Standing pretty old

Chapter 296 Hand over your Hamilton

Chapter 296 Hand over your Hamilton
From leading 1:0 to trailing 2:1, the Hawks experienced a losing streak in the playoffs after losing the Er Niu.

The situation is very serious now. In the best-of-seven games, as long as they lose one more game, the Hawks will be on the verge of being eliminated.

The Pistons' defense relies on the system, rather than placing too much emphasis on individual abilities. Even the big Ben needs to find his place in the system.

After losing Antonio McDyess, their overall defense remains solid.

After two games, the Pistons finally showed confidence. As long as they fight for another home game, when they return to Atlanta with a 3:1 lead, everything will be hard to say.

For the Eagles, in a sense, the G4 game is not lost in a life-and-death battle.Once they fall behind the Pistons by a large score, their young and inexperienced side will expand infinitely. If they lose their peace of mind, this may become a precursor to the Hawks' complete collapse.

And the media that followed the trend also jumped out at this time:
"Young Eagles, they will pay for their youth."

"Losing a good game, leading by 11 points at halftime was reversed, and the Hawks' promotion form is worrying."

"Craft Nguyen's return is difficult to welcome a turnaround, youth has not failed, Atlanta, the future belongs to you."


After the G1 game, the faces of these media at that time were the greatest image of praising youth.All kinds of shameless flattery came one after another.Er Niu's suspension was even once blown as a respect for the old Pistons, and the Pistons needed to die with dignity.

After just two games, almost all the arguments have been reversed. Only a small number of Ruan Erniu's hardcore media are still saying good things for Erniu, thinking that his comeback will definitely bring major changes to the Eagles.

Erniu's agent for rice, Leon Ross, called Erniu and said: "Do you think it's incredible? Kraft, this only proves that your threat is too great. They are all afraid of you. stout pride trampled underfoot."

Ruan Erniu deliberately teased: "Do you American people have national values? I thought you only had money in your eyes!"

Leon Ross laughed and said: "Of course, I am more interested in Franklin (the head of the hundred-dollar knife) than the inexplicable patriotism."

Er Niu, who majored in history, couldn't help but nodded and said: "Rousseau said, 'Patriotism is the last refuge of hooligans', and they are left with this level."

Leon Ross nodded and said: "The alliance is vigorously promoting international strategies, and this is your opportunity. Kraft, for our mutual money, I hope you can go further."

Ruan Erniu said firmly, "As you wish!"


When Er Niu stepped into the Eagles' temporary training facility in the Detroit area, the teammates were not in a very high spirits. It is no wonder that they led most of the game and finally lost the game by one point. Frustrating thing to do.

As long as one of these two games of G2 and G3 is won, the current form will be completely different.

"Oh! Is it the end of the world? Why did I see a group of walking dead appearing on the basketball court, can your movements be more rigid?"

Everyone's eyes focused on Er Niu for the first time, and now it's time for the boss to speak:
"Have you lost confidence after losing two games in a row? Don't forget, our regular season record is higher than the Pistons this season, and we are a team with 60 wins! I will be back in G4, let's kill the Pistons, Going back to Atlanta with a 2-2 score."

What is the leader?
He is the one who can unite everyone's will and boost everyone's confidence.

Ruan Erniu is indeed a rookie, but his phenomenal performance and terrifying statistics back up his words. Once such a person proposes a goal, people will rarely raise objections, because he himself has such power and words right.

Seeing that everyone had adjusted their mentality, Woodson blew the whistle and started the day's training.

That's how people are, when they are trapped, it seems that everything becomes hopeless.When someone reopens a window for him, he will feel that the world is so beautiful again!
G4 was held three days after the end of G3. During the past few days, Pistons fans often came to make trouble in the hotel rented by the Hawks in the Detroit area, in order to interfere with their normal rest.

Ruan Erniu said to everyone again: "This only proves that Detroiters are afraid of us. They are old and only have this trick left."

For the past three days, Ruan Erniu has been pouring chicken soup on his teammates from time to time.

On the night of the competition, Ruan Erniu also used the "ultimate move" he thought of on the spur of the moment.

In the locker room of the visiting team at the Palace of Auburn Hills, everyone was sitting nervously preparing for the game. Only Ruan Erniu was staring at the ceiling, wondering what he was thinking about.

囧囧sen stood next to Er Niu, and imitated him to look at the ceiling for a while, except that the wooden boards were a little loose, he couldn't see any special places.

So, 囧囧sen said to Er Niu: "What are you thinking? What's so good about those broken wooden boards?"

Ruan Erniu did not answer, and after a while he said to everyone in the Eagles: "Everyone give me a 'Hamilton', quick!" (Alexander Hamilton, one of the drafters of the U.S. Constitution, No. 1 U.S. Finance Minister of the Department, the head character on the 10-meter yuan.)
Soon, each piece of 10 yuan was forced to be handed over to Ruan Erniu, and even the head coach Woodson also paid for it.

Egghead asked suspiciously, "Kafe, what do you mean?"

Ruan Erniu still did not answer the question at the first time, but stacked the 10-meter yuan neatly in his hand, then found a chair, stepped on it, lifted the top cover of the ceiling, and put the stack of 10-meter yuan on the In the ceiling and the compartment on the top floor.Then, the board was moved back to its original position.

Er Niu jumped off the chair and said to everyone: "Did you see? Now each of you put your money here.

Either we G6 come back here, after winning the game, take the cash from here.

Or we will simply lose the money this season and find a chance to get it back next season. I'm sorry, but at that time, we don't know who the money belongs to. "

Lunar Eclipse muttered: "That is to say, we must win 3 games in a row and settle the battle at the Palace of Auburn Hills. I always feel that my 10 yuan is not safe!"

This is of course a joke, the Eagles, who really cares about the 10 yuan?

This is just a prop for them to pin their hopes of victory.

Ruan Erniu can't wait for G7 to go to the decisive battle, he just wants to use three consecutive victories to solve the battle, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

The road is made step by step. If you want to win three consecutive victories, you must win tonight's game first.

On May 5th, US time, the G10 battle between the Pistons and the Eagles is ready to start. Will the Pistons win 4 consecutive victories and completely defeat the Eagles, or will the Eagles return and stage the return of the king?
The attention of countless fans is focused on this game.

Today, the classic combination of Barkley and Kenny Smith of TNT also came to the arena. In this eye-catching full-meter live broadcast, they are also indispensable and important elements.

With the whistle of the game referee Steve Jarvie and the basketball flying into the sky in the middle circle, the game began!

(End of this chapter)

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