chris Anderson, and I've been to I play in the CBA of China, and now I'm with the New Orleans Hornets, but I won't be able to play until March."

Ruan Erniu asked strangely: "Why can't you play until March? Are you the secret weapon of the Hornets?"

Er Niu was obviously misled by the Nibo anime. In this world, how could it be possible to hide the secret weapon for more than half a season.

Chris Anderson scratched his head and said, "No, I got suspended two years ago for failing a damn drug test, and I just got back in March."

He is still a serious drug addict, of course Ruan Erniu understands how serious punishment is to be suspended for two years because of a drug test.

This person is definitely not in the general sense, just do some D marijuana, he must have sucked ice, or other methylbenzene drugs.

However, Erniu didn't mean to discriminate against him. Being able to train hard in the gym and actively seek a comeback proved that this guy can still be saved.

Ruan Erniu stood up, gave him the equipment, and asked, "Are you ready to play now? I mean, you didn't touch those things again?"

"Of course!" Anderson said while pointing to his tattoos as he got on the equipment. "Because of them, I've got rid of those damn things. I feel empowered."

Can tattoos help detox?Ruan Erniu gained insight.

As soon as the words fell, Anderson pulled down the lever, but only pulled the lever halfway.

"F*ck, how much weight did you put on?" Anderson had to get off the equipment to lose weight. When he walked behind the equipment and looked at it, he was shocked. This load was more than twice his usual training weight.

Anderson looks like a guy whose eyes are above the top at first glance, but when he walked out from behind the equipment, he looked at Er Niu with the look of a little brother visiting a big brother.

Chris Anderson, the bird man, actually secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, there is no conflict with the Chinese people, otherwise I will definitely spend the critical March in the hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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