Standing pretty old

Chapter 306 Take Tianwang Mountain

Chapter 306 Take Tianwang Mountain

Before the start of the second half, Ruan Erniu also took the microphone from the live DJ and made a simple speech: "In Shuzhong, there are new death lists coming in every minute and every second, but there are still death lists. More people are struggling to support, they have not given up the hope of survival, in the face of life, everything is very small, I am with them, I hope everyone alive can be well!

Not long ago, my partner, my eldest brother, and my girlfriend all went to Sichuan to participate in the rescue. Because I still have the responsibility to lead the team forward, I couldn't help them together, but my heart and They are together.May the world be free from disasters and pain, and may the world be filled with love. I love you, Steven, brother and the love of my life—MAY! "

Speaking of this, Ruan Erniu's eye sockets were also moist. He hasn't shed tears for a long time.

It seems that the last time was when I was forced to give up my beloved gymnastics.

This is Erniu's second step. He announced the existence of Han Meimei in front of the whole world. This is what Erniu owes her. Love needs to be brave and speak out loudly, otherwise the ending of the story will become Zhou Jielun's song "I'm not worthy" is gone.

So, are Ruan Erniu's tears part of acting?
Of course!
Superstars can't survive without acting skills.But before the performance, Er Niu's feelings are also true. In just two days, he bid farewell to his friend, manager, and the closest woman of his first brother. There is no guarantee, no matter how hard-hearted a guy is, he will inevitably fall in love with the scene, not to mention Er Niu will only turn 20 in a few days.

People marveled at his superhuman physical fitness and incredible skills, but after all they forgot that he was also an ordinary young man.

On the field, the fans in the arena kept shouting "MVP!", "MVP!", "MVP!"

The must-have game between the Hawks and the Pistons in the second half is also just beginning.

Bibby held the ball from the outside, Ruan Erniu received the ball from a high position, and after a tentative step, he pulled up directly. Maxiel could only watch Ruan Erniu shoot with straight arms and hit 2 points!
Billups held the ball across half court and passed the ball to Prince.The latter directly broke through with the ball. Facing the defense of the lunar eclipse, Prince firmly withstood the defender and rushed inside, but was affected by Ruan Erniu's defense at the moment of the shot.


Hard work!
Ruan Erniu took the rebound, started the "Bull Sprint", and rushed towards the opponent's half court.

Maxhill and Wallace couldn't keep up with Er Niu's speed at all, and Billups was waiting for Ruan Er Niu at the front.

But his stance is also very awkward, the front end of the foot stands outside the reasonable collision zone, and the back end of the foot stands in the reasonable collision zone.

Billups didn't have time to adjust himself, because Ruan Erniu was already flying.

In a tragic collision, FMVP was directly knocked out of the bottom line, but Ruan Erniu's huge body was still on the upward track. With a big swing of his arms, the basketball was smashed into the basket.

After a short second of silence, there were even more frantic cheers and screams!
The audience loves this kind of exciting dunks. Of course, the charm of basketball is not only the best physical fitness, but it is undeniable that a guy with outstanding talent like Er Niu is born to be the embryo of a top superstar.

Billups was pulled up by Hamilton and Prince. Not only did he not get fouled, but he was called a blocking foul by the referee, and his expression was quite helpless.

Taking a closer look at the slow motion, the position of his feet is indeed unclear, and this additional penalty is not injustice.

Of course, if the on-duty referee dares to call an offensive foul, whether he can walk out of the Philips Arena alive is also a question.

In Ruan Erniu's death-deduction list, Chauncey Billups, the league superstar, was added.

Under Er Niu's strong performance, the Eagles played the best quarter of the game in this quarter. At 18:27, the Eagles beat the Pistons by 9 points in a single quarter.

At the end of the three quarters, at 65:68, the Eagles led by 3 points and entered the final quarter.

This is destined to be a duel that will be fought to the last moment. The people of the Celestial Dynasty used to call him "Battle of Tianwang Mountain".

Well, this was originally a term used in the mud-bombing Go world. Borrowed by the major media, it has gradually evolved into a key battle in basketball, football, and even any sports.

