Standing pretty old

Chapter 331 The Influence After the Match

Chapter 331 The Influence After the Match

Chemical reaction is a magical process, often accompanied by light, heat, discoloration and so on.

This is the case with the Eagles now. Their sudden acceleration in the playoffs has completely transformed them into another team.

The Eastern Conference Finals G1 game came to an end in this way, and the unexpected ending almost surprised everyone.All major markets adjusted their odds in the first place, and the experts who were more optimistic about the Celtics also changed their tunes one after another. Now they are infinitely praising the beauty of youth.

After the game, Pierce accepted an interview as the team leader, shaking his head and said: "For us, this is a bad night, we underestimated the enemy, this must be admitted.

The Hawks' small-ball tactics are far stronger than we thought, but that doesn't make us lose.The series is long, and now we don't have time to think too much. Winning G2 first is the top priority.We have not lost faith, this is not the end of the world, we will be the ultimate winners. "

Another reporter asked Pierce about Ruan Erniu's evaluation. Pierce said: "I have no comment. He doesn't need my evaluation now. He has already established the status of a superstar."

At the post-match press conference, Green Kai's head coach He Dou said bluntly: "We were attacked by surprise, and we were beaten to the point where we couldn't fight back. We need to sum up our gains and losses, and strive to win G2. Now we say Nothing works, we have to keep our other home ground, which is crucial for us."

"Excuse me, have you thought of a way to crack 'Eagle Raid'? This is simply an upgraded version of RUN-GUN!"

He document said: "Any tactic has a solution, the difference is only in the length of time, I believe we will come up with a solution in G2."

Is this why I haven't found a way yet?

The spotlight is shining wildly, what will the newspaper headlines be written the next day?Maybe it should be written: "Rivers is at the end of his rope, and Boston has no hope of advancing!" "

From not paying enough attention at the beginning to being extremely uncomfortable after the encounter, there is really not much time left for the Celtics.

If they can't find a way to restrain the Hawks in a short period of time, they will lose the Eastern Conference Finals and bid farewell to their long-awaited O'Brien Cup again.

There is only one championship, so it is so precious.

After He Document, of course it was Ruan Erniu's turn to play.

Not to mention these reporters, even Ruan Erniu, who easily scored a triple-double in this game, felt a little unreal. He vaguely remembered the "Journey to the West" that relied on infinite repetitions to cheat money. , Sun Houzi often said that sentence: "I haven't exerted my strength, you will fall down!"

To be honest, this is Er Niu's most real feeling now.

A reporter from The Boston Globe asked, "Do you have anything to say after the attack?"

Ruan Erniu did not expect that the first question was the unfriendly tongue of the home team.

Fortunately, Er Niu is not a mud bomber, otherwise they should say that the tragic scene of Pearl Harbor is repeated in Boston.

Ruan Erniu spread his hands and said: "I don't agree with your statement, this is not a sneak attack. In fact, we have made clear such a tactical arrangement since the game against the Pistons. Defeat opponents by strength.

The easy victory over the Celtics really surprised us.I don't deny that there may be an element of luck in this, but a win is a win, and we will continue to win! "

The TNT reporter asked, "Kraft, there's more we want to know about 'Eagle Raid,' please tell me?"

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "To be honest, I don't know where to start. In fact, I kind of forget who took this damn name.

In the first round of the series against the Raptors, we have already come up with this lineup. It is not so much a tactic as it is a combination. When , Joe and MB are on the court at the same time, we can increase the speed to the maximum while maintaining a solid defense.

In the beginning, this was just an accidental discovery, but now, we can use it as a tactical routine. "

The CSN reporter asked: "Will the Eagles continue to adopt such tactics in the following games? Do you have the confidence to sweep the opponent?"

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said: "Whether the Hawks will continue to adopt such tactics should be asked to our best coach - Mr. Mike Woodson. As for whether we will sweep the opponent, I think it is too early to say all this, or Let the game decide everything."

Then came the question, but it was a local Chinese TV station in Boston: "Kraft, if you leave Atlanta, would you like to play with the Celtics?"

This compatriot from the United States is also unreliable, Er Niu shook his head and said: "I have no plans to leave the Eagles for the time being, so I can't answer your question."

The ESPN reporter finally asked the question. He said bluntly: "If you finally beat the Celtics, who do you want your opponent in the finals to be? The Lakers or the Spurs?"

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "This question will be discussed after we eliminate the Celtics. It is meaningless to make such predictions now."

The G1 game between the Spurs and the Lakers will be held tomorrow. In fact, the two bulls are still more optimistic about the Lakers. The perfect embedding of Paul Gasol has brought about a qualitative change in this team. The Spurs may not be able to stop it. live them.


The press conference ended smoothly, and Er Niu didn't express much emotion. As far as he is concerned, it is not the time to be high-profile yet.

What Er Niu doesn't know is that even if he doesn't make a high profile, the basketball circle in the United States will definitely be boiling the next day.

And David Stern and Adam Silver, who were far away in Los Angeles, were both happy and somewhat headache.

The two shrewd businessmen suddenly discovered that the script had been changed!

Xiao Hua said eagerly: "What should I do? If this continues, the Celtics will not enter the finals!"

Stern said unhurriedly: "I have been promoting the yellow-green battle for half a season, but I didn't expect such a situation to happen. The Celtics are too disappointing. Adam, call the referees, tomorrow's scale You have to control it, understand?"

Xiao Hua nodded and said: "That's for sure, but what if the Hawks play such a smooth cooperation again? In my opinion, if the Celtics can't find a way to deal with it, even with extra help, they won't be able to win." Contest."

Xiao Hua is quite right, under the eyes of the whole world, the alliance really can't make the scale too inclined to one side, which will do too much damage to the image of the alliance.

Stern said with a smile: "Then let the team that should enter the finals enter the finals. Although Jordan received a little preferential treatment back then, in the final analysis, they still entered the finals on their own strength. Adam, you understand ?"

Xiao Hua pushed the glasses on his nose, and said with a smile: "Of course, the yellow-green war can't be done, the league can completely make the promotional slogan for the playoffs come true!"


If the strength of the Eagles can really reach the subversive level, then why not make them a miracle and a surprise?

The alliance is determined to be commercialized, as long as there is a gimmick, there is nothing that cannot be packaged!
Now, everything depends on whether the Eagles can be black to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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