Standing pretty old

Chapter 350 Please Raise Your Butt

Chapter 350 Please Raise Your Butt
What's interesting is that Erniu's eyes did not escape the lens of the live camera, and audiences all over the world saw the profound expression of the Celestial Man for the first time.

The media responsible for basketball reports in various countries have begun to discuss this expression of the Chinese people. Some people have turned on the mocking mode, thinking that the Chinese rookie is careless. It is a look of helplessness. The Eagles have lost G5; There must be a beast hidden in Ruan's heart, and he will definitely release his passion in the second half of the game.

The commentary of the court platform is undoubtedly the third type of opinion besides these two types of opinions.

Zhang Lili wondered: "Did Ruan Erniu laugh just now?"

Sun Zhenping replied: "Maybe I'm nervous. After all, it's the stage of the Eastern Conference finals, and Er Niu is still so young."

Zhang Lili: "Oh!"


When Ruan Erniu returned to the Eagles locker room, the whole team was waiting for him. Woodson saw him return to the locker room and immediately said, "I'll just wait for you. I'll talk about it later..."

Woodson wanted to emphasize his repeated defensive tactics, but Ruan Erniu stopped him with a wave of his hand, and said with a smile: "Mike, there is no need to say this now, the Celtics have already lost the game, we can do it small Let's celebrate!"

This time, not only Woodson was on the spot, but most of the Eagles players were a little at a loss.

Could it be that the rookie is really under too much pressure, so he talks nonsense?
The lunar eclipse closest to Er Niu walked up to Ruan Er Niu at the first time, stretched out a finger and shook it in front of Er Niu's nose: "Is this one or two?"

Before Er Niu could reply, Lunar Eclipse said to his teammates again: "I have learned a little first aid. Kraft couldn't be attacked by a Boston fan and smashed his head, right? I think his mind is a little abnormal."

Turning his head, Lunar Eclipse said to Er Niu again: "Dude, don't forget, we are still 10 points behind!"

Ruan Erniu pushed the lunar eclipse aside, shook his head and said: "My mind is normal, the fact is that we have indeed obtained a great advantage."

囧囧森 was the first to reply calmly, "Why?"

"After using the 'Eagle Assault' small ball lineup, is our minimum winning score lower than 10 points?" Ruan Erniu said without changing his smile.

As soon as the Eagle King's words came out, the entire Eagles team immediately felt relieved, and the frustration of being behind by double digits just now disappeared without a trace, as if the team behind was actually the Celtics.

I have to say, this concept is really beautiful!
But when these words came out of Ruan Erniu's mouth, they were so convincing.

This is a monster who averaged 29.1 points, 20.3 rebounds, and 5.6 assists per game in the regular season. He was a genius who led the Hawks to win the first 60 regular season wins in team history.

The words spoken by such characters almost have the effect of following the law.

That's right, even though they knew this guy was talking nonsense, everyone couldn't help but believe him, because a legendary figure like him seemed to be leading everyone to do something extraordinary.

When the Hawks returned to the game, there was no tension on their faces.

Ruan Erniu's last words in the locker room were left in their hearts: "Don't forget, we will return to Atlanta with the Eastern Conference championship trophy!"

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu held the ball in the low post, facing Perkins' defense, without using any extra techniques, he raised his buttocks and arched in.

Ruan Erniu, who O'Neill can beat, can't beat Perkins?

It turns out that Kraft Nguyen is underrated for his terrifying power, even though most of the sports media thinks he has an epic P-share.

With the development of the small ball lineup, Erniu's passing ability has been recognized by more and more people, but Erniu's back body has been significantly reduced, and people have gradually forgotten his super dominance in the low post.

After tearing away the veil of gentle and elegant technical flow, Ruan Erniu has always been the low-position killer that makes opponents shudder.At the moment of life and death, he raised the buttocks of justice without hesitation.

"Bang!" It was not the sound of bullets hitting the body, but the sound of the huge Perkins being knocked to the ground.

That's right, Perkins, a giant tank man with a height of 6 feet 10 inches and a weight of at least 270 pounds, fell to the floor like a collapsing pillar.

There was no foul, the use of this physical confrontation was quite reasonable, but it was absolutely against the law. A player who was a head shorter in height knocked a player who was obviously bigger to the ground. This scene was too cruel.

Garnett rushed forward immediately, he could not allow Ruan Erniu to do whatever he wanted inside the Celtics.

In the next second, Er Niu and Garnett, who were holding the ball in both hands, made a TOUGH touch.

"Bang!" This was also not the sound of bullets touching each other, but the sound of Garnett being knocked into the air!
The slender Garnett was only knocked away by about 1 meter, but he couldn't stand firmly, and then fell at least 3 meters away, so the verb "fly" can only be used to describe this tough time aerial duel.

Ruan Erniu, who had won a big victory, hung the basket high, and the basketball had already been smashed into it heavily.

The North Shore Garden Arena once again fell into a brief silence, and in the next second, overwhelming boos rushed towards Er Niu desperately.This hateful Chinese man is killing the expectations of Boston fans for more than 20 years.

At this moment, he is the most evil Satan!
Mr. Satan let go of the basket and jumped out of the air.

With a relaxed face, he retreated to his defensive position, as if those boos were not aimed at him.

Maybe the referee didn't call an extra foul, which is the biggest regret for Er Niu.

However, it doesn't matter, the referee's scale is relatively fair in G5, the Eagles did not get a free throw, and the Celtics also have little chance.

"OH! MY-GOODNESS! What did I see? After Kraft Nguyen overturned Perkins, he dunked Garnett. The Celtics couldn't stop him!" Barkley exclaimed, "We How long has it been since I saw such a tough dunk? Now players always like to break fast or shoot. They don't understand how great tough physical contact is?

Good job Kraft, you should have used your ass to settle the fight, God gave it to you, not for display! "

"Hey! Charles, pay attention to the influence, now it's live on Quanmi!" Miller persuaded from the side.

"Fuck your influence, Reggie, when you were a player, you talked as much trash as I did. I want to reiterate that I love Kraft Nguyen's P stock!" Although Barkley has long been a well-known bull However, at this moment, he finally opened his heart completely, and fell into the admiration and numbness of his kind.

A P-share that is stronger than Barkley has been synonymous with Kraft Nguyen for a long time.

Ok!Although unsightly, it is enough to prove Er Niu's powerful role in the low position.

On the offensive end of the Celtics, Rondo broke through with the help of a pick-and-roll, and then distributed the ball to Pierce outside the three-point line. Pierce shot at a 35-degree angle from the left and missed!
The defensive rebound was taken by Er Niu, and Er Niu immediately started the "Brute Bull Sprint" to kill the frontcourt.

3 on 3 in the frontcourt, Er Niu broke through in the middle, and the two wings of Jiong Jisen and Lunar Eclipse opened.

Standing in front of Erniu is Pierce. Although Erniu is an inside line, the two are about the same height, but Erniu's muscles are stronger, and the edges and corners of the lines are more distinct.

Two people, getting closer...

(End of this chapter)

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