Standing pretty old

Chapter 303 The Choice Before the Natural Disaster

Chapter 303 The Choice Before the Natural Disaster
Ruan Erniu can't sleep anymore, Ouyang Haotian is not a blind person.

Calling late at night, but not even explaining the basic situation clearly, then there is only one possibility, a major event known to the whole world has really happened.

In just a few minutes, Ruan Erniu found relevant information on the Internet.

Tianchao, Shuzhong, and Wenchuan, places that were originally unknown to the world, became known to the world because of an earthquake.

The magnitude of the earthquake was 8.0 on the Richter scale. The core of the earthquake was 31.01 degrees north latitude and 103.42 degrees east longitude. Not counting the aftershocks, the earthquake took only 2 minutes.

Two minutes ago, the people in central Sichuan were still living a peaceful life. Two minutes later, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and countless people died.

The earthquake affected most of China and many countries and regions in Asia. It was felt in Liaodong in the north, Magic City in the east, Mingzhu, Haojing, Thailand and Vietnam in the south, and Pakistan Railway in the west.

The number of casualties cannot be calculated in detail for the time being, but judging from the photos released from the disaster site, it is already a scene of the end of the world.

"What happened?" Han Meimei couldn't fall asleep either, and Ruan Erniu's expression had never been so serious, which only showed one problem, this matter was unprecedentedly serious.

Ruan Erniu immediately called back the phone to Ouyang Haotian, but there was a busy tone.

Needless to say, this guy must be urgently discussing with Feng Xing on how to use Weibo to convey information about the earthquake and increase its influence.

Immediately afterwards, Er Niu called Sheng Xing and Chen Bailu, and finally dialed their numbers one after another. Then, he got a news that surprised him even more.

Ouyang Haotian had just made up his mind at the meeting that he would lead a wave of volunteers into the disaster area and bring back first-hand information.

"Is he crazy? Why don't you stop him! Now that the traffic is all paralyzed and the PLA is blocked outside, how did he get in?" Ruan Erniu shouted angrily.

Shengxing endured the anger of the big boss, and said helplessly: "We stopped it, we can't stop it! It's not like you don't know Steven, his execution power is above everything else, and we can't interfere with what he decides."

"When you called me just now, you were already on your way, right? Okay, okay, Ouyang Haotian, you are amazing!" Ruan Erniu hung up the phone resentfully.

He didn't understand that his manager's method was to kill first and act later. He was determined to risk his life.

What Ruan Erniu didn't expect was that Ouyang Haotian wasn't the only one who wanted to risk his life. A few hours later, his elder brother whom he regarded as his father called from JFK Airport in New York. Take the flight back to the country and contribute to the disaster area.

"Brother, wait a moment, the situation is unknown now, why do you want to risk yourself?" Ruan Erniu said anxiously.

As a person from the Celestial Dynasty, Ruan Erniu is definitely willing to contribute money and efforts to disaster relief, and these are all fine.

But going to the disaster area to rescue people in person is a completely different concept.

Now in central Shu, with Wenchuan as the core, there are still continuous aftershocks, and death can be seen almost everywhere.

When this time passes, there may be danger at any time. Er Niu is also a human being. He just lost contact with his best partner, and now he is even more unwilling to lose news of his eldest brother.

Professor Ruan said with a smile: "But I'm a doctor. We don't sing high-profile things for the country and the people. This is just my personal choice. Er Niu, play well, every victory you win is also for the people of the country. A morale booster, especially in the face of such a brutal natural disaster."

After speaking, Ruan Daniu hung up the phone and walked into the boarding room.

Ruan Erniu wrote a blog post on Weibo: "Wenchuan! Hold on! Tianchao! Hold on!"

Erniu called his hometown. It was still sunny and sunny, so far away from the middle of Sichuan. Of course, it was not affected. It is said that some people also felt the aftershock, but people's normal life was not affected.

After confirming that there was no problem with the parents at home, Ruan Erniu called Dayao, A Lian and others on the phone. They all got the news at the first time. Donating money and materials is affirmative. Fundraising matters in the industry.

Of course, some time later, a piece of information that Kobe donated 500 million yuan was circulated on the Internet, which was obviously misleading the public.

In fact, it was the Soong Ching Ling Foundation, endorsed by Kobe, who actually donated the money. At the charity dinner, the foundation received a total of 4300 million soft sister currency donations from rich people, and the foundation took out 500 million of them. million donated to the disaster area.

In other words, during the whole process, the Chinese people were donating money to the Chinese people. Kobe just hung it up as a signboard, and he did not personally pay for the Wenchuan earthquake.

Originally, the matter of donating money is what you want and what you want. Donations made through kidnapping and coercion are definitely not normal charity.

But the irresponsible spread of some unscrupulous media is really disgusting.

Anyone with a little sense can think that when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Kobe did not donate so much money. How could he donate so much for another country on the other side of the Pacific Ocean?

Even if many people in this country are his fans.

Well, these things actually have little to do with Er Niu, he just needs to play well now.

But in training, today's Ruan Erniu is obviously out of shape.

After the teammates asked the reason, they all joined the ranks of donations, which moved Ruan Erniu very much.

Although this is also for Er Niu's face, but this kind deed is a kind deed, there is no doubt about it.

Ruan Erniu hastily finished the day's training, returned home, and adjusted his state.

There will be a G5 game against the Pistons tomorrow, and he must focus all his attention on the playoffs.

But Er Niu obviously didn't expect that he would face a more painful parting.

Looking at the opened suitcase and Dr. Han who was packing his clothes, Ruan Erniu tried to stop her several times, but finally held back.

MAY is an independent woman, she does not depend on Er Niu for survival, Ruan Er Niu's education in the United States told him that at this time, he has no position to make a choice for Han Meimei.

"You are a dentist!" Ruan Erniu persuaded.

"But I'm a doctor after all!" Doctor Han's smile was still so beautiful.

"May, I just said goodbye to my partner and brother, and now I'm saying goodbye to you, don't you think you're too cruel?" Ruan Erniu said painfully.

Dr. Han didn't care about this man's "hypocrisy". She smiled and said, "When Hurricane Katrina came, I went too. This time, I want to do my best for that distant motherland!"

"Niu, everyone will make a choice in their own life. If you love me, please respect my choice!" Dr. Han's words were firm and simple, leaving no room for Ruan Erniu to refute.

"Be sure to pay attention to safety. As long as the line is clear, call me every day. No matter how late it is, I will be on standby 24 hours a day!" Ruan Erniu said helplessly.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that the line might be interrupted at any time, and anything could happen in the chaotic disaster area.

Just look at New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, it was hell on earth, and it took a long time for the US government to calm down.

Ruan Erniu looked at the back of Dr. Han, and finally made his own choice.

(End of this chapter)

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