Standing pretty old

Chapter 262 Confrontation and March of Madness

Chapter 262 Conversation and March of Madness

"The last quarter was played beautifully. I also went to the North Shore Garden Arena yesterday. To be honest, when Pierce scored 17 points in the third quarter, I thought you would lose the game." Han Lei said.

In the conference room of DROPBOX, Ruan Erniu, Ouyang Haotian, and Han Lei have just signed the documents for the A round of financing.

It was also the first time for the three of them to chat together at the same time. After chatting, the topic shifted to yesterday's game between the Eagles and the Celtics.

Ouyang Haotian said: "Yeah, I didn't expect Kraft to come back from behind in the last quarter, and he scored a double-double of 14 points and 10 rebounds in the last quarter."

Ruan Erniu said, "Are you flattering me?"

Han Lei said: "No, we are complimenting you seriously. So, is it really possible for the Eagles to win the championship this year? To be honest, I don't know much about basketball. Before I met you, I didn't even go to see it. Pass the ball once."

Ruan Erniu said: "Johnny, have you ever heard the saying 'take what matters, what matters'? I think it can be translated in this way: first pretend to be forceful, even if you face it in the future, at least you have been awesome. "

Ouyang Haotian laughed loudly, patted and said: "This explanation is completely wrong, but it is still creative. I'm afraid your teacher will be pissed to death in the toilet."

Also of Chinese origin, Ouyang has lived in China, so he somewhat understands Erniu's Chinese thinking.

Han Lei is a standard three-generation immigrant from the United States. Although he can speak Chinese, many stalks still need some explanations to understand.

The three of them chatted and talked about the APP-Store that will be officially launched in a few days.

Ruan Erniu said: "Look, in a few days, the industry will be shocked by Jobs, and the iPhone is no longer a toy, but a tool that truly changes people's lives. The mobile phone will also become an external organ of human beings." .”

Han Lei nodded in conviction, and had to say that the boyfriend his elder sister found did have his own unique understanding of trendy technological products.

"In fact, Jobs recently sent someone to contact me!" Han Lei said suddenly.

Ruan Erniu was surprised at first, but soon relieved, he said calmly, "What did Apple say?"

Han Lei smiled and said, "They directly proposed the acquisition intention. Kraft, what do you think?"

Ruan Erniu said: "It's not a good time to reject them, but we can cooperate with them under limited conditions. If I'm not wrong, Jobs has taken a fancy to the cloud technology of DROPBOX, right?"

"Bingo! Exactly, he also wants to build a cloud on the iPhone in the future, and Jobs and I took the initiative to talk on the phone. The reason why he knows me is largely because of your relationship. This tyrant is after you! "

"It should be considered an honor, although I'm not very interested in it. Speaking of cloud technology, Johnny, have you thought about letting the company find other directions for expansion?" Ruan Erniu's casual words actually hide With the test.

If Han Lei can't find the threshold, he will never show mercy just because Han Lei is Han Meimei's younger brother. Entrepreneurship is not about treating guests to dinner. Guys without concentration and insight will be eliminated sooner or later.

Although Ruan Erniu kept saying that he would not interfere with the company's operations, in fact, he often used Ouyang Haotian to do the work of mixing sand.

Unlike ordinary angel investors who only care about investment and channels, regardless of business operations, Ruan Erniu wants to control the general direction.

"No, I think DROPBOX should focus on being yourself. It doesn't make any sense to talk about new expansion now." Han Lei's answer satisfied Ruan Erniu.

Han Lei is a typical Mi-style business thinking, simple and smooth, does not engage in complicated TX-style complex compatibility, and focuses on making his own products well to please users.

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "Recently, big data and artificial intelligence are very hot, haven't you paid attention to it?"

Han Lei waved his hand and said, "Please, big data is a concept. In fact, DROPBOX has been doing it all the time. As a technology, it is of course advanced, but as a system, it is not so easy to implement.

As for artificial intelligence, it was proposed a long time ago, but now only low-level weak artificial intelligence has been developed.The future development is too vague, and I am not optimistic about it in a short period of time. This is more like a pretense to defraud venture capital funds. "

Ouyang Haotian nodded, Johnny Han is not only valued by Ruan Erniu because of Dr. Han's relationship, but his own ability is also worthy of others' trust.


Ruan Erniu and Ouyang Haotian left DROPBOX. Erniu naturally wanted to go back to Atlanta for a home game, while Ouyang Haotian was planning to go to Silicon Valley to follow the situation on WhatsApp, and then return to China to continue monitoring the progress of Weibo.

The time has come to March, and apart from the official launch of the APP-Store a few days later, what attracts Ruan Erniu's attention the most is that the annual crazy March is coming as scheduled.

From the schedule, it is not difficult to see that after entering March and April, the number of NBA regular season games has suddenly decreased. The spare time is to make concessions for the NCAA single-elimination tournament.

In the past, when Erniu himself was in the NCAA, he couldn't realize how much attention this sport received in the mainstream sports circle.

After coming to the NBA, I discovered that professional players will also follow the performance of their respective college teams.All the superstars support their home team on Twitter, and even James, a high school student, wants to get involved.

Er Niu, as a standard UCLA party, of course always pays attention to the performance of the Bruins.

This season, the departure of Er Niu objectively weakened UCLA's combat effectiveness, but the addition of Kevin Love still allowed UCLA to maintain its leading position in the PAC-10 league.

As a first-year rookie, especially a rookie with long-range ability, Love won the PAC-10 Rookie of the Year and Player of the Year awards.

And the best defensive player of the PAC-10 was won by Er Niu's good friend Russell Westbrook.

That's right, Westbrook won the best defensive player.This season, Westbrook has not only gained a lot of playing time at the shooting guard position, but his defense has also been affirmed.

Unfortunately, Westbrook didn't even get a side in the PAC-10 All-NBA first-team qualification. He was directly assigned to the third team. Darren Collison was selected to the second team. UCLA On the other hand, only Kevin Love was selected for a while.

Ruan Erniu immediately called Westbrook: "Russell, you didn't even make it to the second team. I'm so disappointed."

Westbrook's loss is actually purely normal, because this year's PAC-10 team's backcourt was contracted by OJ* Mayo and James Harden.

Especially OJ* Mayo, this guy is known as LeBron James on the guard line. Judging from his high school data, he is not worse than James at all.

As one of the draft picks this summer, Mayo is also considered a favorable contender for the No. [-] pick.

And what about Westbrook?Had to compete with Darren Collison for playing time early in the regular season, but it's a pity that they only got a third team.

Westbrook said: "When I win the NCAA championship, these things don't matter. Kraft, now it's my turn to perform!"

Ruan Erniu said: "Of course, I will always pay attention, I wish you good luck, my brother!"

Westbrook laughed: "Good luck to you too, Kraft!"

(End of this chapter)

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