Standing pretty old

Chapter 272 Playoffs 50+

Chapter 272 Playoffs 50+
"Kraft, come on, cut 50+, BEAT-TOR! (Get rid of Toronto!)" the hardcore Niu Mi Aidi Freeman shouted to Ruan Erniu.

Er Niu, as usual, gave the little fan a high-five to celebrate, and then said: "As long as Mike doesn't push me off the court, I won't let you down!"

After speaking, Ruan Erniu just turned his head and saw Woodson staring at him.

Egghead chuckled and said, "Kraft, I'm sorry to disappoint you. If your teammates can open the score in the last quarter, I'm not going to replace you."

Ruan Erniu spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders, expressing that he could not accept it, and then turned around and made a face at Eddie Freeman in a childish manner.

That seems to mean: It's not that I don't work hard, it's that Woodson is too cunning.

Well, regardless of whether Er Niu can play to score more points, the last quarter of the game will start as scheduled.

The Hawks are a bit overwhelmed here, because the Raptors replaced the main force from the beginning.

Sam Mitchell is gambling, and when the overall strength is not as good as his opponent, he only needs to rely on impact to affect the outcome of the game.

For the Raptors, even biting the next away game is crucial.

Physical fitness?That is something that will only be considered when there is hope of winning.

Bosh finally ushered in an explosion in the last quarter. The Dragon King was a true giant, and stood up at the most critical moment, making continuous feints and scoring fouls, which made Marvin Williams, who was defending him, very uncomfortable.

In just 2 minutes, Marvin Williams lost 2 more fouls. In this way, Marvin Williams has accumulated 5 fouls.

Woodson had to replace him with Ruan Erniu. This is God's will. When the super giant wants to set a new record, there will often be the right time, place and people to help him.

Ruan Erniu once again formed a matchup with Bosh in this game.

The two finally entered the ultimate PK state. The first to fire was Chris Bosh, who had been suppressed for nearly an entire game.

Today, the Dragon King was first attacked by Ruan Erniu with his mouth, and then was disrupted by Ruan Erniu's arrogant defense method, and fell into a daze for a while.

By the time he reacted, the player was already far behind.

In fact, as an All-Star, there are always one or two unsolvable tricks in his hands. Bosh's athletic ability and rich technical use at the power forward position are his unsolvable places.

Once he is not obsessed with dry shooting and flexibly changes his position, Ruan Erniu has no way to completely lock Bosh.

Feints, breakthroughs, emergency stops, fake moves, shots, technical moves in one go, and a heart that wants to pursue victory all turned the situation back to the Raptors.

At this moment, how could Ruan Erniu admit defeat.

Bosh has unsolvable offensive means, is Ruan Erniu's P stock a vegetarian?

After a season of testing, Ruan Erniu proved with practical actions that there is no player in this league who can block his buttocks.

Ruan Erniu held the ball in a low post, and Bosh immediately lowered his center of gravity behind him to defend.

However, the Dragon King couldn't stand the two bullies, "Bang!" Chris Bosh was forced to retreat two steps away with just one blow.

Ruan Erniu didn't hesitate either, and immediately turned over and made a jump shot, sending the ball into the basket.

Chris Bosh could only watch helplessly as Tianchaoren rose high, then took a calm shot, and finally the ball went into the basket.

This is a desperate process, from full defense to being pushed away, from tight defense to the whole background, it just happened in a few seconds.

It can be said that Bosh's defense is not without hard work. His thin body can be regarded as doing his best on the defensive end.

Compared with the unreliable Italians, his dedication on the defensive end has indeed played a role as a leader. However, he is facing the historic Ruan Erniu, so in this strong confrontation, he always takes the lead. The opponent has no choice.

Bosh has nothing to do with Ruan Erniu on the defensive end. Why doesn't Ruan Erniu miss the state of fully suppressing Bosh in the first half.

At this time, the ordinary mouth cannon is useless, Ruan Erniu has a brainstorm and thinks about it.

Er Niu remembered an interesting rumor, and he decided to test Bosh.

On the defensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu once again entangled Chris Bosh.

"Hey, Chris, have you figured it out?" Ruan Erniu said in Bosh's ear while resisting his opponent.

"Shut up, rookie!" Bosh ignored him,
Tentative steps, a forward turn and a fake move, followed by a reverse breakthrough, an emergency stop, a fake move, after deceiving the two bulls, after leaning up, immediately shoot the ball, the ball is scored, and it is 2+1.

"It seems that I have figured it out, but do you really think that LeBron and D. Wade will take you to play together?" Ruan Erniu said such a sentence speciously.

Bosh then steadily missed the penalty, and he wavered again.

In fact, Ruan Erniu didn't know anything. He just subconsciously felt that the three of James and the others were conspiring. It seemed that he was right.

Ruan Erniu, who still didn't think it was messy enough, added embellishments: "LeBron also said the same thing as me, and I can guarantee you will do the same!"

Ruan Erniu continued to shake Bosh's heart while walking towards the Raptors' half court.

Then Ruan Erniu faced Bosh's defense from 22 feet, made a dry pull, and easily scored 2 points with his signature straight-arm shot.

Bosh was shaken again. Chris Bosh was not a black child in the traditional sense. He was born in a relatively wealthy family, and his parents were middle-class parents who had climbed up from the bottom.

There are no tattoos on his body, although he likes to indulge in nightclubs when he has nothing to do, but in general, he is still an Aries who lacks setbacks, he is not firm enough!
Er Niu naturally would not let go of this opportunity, and he succeeded in singles against Bosh many times afterwards, pulling the score to more than 15 points in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the direction of G1's game will basically not change.

In the fierce playoffs, players will never be allowed to waver in the slightest. Trash talking is an art that is about to disappear. Like KG who is full of F***, it is actually quite LOW.

A real master can use every word and deed, even a look of contempt, to achieve the purpose of hitting the opponent.

Although Jason Kapono and Anthony Parker played well in this game, they still wanted to use three-pointers to recover the score at the last moment.

But Jon Jonson and Mike Bibby were also not vegetarians, and the other two giants of the Eagles were also not soft at the critical moment, firmly suppressing the opponent's counterattack.

Fired shots on the outside again and again, maintaining the Hawks' lead.

100:115, the Eagles finally defeated their opponents by a huge advantage of 15 points in the first game of the first round series.

It can be said that this is a battle of crushing strength.

It goes without saying that Ruan Erniu limited Bosh, but Mike Bibby was also indispensable to the successful defense of TJ Ford and Jose Calderon.

When the Hawks made up for the last shortcoming at the No. [-] position, they immediately became a team with championship temperament.

Ruan Erniu scored 52 points, 21 rebounds, and 6 assists in this game. He is the best player in the game.As the team leader, Er Niu did everything he could.

Fortunately for Atlanta fans, after years of dormancy, the Eagles finally ushered in a savior, and the heavenly man led the team on the road to glory.

(End of this chapter)

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