Standing pretty old

Chapter 375 Confident and Powerful

Chapter 375 Confident and Powerful

After Professor Ruan finished speaking, he patted Erniu on the shoulder lightly, as if he had completed a mission.

Er Niu suddenly felt uncomfortable. Before he left, he said to Ruan Daniu: "Brother, why don't I go back to my hometown after the Olympics, what do you think?"

Professor Ruan smiled and said, "You don't want to go back to your hometown?"

Er Niu said with a wry smile: "I'm only 20 years old, it's not too early, so can't you speak for me?"

Professor Ruan hugged his younger brother, leaned into his ear and said, "Come on, when I was getting married, you laughed at me, didn't you? By the way, I have already told my parents your QQ number. At that time, Duo and the second elder brother*******, you betrayed me again!" Er Niu was inexplicably sad and indignant.

Professor Ruan laughed and said, "I'm very satisfied with MAY. I think you should get the big things done in your life as soon as possible!"

Erniu understands the elder brother's thoughts too well. When the elder brother entered the "grave", now he wants to drag the younger brother into the water!

In the end, Ruan Erniu bid farewell to the Gallagher family and prepared to go back to the hotel to rest.

At this time, a multimedia message was sent to his mobile phone.

After a bloody picture, there is a seductive text: "I am at home alone? If you don't come, you will have to pay for it!"

This one is a purple stick toy, covered with granular bumps all over the body, the one in the picture just put it on Bai Huahua's chest, and with the words, it is really tempting to the extreme.

Ruan Erniu pursed his lips dryly, and finally walked towards another familiar apartment in a strange way.

After getting out of the taxi, Ruan Erniu looked around, and after making sure that there were no paparazzi, he entered the apartment.

After ringing the doorbell, the little fat girl in sexy lingerie opened the door with a smile, and it was her turn to decide.

"Well, didn't someone say that the game is important and not ready to come?"

Er Niu, however, showed the dignity of a man and showed no intention of giving in at all. He closed the door, picked up a chair with a backrest, sat on it with his back turned, and said to Lawrence: "Zhan, I just want to see Look at you. Don't worry, I won't do anything! If you play with that fake thing in front of me, I have no problem."

The little fat girl suddenly became upset, stood up a certain stalwart, pointed to the door and said: "Then let the old lady go out!"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "Are you sure?"

Little Fat Girl thought about it, but she still didn't do that after all. She looked aggrieved and wanted to cry, "Now that you're a superstar, you can't look down on me as a little trick. Are you here to deliberately humiliate me?"

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't cry!" Now it was Er Niu's turn to be at a loss.

Of course he didn't mean that, so he stepped forward to hug the little fat girl to stabilize her mood.

It took a while for Lawrence to stop sobbing on Er Niu's broad shoulders.

Er Niu suddenly felt something was wrong, he questioned: "Are you performing?"

The little fat girl smiled slyly and said, "You have finally become smarter, Niu, I am proud of you."

After speaking, Lawrence held Er Niu's head and kissed him heavily.

Ruan Erniu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and was deceived by this little fairy again. She is a woman who claims to win an Oscar for Best Actress in the future, so her acting skills can't be trusted.

"Okay! Don't be angry! Stay tonight and let me celebrate your victory over the mighty Los Angeles Lakers." The little fat girl looked at Er Niu expectantly.

The so-called "celebration" is self-evident.

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said, "I can stay, but I won't indulge myself. On the one hand, it's G4 tomorrow, and I have to conserve my energy. On the other hand, you know..."

The little fat girl's face also turned cold and said: "But you are still here, do you dare to say that you don't have me in your heart?"

Er Niu shook his head and said, "I have to admit this. But I also have my own bottom line. I can't betray my promise again and again. It's not fair to MAY."

Little Fat Girl suddenly said: "If I went back to Atlanta with you, would we still break up?"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "You won't do that. In this regard, you and May are actually the same. You are both independent women pursuing your own career. What right do I have for you to give up yourself for me? business?"

Jennifer Lawrence said with regret: "But I may have lost the greatest asset in my life. I had the opportunity to become the wife of a superstar, but I was delayed by myself."

Ruan Erniu immediately encouraged: "Then you should seize every opportunity to hone your acting skills and find a good role. When you become the best actress in the Oscar in the future, you can say as much as you want. in front of him, but that idiot didn't take the chance and screwed things up!"

The little fat girl immediately said energetically: "You're right, I can't sigh, what's the point of giving up a stupid basketball player, when I become a movie queen, I won't be able to get any man I want!"

In the end, Jennifer occupied the table with her hands on her hips, pointed at the ceiling and laughed, almost in a state of madness.

Then, the next second, the ecstatic future actress jumped up excitedly, hit her head on the ceiling, and covered her head in pain.

Ruan Erniu hurriedly took the spare painkiller spray in the house and sprayed it on Lawrence. No matter how you look at it, this woman is still far away from the Oscar queen.

With this off-line tone, it won't be a shame for the Oscars in the future, right?

Ruan Erniu stayed in the end, but he did nothing and slept with Lawrence in his arms all night.

It's easy to say, the two of them slept soundly, and they didn't look like a firewood at all.

The next day, Lawrence woke up early to make an announcement, but she left a note:
Some gentleman, if you had sex with me last night, then I was going to consider you a good P friend, however, in view of your gentleman to pervert behavior, I decided to pursue you again, you wait, I am the one with The woman you are more suitable for!

— Love you Jen.

He won't understand.A man with strong self-control is also a favorite object of women.

With power and wealth, but able to restrain his desires, how can such a man not make women fascinated.

What's more, these two people have never sorted out their relationship with each other.

Ruan Erniu scratched his head with a headache, and finally decided to put these complicated things aside, the championship is the most important thing now.

Er Niu came to the Eagles' training hall full of energy, and Woodson nodded in satisfaction. Judging from the state, the Tianchao people did not live up to their trust, and he really did not mess around.

On the evening of June 2008, 6, at the Staples Center, G12 of the finals was about to begin.

In the end, will the Lakers pull back a game and tie the total score 2:2; or will the Hawks make another victory, leading the Lakers 3:1 in total and getting the match point first?
Before the game, countless experts made predictions for this game. This time, more than 5% of the experts believed that the Eagles would win G4, and more than 6% of the experts believed that the Eagles would win the final championship.

As the biggest dark horse of the season, the Hawks are taking great strides to evolve into the biggest championship candidate of the season.

In an interview before the game, Ruan Erniu also said confidently: "No one can stop us from winning the championship, neither the Celtics nor the Lakers."

 The third update is still a little later, there are too many things recently, I am sorry.

  In addition, in this chapter, there was originally a scene where the eldest cousin raped the second bull. For the sake of the river crab, I reluctantly gave up this plot. Please make up your own brains, hehehehehe. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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