Standing pretty old

Chapter 354 Eastern Champion

Chapter 354 Eastern Champion
I won!

I won!

I won!

All the players of the Eagles flocked to the arena at the moment of the end, hugging and shouting at each other!

Fuck too young and inexperienced.

Fuck him X's lineup configuration is unreasonable.

Fuck you, you can't win the championship by playing small ball.

We are now the Eastern Conference champions!
Ruan Erniu was thrown to the ground at the first moment, and the rule of the brutal Chinese people in the locker room was finally overthrown at this moment. Don’t think that only a football field can build a wall of people. Anyway, Erniu has already thrown at least 5 people on him The above strong man.

"Bastard! Do you want to murder?" No one paid attention to Er Niu's words. Now they just want to celebrate wildly, and only such crazy celebration can release the joy in their hearts.

Mike Woodson and Larry Drew hugged each other tightly. This Eastern Conference champion came too dreamy. Before the start of the season, they still thought about how to lead the team to a breakthrough, but they are now No. [-] in the league. A team that qualifies to touch the O'Brien Cup.

The dream came too fast, and I was afraid that they would wake up in the next second, but at this moment, they really felt the joy of victory.

The fans in the North Shore Garden Arena are still reluctant to disperse. They cannot accept that they have gathered the Big Three and were eliminated before the finals.

Many diehard fans couldn't control their emotions and began to cover their faces and cry.There is nothing more painful than being eliminated on your own doorstep.

The Celtics finally bit their opponents in G5, but at the last moment, they still fell short.

Ray Allen put his hands on his hips, his handsome face was full of helplessness; Pierce knelt on one knee, supporting the floor with one hand, his eyes were dull, everything in front of him was simply a nightmare that could not be woken up; Garnett Looking at Ruan Erniu who was overwhelmed to the ground not far away, at this moment, he felt deeply powerless.

His many years of professional career in the Huskies made him understand the cruelty of competition, but this time, he really has few opportunities.

The 20-year-old Kraft Nguyen has just started his path to glory, but the 33-year-old Garnett can't afford to wait.As time goes on, the advantage of age will become more and more obvious, which is an irresistible force.

In the stands, Stern patted Celtic boss Cross Parker on the shoulder and said, "Wick, you just lack a little luck!"

After finishing speaking, Stern took Xiao Hua out of the door of the top stand. Soon after, they will present the championship trophy to the Eastern Conference champion.

After finally climbing out of the crowd, Er Niu finally had time to bid farewell to his opponent.

The object he chose was not someone else, but the Garnett who spat with him for half the time.

"Congratulations!" Although Garnett lost the game, he still maintained his super giant dignity.

"Hey! KG, we'll see you next season. However, if you want to win the championship, you'd better join us." Er Niu and Garnett high-fived and hugged.

Later, he said to Ray Allen: "Ray, come to the Eagles, let us create a big scene together!"

Allen shook his head, patted Er Niu on the back, but did not respond.

Afterwards, Er Niu went to Pierce again. The leather team had just bid farewell to Jon Jiongsen, but he was not far from Ray Allen, and heard Er Niu's words of solicitation.

Pierce took the lead and said, "Congratulations, Kraft, but you're not going to recruit me, are you?"

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said, "No, what I want to say is that although you will not take the initiative to leave the Celtics, Danny Ainge may not trade you. You should know this."

The NBA is a business, and no one dares to say where you are going tomorrow, unless you can get the right to veto the transaction.

Pierce remained silent, and after hugging Er Niu, he walked to the locker room.

Looking at his back, Ruan Erniu strengthened his belief in winning the championship. It is enough to see the background of the loser once, and no one is willing to substitute it.

Er Niu finally hugged and greeted Rondo. This guy almost made a big deal at the last moment.It's just that he met the more powerful Ruan Erniu.

"Do you know why I chose to play basketball? Because when I first came to the United States, I saw your NCAA game. Since then, I firmly believe that I can achieve great achievements on the basketball court." Er Niu said.

Rondo's eyes widened, and he said with a look of surprise: "So, I introduced you to the world of professional basketball?"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "Even if it wasn't you, someone else would have appeared there, but in that day's game, it was indeed you who led the University of Kentucky to kill the Stony Brook Surf team."

Rondo said: "Fxxx!"

The two hugged each other, and it was the final end to the confrontation between the top two in the Eastern Conference this season.

After the Hawks bid farewell to the Celtics, they soon ushered in the award ceremony of the Eastern Conference Finals.

Er Niu didn't listen to those nonsense. When he got the custom-made championship hat from his teammates and put it on, and was pushed to the front row, Stern was taking the Eastern Conference championship trophy from Silver.

"Congratulations, Kraft, I hope you can go further!" Stern handed the round ball trophy of the Eastern Conference Finals to Er Niu.

In the next second, Ruan Erniu took the trophy and kissed it, then held it up high.

44 points, 31 rebounds, 5 assists, this is the crazy data that the toaster scored in G5. He is indeed the well-deserved Eagle King.

In addition to Er Niu, Jon Jonsen scored 38 points, 6 rebounds, and 7 assists in the game, including 10 of 6 three-pointers. He was the second contributor to the Hawks' championship.

What dog P Eagles raids are all deceitful things. Looking back suddenly, it turns out that the Eagles are still playing superstar basketball.

As the leader of the team, Er Niu delivered his championship speech.

He put it this way: "We were not favored from the beginning of the season, and everyone thought that the Hawks should make the playoffs at that time, right?

Even with the league's second-best regular-season record, our playoff run is still underwhelming by many who view the Hawks as nothing more than a regular-season team.

We made it to the second round, but most of the media favored the Pistons, who thought we were too young.

We made it to the Eastern Conference finals, and we were still the team that was going to be eliminated until the end of G1 and G2.

but now.

I just want to say: 'We are the champions of the East! '

Guys, this is just the beginning, we will be in Atlanta waiting for the arrival of the Western Conference champion.The Eagles haven't won enough, and our next goal is-the championship! "

Afterwards, Er Niu handed the trophy to Jiong Jisen, who held up the Eastern Championship trophy shyly. Unexpectedly, this cool guy would also be shy.

Then, the trophy was passed to Lunar Eclipse, Bibby, Marvin and others.

Well, the almost-forgotten Woodson finally won the Eastern Conference trophy and was surrounded by his players for a victory photo.

The Imperial TV broadcasted the entire awarding process live. Unlike the coach who won the championship with the Spurs lying down, this time, Er Niu led the team to the finals as a leader.

Zhang Lili was excited from the moment the Eagles won the championship. Now he was much calmer and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Er Niu for winning the Eastern Conference Championship. I believe he will be able to lead the Eagles to achieve good results in the finals! "

However, there are also Chinese netizens who do not buy into Zhang's words: "Weiping Bryant is very conflicted! Because Kobe is also very likely to enter the finals."

 The first update will be delivered, let’s strive for the third update today, but don’t expect too much, um, that’s it.

(End of this chapter)

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