Standing pretty old

Chapter 258 Hot Dressing Room

Chapter 258 Hot Dressing Room

It's not that the Celtics didn't launch a counterattack. At least KG scored tough ANSWERBALL against Marvin Williams' defense several times. Well, he responded to the Eagles alone.

This is naturally not enough, so his good inside partner-Kendrick * second fat * Perkins also stood up.

Garnett transferred the ball directly to Perkins in the high post.

Perkins turned around and cut in, and Ruan Erniu, who was standing still, stuck his way forward.

He jumped up like a bear, and then fell to the floor with a "bang".When Ruan Erniu was wondering what was going on, "Doo!" The referee's whistle sounded.

No. 88 of the blue team blocked the foul, and Ruan Erniu was stunned. Perkins fell down because of his own unsteady center of gravity, and his arms didn't even make a downward movement.

When Er Fatty heard the whistle, he immediately got up and roared pretending to be tough, as if he had been severely abused in the confrontation just now.

Garnett even rushed over to give him a high-five to celebrate, and turned on the roaring mode together. I don't know how much BUFF this can give the Celtics. Objectively speaking, in the second quarter, the Celtics are on the offensive The end really didn't perform well.

Perkins, a guy who has maintained a shooting rate of around 60% this season, made two free throws and made free throws steadily.

What made Ruan Erniu even more depressed was still behind. In the next offensive round, it was Perkins, the black man, who received a second pass from Rondo in the interior and wanted to complete a two-armed dunk.

Ruan Erniu obviously completed a beautiful block, but...

"Beep!" The referee's whistle sounded again.

This was Er Niu's third foul in the first half. At the same time, this was also his 1 consecutive fouls on Perkins within 2 minute.

Woodson had to replace Kraft Nguyen ahead of time, and the Hawks' inside line could not lose Ruan Erniu prematurely.

Of course, this is not enough to change the situation on the court, because there is not much time left in the second quarter, but Ruan Erniu is very depressed. He never thought that he would be killed by Perkins who looked like an idiot. up.

Perkins roared up to the sky again. The 2003 players selected in the first round in 27 seemed to be saying: "I am also the golden generation of 03. If you don't accept it, do it!"

Perkins made two free throws and the Celtics finally recovered a little point at the end of the second quarter.

But this can't shake the Hawks' huge lead.

At 22:15, the Atlanta Hawks won another 7 points in a single quarter.

At the end of the first half, at 53:41, the Celtics trailed the visiting team by 12 points at home.

In a halftime interview with CBS reporters, River Documents only said one sentence: "Our defense is a pile of shit, and the offense is the same!"

It is foreseeable that there will inevitably be a bloody storm in the Celtics locker room.

However, let's look at the Eagles first. They are in a relaxed and calm state when they are connected to the top of the league with a big score in the away game.

Well, except for the lunar eclipse, this guy who scored 9 points, 4 rebounds and 2 assists in the second quarter of the game is fully showing his funny dance, and shamelessly claiming that he can participate in the next "American Idol" ".

If Er Niu remembers correctly, this guy said two days ago that he wanted to conquer the judges of "American Idol" with his singing. Ruan Er Niu thought that the Americans probably only need one Kong Qingxiang, and the lunar eclipse didn't need to join in the fun.

The Hawks have a harmonious atmosphere, while the Celtics are on the verge of an active volcano. Even in a regular season, they are proud and proud, and they will not allow themselves to be defeated by a young army led by a rookie.

Garnett first said: "We must play tougher, we have no retreat!"

Rondo said to Garnett: "Then don't always think about shooting inside to kill your opponent, Kevin, your shooting percentage in the first half was not low, but it seriously hindered the team's rhythm."

Garnett said angrily: "Asshole, say it again."

Rondo said without fear: "I don't want to repeat it, it doesn't make any sense. You know what I mean, I am the point guard, and I should distribute the ball. This is what we have discussed long ago."

Rondo was right.

The Big Three of Lukai were once the bosses of each team, and any one of them was originally the team's first ball-holding point.

When they get together, they first need to solve the problem of ball distribution.

This problem has been exposed in the preseason, how did they solve it?
After deliberation, the Big Three finally decided to give the ball to second-year Rajon Rondo and let him distribute the ball.

And Rondo is also very competitive, he has performed the duties of a point guard very well this season.

Although the data of 10.6 points, 5.1 assists, and 4.2 rebounds are not impressive, the Celtics' first record in the league fully shows that Rondo's ball distribution is successful and effective.

But tonight, KG was obviously obsessed with singles, but in fact, Ruan Erniu and Marvin Williams had higher offensive efficiency than him.

Seeing that something was wrong, Ray Allen and Pierce quickly stood between the two of them, separating them.

If there is internal strife at this time, it is not as simple as losing a game.

Rivers happened to walk in at this time, and he waved his hand and said: "Let them go, they are all adults and need to be responsible for their actions. If this guy doesn't care about the suspension, just do it!"

As soon as He Wenwen said this, the two of them fell silent immediately.

No one wants to be suspended at this time, especially Kevin Garnett, he can't afford to lose this person, and those who have despised him since the Timberwolves will double mock him: "This softie has conflicts with his teammates again, This time he didn't coax his management, he is a bully guy."

River Docs then said to Pierce and Ray Allen: "You two only scored 10 points in the first half. I don't want to know the reason. I hope you can do what you should do in the second half."

Then Doc Rivers vacated his position and handed over the deployment of defensive tactics to Tom Thibodeau, an assistant coach in charge of defense.

Thibodeau was originally the main coach in charge of the Rockets' defense, and was also in charge of Yao Ming's shooting training.Zach Hayes' defense is also tuned by him.

This season, due to disagreement with Adelman's philosophy, he finally chose to switch to the Celtics.

In terms of defensive tactics, Rivers boldly let go and handed it over to Thibodeau. He lived up to Rivers' trust and built the Celtics into a defensively disciplined team.

So far, the Celtics have led the league's record performance throughout the entire process, which has also made Thibodeau's reputation as a defensive master resounding in the NBA coaching circle.

In this game, his tactics for the Celtics can be summed up in four words: "Shrink the defense!"

The Atlanta Hawks are an inside-out team. Only by strangling the inside attackers headed by Ruan Erniu can they be misfired.

Thibodeau said: "Don't pay too much attention to Mike Bibby and others' outside shots. Now the ball is concentrated in the hands of the Chinese rookie. As long as we lock him up, the Eagles will lack the ability to adapt. We must play tougher!"

He Document finally concluded: "If you don't have a heart to win, then there is no need to play, victory belongs to us!"

 PS1: Please use Baidu for the story of Kong Qingxiang. His famous saying is: "I have tried my best, and I have no regrets."

  PS2: I have to complain about Rondo's influence again. He is really not a C player, if you only look at rebounds per game.

(End of this chapter)

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