Chapter 352

The Hawks failed to kill the Celtics in one wave, but whether it was the fans who came to watch the game or the fans who watched the game in front of the TV, they should have earned back the ticket price and time cost.

Such an anxious game makes people reluctant to look away for a minute.

Throughout the third quarter, the two teams were in a high-intensity rivalry. The score never reached more than 5 points, but the offensive efficiency of both sides remained good.

This is like two wild beasts encountered in the wilderness, biting their opponents non-stop, bleeding the enemy while looking for a fatal blow.

If it was in the regular season, the generals of the Eagles might joke with Er Niu at this time, after all, his prediction has failed.

Although the Eagles resorted to the "Eagle Raid", the Celtics did not fall.But now, no one is in the mood. G5 has been a confrontation of physical strength and will.

Er Niu took a total of less than 3 minutes of rest in the first three quarters, and in the last quarter, he also did not rest for more than 2 minutes.

At the point when the Celtics just overtook the score in the final quarter, Woodson decisively replaced the second bull on the field.

Regardless of the depth of the Celtics' bench lineup, the ones who can really stand up at critical moments are not *** J* Brown, Leon* Bowie, Glenn Davis, etc. One hit.

Of course He Document couldn't bear it. Perkins and Garnett immediately returned to the court. Erniu certainly had less rest time, but these old guys also had limited rest time. Compared with the two, the young Ruan Erniu and the Eagles were even closer. There are advantages.

Bibby held the ball for halftime, Erniu received the pass in the low post, attracted the Celtics to double-team, and then distributed the ball to the open Moon Eclipse.

Lunar Eclipse didn't dare to take the blame at this time, and passed the ball to Jon Jonson, who gave it to Marvin Williams after a breakthrough.

Marvin made a mid-range shot and missed!

Er Niu grabbed the offensive rebound and threw it to Mike Bibby, Bibby hit a three-pointer against Rondo!

Rondo dribbled the ball halfway, and after making an attack gesture, he passed the ball to Ray Allen who was running back. Allen made a one-step shot from inside the three-point line and hit it!

Bibby dribbled the ball across the half court, used Marvin's pick-and-roll to go down, and Er Niu's bottom line screen, calmly completed the layup and made a hit!
Rondo passed to Pierce, and Pierce leaned sideways on the eclipse. After a tentative step facing the basket, CROSSOVER then cut into the inside line, escaped the defense of Erniu with a jump step, and turned the ball into the basket.


The stalemate between the two sides continued in the second half of the game, and neither side could occupy an absolute advantage.

The cruelty of the playoffs is on full display at this moment. Despite your best efforts, it is still possible to completely lose the game in the next second.

After a defensive miss, the Hawks called for a 24-second timeout.

Ruan Erniu took the initiative to call this timeout. In the players' bench, he put aside Woodson and said to his teammates: "The whole world knows that we want to play small ball, and the Celtics can also guess, but I am not going to change. scheduled plan.

We are younger than them, we are faster than them, think of Mike's nickname (wooden man), in this game, we must stick to the 'conservative' spirit to the end.I just don't believe the Celtics can stop it! "




The Hawks players unified their minds in a short amount of time.

TNT's on-site commentators are discussing the next trend of the game. The time has reached the last 6 minutes. The score is 108:107, and the Eagles are only leading by 1 point.

Barkley said: "They will still come up with a small ball lineup, can the Celtics withstand it?"

Reggie Miller said: "Should you say they have a way out?"

Kevin Harlan made the final conclusion: "If you can't stand it, you lose!"

The imperial court was not idle either, Zhang Lili said: "After this timeout is over, the Eagles will definitely use their small-ball lineup of 'Eagle Raid', it depends on whether the veterans of the Celtics can be better than the Eagles. boy."

Teacher Sun Zhenping said: "I think it should be difficult to stop, after all, age is there."

Teacher Sun also abandoned the commentator's objectivity and fairness at critical moments, and straightforwardly favored the Eagles with Ruan Erniu.

But most of the Tianchao fans in front of the TV agreed. From the moment Dayao was reimbursed for the season, everyone pinned their hopes on Erniu, and now it depends on his performance.

Ruan Erniu held the ball in a high position and missed a mid-range jumper. Garnett grabbed the rebound and counterattacked with a pass.

But the Hawks retreated fairly quickly, and the Celtics had to drop their ground to attack.

Garnett holds the ball in the low post and plays second best in singles. He is the most dislocated point on the court with the height advantage.

After all, Erniu is a player in his early two meters. Facing Garnett, whose real height is about 216cm, he is in a weak position from the scene.

Garnett played with his back, and dug in twice in a row, but couldn't squeeze at all.Er Niu was like an ultra-thick wall, blocking behind Garnett firmly.

The same situation happened when Garnett encountered Hayes of the Rockets.

But the power of the Celestials is obviously more terrifying, and Garnett is almost unable to move an inch.

The helpless Garnett chose to pass the ball. He was not afraid, but after such a fierce confrontation, the hit rate of the iron-blooded jumper could not be guaranteed at all. Instead of this, he might as well attack from a different angle.

The ball went to Rondo, Rondo passed to Ray Allen, Allen passed to Posey, Posey passed back to Garnett.

This time, KG, who caught the ball sideways near the free throw line, faced the basket!
Garnett made a three-threat posture like a top swingman, and Ruan Erniu opened his arms in front of him to defend.

KG moved and dribbled the ball with a big stride, but Er Niu did not lose his position.

The next moment, KG made an emergency stop. He wanted to pull out a jumper, but Er Niu slammed his right arm downward.

The ball is cut off!
In the blink of an eye, Ruan Erniu made an astonishingly accurate judgment. There was no foul and the ball was clean.

But Garnett is Garnett. After the first ball was smashed, he miraculously got the ball again. Just when he was about to make another shot, Er Niu's right hand hit the basketball again.

The ball is cut off again!
Er Niu grabbed the ball, and Garnett, who was furious, directly fouled him and knocked him to the ground.

Ruan Erniu hugged the basketball, a carp stood up straight, and bumped into Garnett. The two got entangled and spat trash talk at each other.

"You bastard raised by XX, you are a maggot in the mud, a scum who only knows how to do black hands, you XX will always be a loser, with me, you will never win the championship!"

Whoever said Er Niu's trash talk was not high enough, he really became so angry that even he himself was afraid, this statement was too embarrassing.

For a person like Garnett, not being able to win a championship for a lifetime may be more painful than imprisoning him for life.

The referee and the teammates of both sides immediately stopped the further escalation of the conflict. After all, this is the stage of the Eastern Conference Finals.If you create a scene that is too hot, it will be really dangerous.

After discussing with the second and third referees, Crawford gave Garnett a first-degree flagrant foul and Er Niu a T. After both sides executed free throws, the game continued.

As long as there are no fights, the two sides will still be able to continue this confrontation.

Woodson and River Docs will not change players. As long as these two guys are not sent off or expelled, they must continue to fight to the end.

 Chapter 2 will be delayed. If there are no accidents, the third shift will resume tomorrow. Well, the premise is that there are no accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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