This allusion is about the Warring States Period in the history of Nibo, the battle of Yamazaki between Mitsuhide Akechi who just launched the Honnoji Incident and Hideyoshi Toyotomi who was still Hashiba Hideyoshi for the "People of the World".

This stop happened at the foot of Tianwang Mountain. As a result, Hashiba Hideyoshi, who had occupied the favorable position of Tianwang Mountain in advance, went down in one battle, killed Akechi Mitsuhide, and then quelled the whole Nibo, ascending to the pinnacle of his personal power.

Since then, the Battle of Tianwang Mountain has become synonymous with key battles.


Naturally, the game has not yet been decided, but some personal data is about to explode again.

By the end of the third quarter, Ruan Erniu's personal statistics were 26 points, 15 rebounds, and 8 assists. They will win back-to-back large triple-doubles close to 30+20+10.


A 30+20+10 comes at every turn, and it seems that only a large triple-double can match the strength of the dominance of the second bull.

The fourth quarter started quickly.

In the last quarter of the game, it was the Detroit people who took the lead in launching an active offensive.

Rasheed Wallace's straight-arm shot completely blew up Marvin Williams' defense in this quarter.

In fact, as long as Wallace himself is in good condition, with his height and wingspan, even if the North Carolina young man grows 10 centimeters taller, he will never be able to seal the shot of Roaring Tianzun.




Wallace, whose state has been declining year after year, seems to have returned to the summer of the 03-04 season. In that year, whether it was Malone or O'Neal, they were all shot to death by him.

At that time, Marvin Williams, who now can shit and pee on his head from time to time, didn't even make it to the NCAA.

However, the Eagles are not without someone to stand up.

Mike Bibby deserves to be a shooter with a big heart. When the team fell behind, it was he who stood up from the outside again, scoring consecutive three-pointers and clinging to the score.

88:84, with one and a half minutes left in the game, the Eagles had the ball.

Ruan Erniu held the ball in a high position, and with a feint, he swayed Maxiel, who was defending him, into the air. Then he leaned forward and took advantage of the situation.

Er Niu made this extra penalty steadily, 88:87, and the Hawks were only one point behind.

On the offensive end of the Pistons, Hamilton made a reverse run, came out from the baseline, received a pass from Billups, and directly pulled out his hand...

At this moment of life and death, Jiongjisen has made a contribution!
His fingers barely touched the lower end of the basketball, and Hamilton's shot turned into a non-stick.

Childress was lucky enough to pick up the basketball and dribbled the ball across half court in the first place.

The Pistons' return to defense was very timely, and it seems that this fast break will be transformed into a positional battle.

Jon Jonson, who had just arrived at halftime, received a pass from Childress, and took two steps from the three-point line and directly pulled out his hand~~Hit!

At 88:90, the Hawks overtook the score.

The Pistons timed out, and after the timeout ended, Billups sent a sideline kick.

With Wallace in the high post, is he going to single Marvin Williams again?
No, this time he chose to pass the ball, and the object of the pass was Chauncey Billups who had just made a big circle like his good friend Hamilton.

His unexpected running position, throwing off Mike Bibby who was defending him, caught and shot from the three-point line~~also hit!

At 91:90, the Pistons regained their lead again, with only the last 15 seconds remaining.

Billups used Hamilton's method to complete the quasi-lore.

The Eagles paused, and this time they will use their strongest points to end the battle.

Ruan Erniu received another pass from Jiongsen in the low post, and he suddenly squeezed into the inside line. Maxhill, a strong man with a stable foot, was pushed aside by this brute force.
Rasheed Wallace and Tayshaun Prince jumped at the same time, and there was no way out for them.

Ruan Erniu jumped up high, leaned back, and threw the basketball in his hand against the defense of the two long-armed monsters.

The basketball flew higher and higher, spinning past the defender's highest blocking point.

It finally dropped sharply at the front end of the rim, and then went straight into the rim.

The Hawks took the lead by one point at the last minute!
Ruan Erniu's almost killed the game!

With the Pistons' last desperate shot out of the basket, 91:92, the Hawks won this crucial Game 5 game, and they now have to go back to Detroit to pick up what they left there.

(End of this chapter)

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