Standing pretty old

Chapter 277 It's Not Me

Chapter 277 It's Not Me
Ruan Erniu introduced the game into the rhythm of the Eagles at the beginning of the second half.

As a team leader, Er Niu has never disappointed at critical moments, and this time will be no exception.

With his strong offense in the interior and continuous scoring, the Hawks once again established a double-digit lead.

The Raptors were powerless to stop this Chinese player who was in good shape, and what was even worse was that Bosh, the Dragon King, was no longer brave enough to score 16 points alone in the second quarter.

The Eagles' defensive end.

Bosh faced Ruan Erniu head-on, and wanted to use a fake move to make a feint, and then break through the opponent head-on.

Unexpectedly, Er Niu's judgment was very accurate. At the moment Bosh raised his hand, he shot suddenly and knocked out the basketball in the latter's hand.

Ruan Erniu took the opportunity to pass the ball to the frontcourt, and Bibby scored an easy layup.

Another defensive end for the Eagles.

Bosh finally switched positions with Nesterovic, and his opponent became Zaza Pachulia.

Originally, an acceleration passed the opponent, and he was about to complete the score with a simple layup.

Unexpectedly, Ruan Erniu rushed out from nowhere, facing Bosh with a big hat.

This time Bosh had no excuses.

If in the last game, Ruan Erniu was still using his mouth to destroy Bosh, in the traditional view, he was somewhat invincible, then in the second half of the G2 game, he was completely crushing Tell Chris Bosh that he's the better star against superstars.

The team's inside core couldn't be opened, and the pressure naturally fell on Jose Calderon and Jason Kapono on the outside.

The Spaniard and the three-point leader are very powerful. Even when the team leader was guarded, they still did not give up hope and repeatedly used outside shots to recover points for the team.

The scores of the two teams were pulled closer to within 5 points.

The tenacious Raptors did not make the Eagles feel nervous. Someone beside Er Niu also stood up. Jon Jisen also ushered in an explosion in this quarter. He faced the defense directly, hit consecutive jump shots with an emergency stop, and instantly pulled the score opened.

After a wave of 10:1 attacks, the score gap between the two teams once again rose to double digits.

The process of the third quarter lacked suspense. Even though the Raptors counterattacked several times, it was the Atlanta people who firmly controlled the situation on the court.

At 21:30, although they only led by 9 points in a single quarter, the trend of the game was completely on the side of the Hawks.

Arthur on the sidelines said to Scott Bryan on the side: "Isn't the victory already decided?"

Bryan said with a smile: "Not necessarily, maybe the Raptors will launch a counterattack in the final quarter."

Arthur said: "However, the rookies in the NBA are really scary now. This is just Kraft Nguyen's rookie season."

Scott Bryan said: "It's not like this in the music industry, the momentum of newcomers is also very strong now!"

Arthur nodded, and then said: "Do you have a new plan next time? By the way, where is the little guy you recommended to me last time?"

Brian laughed and said, "I'm from the same country as the Raptors. To be honest, that boy's performance on YOUTUBE is very spiritual. I decided to sign him. Are you interested?"

Arthur said without hesitation: "Of course, find a time to bring him to see me!"

At 78:89, the three quarters ended, and the score gap between the two teams came to 11 points.

Ruan Erniu scored 11 points, 8 rebounds and 22 points, 15 rebounds and 4 assists in the third quarter.

Although there is no way to compare with the crazy performance of G1, as the team's most stable scoring point, the contribution of Er Niu is still considerable.

囧囧sen also did what a second player should do. His statistics in the first three quarters were 21 points, 4 rebounds, and 4 assists. As the team's second scoring point, he also played an indispensable role.

Needless to say, the key to G2 is that the Hawks will be full of psychological advantages when they go to the away game with two consecutive victories at home.

Likewise, if the Raptors can walk away with a win in Atlanta, God knows what crazy things they'll do back in Toronto.

Black Eight is certainly a popular story among people who eat melons, but is there no market for Black Seven?

Just kidding, every time you play a game, you can write a biography.

The fourth quarter of the game began with the roar of the coaches of the two teams "defense!"

The Raptors did not give up hope.

It is true that the Raptors' inside line was suppressed by the Eagles' frontcourt led by Erniu, and there was no chance of turning over, but the Raptors did not disarm. This time, his counterattack started from the outside.

Jose Calderon was substituted again after TJ Ford played the opening three minutes of the quarter.

Ford, who is starting now, is more like Calderon's substitute. The guy named the fastest in the NBA by Iverson should plan his career carefully.

There is no way to rely on speed alone for a lifetime. At the point guard position, he must either increase his shooting accuracy, or learn from his teammate Calderon and focus on passing, otherwise his NBA career will not go very far.

As soon as the Spaniard came on the court, he led the Raptors' backcourt to launch the final counterattack.

He made consecutive hits outside the third line, and then assisted teammate Argentine Carlos Delfino to score consecutive points.

The point difference between the two teams was once forced to only 3 points.

After Woodson called two timeouts, Mike Bibby stood up.

The White Devil is worthy of being an experienced veteran in the competition, the more critical the moment, the bigger the heart.

He scored back-to-back goals against Jose Calderon.

Breakthroughs, emergency stops, pulling the ball, shots, every time he scored, Bibby demonstrated his excellent and calm ability to score points.

He is the most ruthless killer on the field.

The fans at the scene were completely detonated, and they cheered for Bibby's key ball again and again.

Every time Mike Bibby made a shot, it was like stabbing the Raptors with a knife, and the knife was bloody.

What's interesting is that the No. 5 pick in Italy also staged a performance of scoring [-] points in a row at the critical moment of the last quarter.

Bargnani, who is so bad on the defensive end, really has a bit of Nowitzki on the offensive end.

It's a pity that his performance was no more than that, and as the eclipse further strengthened his defense, he once again disappeared from the court completely.

Ruan Erniu took over the game again at the last moment.

Taking advantage of the dislocation many times, he turned the world upside down inside the Raptors.

No one can stop his attack. The reason why a superstar is a superstar is because he is an unsolvable existence.

The red indicator light was on as usual, and the game of G2 finally came to an end.

103:108, strictly speaking, the Raptors have already played at a super level today.

Take a look at the following data:
Chris Bosh, 29 points, 10 rebounds, 6 assists.

Jason Kapono, 20 points, 5 rebounds, 1 assist.

Jose Calderon, 18 points, 9 assists, 2 rebounds.

Carlos Delfino, 16 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists.

They fought to the last moment, but the gap in strength could not be made up by burning the small universe.

For the Eagles, Ruan Erniu scored 30 points, 22 rebounds and 6 assists.

The Big Three of the Eagles scored 72 points together, accounting for 2/3 of the team's total points, which is the key to the home team's ability to defend their home court in this game.


After two games, those experts who questioned Ruan Erniu's statistics before the end of the regular season were all silent.

Super giant face slaps without words, just a micro-expression, plus a bunch of unbelievable data to slap people in the face, just ask if you are convinced?

Who is the hero?

None other than me!

(End of this chapter)

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