Standing pretty old

Chapter 268 Win or Zhang Family

Chapter 268 Win or Go Home

The playoff theme song of the 07-08 season was finally determined to be "Amazing" by Kanye West.

To be honest, Ruan Erniu really didn't feel anything about this song.

However, Kanye West's new girlfriend, Aibo Ross, said on Twitter that she likes the Chinese style of play very much and wants to date Er Niu.

Well, before meeting Kanye, Aibo Ross was just a wild model, but after meeting Kanye, Rose's bald head and her reputation became louder, this woman with a hot body is very good at marketing herself .

If there is no accident, Kanye is just her transit point.

The turmoil in the American entertainment industry had nothing to do with Erniu.If it weren't for Little Fat Girl and Leon, Ruan Erniu would have been cut off from this circle.

So for the invitation of the bald female model, Ruan Erniu politely declined on Twitter.

The reason is also very easy to find, he needs to concentrate on preparing for the playoffs.

However, recently an old friend came to Erniu.So Ruan Erniu entertained guests at his home in Atlanta.

He is the director Brett Ratner who met Er Niu in Miami.

As the director of "Rush Hour", Ratner has sufficient experience in working with Chinese Americans. The reason why he appeared in Atlanta was because CAA, as Ruan Erniu's agency, was preparing to make a documentary film for the Chinese people.

Ruan Erniu did not refuse, because there are also precedents for this matter, such as Dayao's "Yao Zhinian".

"Bright, you won't arrange a bunch of action shots to make this movie, will you? I'm not Jackie-Chan (Cheng Long), and I don't have nine lives." Ruan Erniu said.

Ratner said: "Kraft, you are thinking too much. I have cooperated with many Chinese people. Of course, I only know that not everyone knows kung fu. Do you have any thoughts on the documentary?"

Ruan Erniu said: "I think storytelling is far more important than simple records and narratives!"

Ratner laughed and said: "It's very interesting. I will start preparing for this movie later, but the official shooting will have to wait until the second half of the year or next year. I know you will go to the Olympics this year, and you may not have time, so At that time, I will find another opportunity to coordinate.”

Er Niu said: "Isn't it too wasteful for a great director like you to make a documentary for me?"

Ratner spread his hands and said: "Idle is idle, don't think too much about the director, this is just our job, just like you play on the court."

Ruan Erniu nodded in approval, under the spotlight, people tend to lose themselves.But at the end of the day, this is a job, work hard, get paid, it's a matter of course.

The two chatted for a long time before Ratner left. The documentary is still in preparation and has no impact on Ruan Erniu's time for the time being.

This small episode will not affect Erniu's preparations for the playoffs. Facing the cruel and tragic playoffs, Ruan Erniu must devote all his energy to training and competitions.

For this reason, Ruan Erniu even slept in a separate room with Dr. Han for the past two days.

"MAY, I'm sorry."

"Okay, okay, didn't I come here alone without you? Now you can take your pillow to the next door." Han Meimei smiled and pushed Erniu out of the room.

Concentrate before the competition, this is what a person who is pursuing results should do.

On April 4, US time, the first game day of the playoffs began.

A total of four playoff games will be played on this day.

In the East, only the Magic and the Cavaliers played one game, and the remaining three games were played in the West.

Ruan Erniu is of course most concerned about the game between the Magic and the Cavaliers. Although he only watched more than one quarter of the game, Ruan Erniu also has the most intuitive understanding of the playoffs.

This kind of bayonet game is completely different from the regular season where you clock out of get off work or simply paddle to lose.Players must fight for every ball and play every game as if it were their last.

In the end, the Magic still came out on top. With a large double-double of 25 points and 22 rebounds, the Sparks led the team to defeat the Cleveland Cavaliers led by A KING.

James played equally well, with 32 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists. However, there is indeed a gap in strength between the two teams. According to this situation, the emperor may have a round trip this year.

April 4, the second game day of the playoffs.

Finally it was the Hawks' turn to play.

They will face their opponents flying from abroad - the Toronto Raptors - in Atlanta's home stadium, Philips Arena.

I don't know which unscrupulous media gave this series a title - Beast War!
Well, it's actually quite apt.

Ruan Erniu said in the pre-match interview: "This is the first time I have participated in the playoffs. Just from the number of media, I know that this is definitely not the same level as the regular season, but I am ready. "

The increase in the playoffs is not only the number of media, but also the number of spectators in the arena.

The Atlanta Hawks haven't made the playoffs for several years. This time they broke into the playoffs with the best record of 60 wins in team history, which obviously boosted the local football market.

Although the NFL's Atlanta Falcons performed very well, they are still incomparable with the Eagles this season.

In the locker room of Philips Arena, Woodson is doing the final mobilization.

Dantou changed into a new suit and a wine-colored tie today. He looked much more energetic, and his beard was trimmed beautifully.

Of course, if the stomach can be retracted a little bit, the handsome man will be even stronger.

He said sternly: "I don't need to say much about the cruelty of the playoffs. Don't think that our regular season record is better than the opponent's, so we will definitely have an advantage. In this world, there is never a [-]% thing. You guys You have to prepare for the worst and play every game as if it is the last game of the season.

I know that many of you are playing in the playoffs for the first time, but this is not important, what is important is whether you have a heart to win with all your strength.Think about it, at the beginning of the season, what was the outside world's evaluation of us?This might just be a team struggling to qualify for the playoffs!

But now?We were one of two 60-win teams in the league, and we set a new franchise record.All this proves that we are a strong team and our players also have a strong heart.Keep your enthusiasm and meet the challenge. This will be a time worth remembering in your future life. "

Subsequently, Ruan Erniu, as the team leader, also delivered a speech in the locker room.

He smiled and said: "As everyone knows, I have already blown the bull out in front of the media. Mike is right, we are a strong team, and a strong team must have the dignity of a strong team. We must defend this fight for dignity

In addition, our opponent Raptors today is also not a weak team, we need to do our best to beat them.

I hope that at the beginning of June, I can still stand here and talk to everyone. Although it affects your vacation, I think the allure of the O'Brien Cup is no less than the sun, the beach, and the beautiful women.

So finally, let's yell out, what team? "





(End of this chapter)

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