Standing pretty old

Chapter 328 The Long-awaited Tactic

Chapter 328 The Long-awaited Tactic

The generals of the Eagles regained their strength after the timeout ended. During the last period of time, the eclipse was the main direction of the Eagles' attack.

He used the dislocation advantage to force James Posey in the low post, and hit several consecutive goals, and finally got back a little point.

The Eagles' current offensive strategy is very clear. Once there is a dislocation, they will resolutely fight the dislocation, and must maximize the advantage of the dislocation. (It can be both big and small, or small and big)
At 53:59, relying on the last wave of chasing points in the first half, the Eagles still controlled the score difference between the two teams within 10 points.

Woodson's complexion finally looked a little better, although the result still didn't satisfy him.

Green Kais coach He Douan was interviewed by a CSN reporter at halftime. He said: "The Eagles must not be treated as a young army. They are a team capable of impacting the championship. We must always be vigilant. Be defensive.

Of course, we also won't choose to double-team Kraft Nguyen, what we need to get done is the other Eagles players. "

If it was in the regular season, He Document might still be secretive about his defensive tactics, but in the playoffs, everyone knows everything, so there is no need to hide it.

In the locker room of the Eagles, the players sat together in twos and threes discussing the trend of the game, while Woodson closed his eyes and rested his mind. He sprayed everything that should be sprayed. How to defend next depends on the initiative of the players themselves.

They have all reached the Eastern Conference finals, and the players themselves must have pursuits and ideas for honor.

Not long after, Ruan Erniu called his teammates together, and said to Woodson: "In the second half of the third quarter, we are going to send the 'Eagle Raid'!"

Woodson said seriously: "But you must also be prepared to be studied by your opponent. No tactic can be perfect. You must be mentally prepared and ready for the moment when your opponent cracks this tactic."

Woodson is a vigilante, and he's not wrong.

There is a day when any tactic will be thoroughly studied. Of course, he hopes that this day will come later, but at the same time, he understands that this day will come sooner or later.

It is a foolish idea to expect any kind of tactic to conquer the world.

Basketball has evolved in this way, and it will not change because of anyone's intervention.

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "If it is cracked so easily, it can only prove that the value of this tactic is not as great as we imagined, but I don't think the Celtics' reaction speed will be so fast!"

The two bulls are also reasonable. To be honest, although the Celtics have also studied the Eagles' elimination of the Pistons, in their opinion, the Eagles' "Eagle Raid" is basically the same as Run-Gun. That being the case, the Spurs have a ready-made solution to deal with the Suns.

In Lukai's view, this kind of RUN-GUN style of play is too sacrificing on the defensive end, and there is no market in the playoffs. The reason why the Pistons lost is that they lost their main center Antonio McDyess. The lack of a defensive mountain is the biggest shortcoming of the Pistons.

Green Kai does not have this trouble now, their lineup is very neat.

Returning to the locker room of the home team, He Dou said: "The first half was done well. In the second half, they may use the same tactics against the Pistons. But it doesn't matter. We just need to be ourselves and defend well, and the victory will definitely belong to the team. us!"

The locker room is discussing the "Eagle Raid" tactics, and in the commentary booth, why not discuss the Eagles-style "RUN-GUN", Tom Heinsohn and his partner Mike Gorman have differences on this issue .

Heinsohn said: "I don't think the bird's play is that great, they just copied the Suns' play.

In fact, because they don't have a ball handler as good as Nash, their offensive fluency is even worse.And we all know that run and bomb tactics will seriously affect the team's defensive quality, I don't think they will cause trouble for the Celtics. "

Mike Gelman retorted: "Man, I think you're biased against 'RUN-GUN' stuff, I think the Hawks are somehow better than the Suns.

Because they have enough rebound protection, the Suns are much inferior to the Hawks in this regard. The comparison of basketball strength is largely the comparison of the team's shortcomings. The Hawks are likely to overturn history. "

Heinsohn said dissatisfiedly, "Are you surrendering to the enemy?"

Gehrman spread his hands and said, "I'm just on the side of the truth!"

The old fellow Heinsohn shook his wits, and immediately replied: "'Truth' is on our side!"

In fact, they were more than just discussing the Hawks' counterattack in the third quarter. Even in the TNT studio, they were not idle.

The golden pair of Charles Barkley and Kenny Smith were also discussing this tactic. After all, the Eagles used it to take away the Pistons in waves. This tactic naturally became the focus of discussion after dinner.

Kenny Smith said: "In the second half of the third quarter, the Hawks will definitely use this trick, so the question is, Charles, do you think the Bostonians can withstand the Hawks' offensive?"

Barkley said: "I don't think Boston can withstand the attack of the Hawks. They only saw the fast offensive and defensive rhythm of the Hawks after the change, but they ignored the fact that the Hawks are equally strong on the defensive end.

I think the Hawks are playing an upgraded version of small ball, and they are making history. "

Smith laughed: "Do you recall the time when you were in the Suns and calling the shots?"

Barkley said: "At that time, the Suns were not slow to play, and we had defense!"

At this point, Barkley is indeed qualified to laugh at D'Antoni, because the Suns he led reached the finals, although they were killed by the Bulls led by Jordan.

But at least it proves that Barkley's Suns are highly competitive in the playoffs.

On the contrary, the Sunstorm led by D'Antoni, their performance in the playoffs has never been satisfactory, even the single-core Kobe Lakers can drag them into danger for a while, let alone firmly suppress their Spurs up.

Barkley once mocked in a program: "A great team needs a tough defense, but most players like to run and shoot. In the past few years, the Suns' basketball style has been weak and feminine."

D'Antoni's response: "He's an actor!"

Well, they were all the people who led the sun to the top of the alliance. It is normal to look down on each other. When it comes to historical status, even if they are not literati, they can still look down on each other.

But what Barkley said is very accurate, that is, the Hawks' defense is definitely not as weak as everyone imagined, and playing fast does not mean that there is no defense.

The TV broadcast screen switched back to the scene again, and the second half of the game began.

At the beginning, Woodson did not directly come up with the "Eagle Raid". He continued the starting lineup in the first half. In the tactical arrangement before the game, they also designed it in this way. The guy's stamina.

Ruan Erniu held the ball in a low position. He first attacked Perkins at the beginning of the second half. He only made a fake shot with his head up. Ruan Erniu instantly entered the penalty area. Er Niu took advantage of the situation and pulled the bar to avoid the opponent, and threw the ball into the basket with a backhand.

(End of this chapter)

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