Chapter 380

In the press conference after the game, Phil Jackson played first.

3:1 behind, Zen Master didn’t have much frustration on his face. He said: “Records are meant to be broken. I think the Lakers can become the first team to successfully comeback when they are 3:1 behind. Team."

The local reporters in Los Angeles suddenly regained their spirits. They hurriedly asked, wanting to know where did Phil Jackson get his confidence?

Phil Jackson said: "The No. [-] position of the Eagles has always been their weakness. Although Bibby's accidental injury is regrettable, we must not let this opportunity go."

Phil Jackson is also in a hurry to lose, and such words will definitely cause quite a bit of controversy.

But there is no way, 3:1 behind the opponent, if you want to reverse, you must mobilize all forces.

Therefore, Jackson's words should be divided into two aspects: on the one hand, Fisher's kick was not intentional, and Bibby's hand was an accident; on the other hand, Jackson was also encouraging the Lakers to let the players not lose hope. , The Eagles' No. [-] position has a major loophole.

Ruan Erniu and Woodson also attended the press conference later.

Er Niu said: "Victory is certainly a joy, but MB's injury makes everyone not happy. We are all waiting for further diagnosis. I hope the news from the hospital is good."

A reporter asked: "What do you think of Fisher's kick?"

After thinking for a while, Ruan Erniu said: "The incident has already happened, and I don't want to express my opinion. I just hope that MB can get well soon and return to the team."

The reporter asked persistently, "Do you think Fisher's kick was intentional?"

Seeing this, he was a tabloid reporter who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. Er Niu said a little unhappy: "I only care about MB's injury now, and we will definitely win the championship, the next question."

Er Niu's choice is wise. At this time, it is meaningless to question Fisher or the referee.

Now it is better to prepare for the worst and consider how to win the championship without Bibby.

Woodson was questioned by the mainstream media. A reporter from the Los Angeles Times asked: "Without Bibby, who will you put on the top spot?"

Woodson can only say this: "This is a team secret. I can't penetrate it for the time being. When it comes to the game, it will naturally be known."

In fact, Woodson at this time was also helpless.

Losing Bibby is far from being as simple as the data on paper for the Hawks.

His experience, his overall view, and his big heart at critical moments are all the Eagles' precious wealth.

For the young Eagles, they really need a seasoned veteran to sit in charge.

Crazy Fan is old after all, and his physical strength does not allow him to play for too long.A player like him is invincible in the world when he has convulsions, but once his head heats up, no one knows what will happen.

Regarding the use of Crazy Fan, Woodson discussed with Er Niu and Jon Jonson, and he can only be given 5-10 minutes of performance time per game at most. If this time is exceeded, his efficiency will definitely not be guaranteed.

As for another young man, Axi* Lao, it is still unknown how high he will grow in the future, but at present, he is not enough to serve as the Hawks' starting position.

Looking at it this way, the weakness of the Eagles at the No. [-] position is suddenly unacceptable.

Jon Jonson often played the number one position before and during the season.

But in the finals, he needs to consume a lot of experience to deal with Kobe Bryant.

In this case, it is obviously inappropriate to let him distract himself as a point guard.

In fact, not to mention Bibby, even the absence of other role players is sometimes fatal to a team.

Thinking back to the Rockets in the 04-05 season, if Juwan Howard didn't have a sudden viral myocarditis, who knows if the Mavericks can reverse the Rockets 4:3 and advance.

That year, Howard's data was only 9.6+5.7 per game, but his absence had a huge impact on the Rockets' overall combat effectiveness.

And Bibby is even more indispensable to the Eagles now.

The generals of the Eagles waited anxiously for news from the hospital.

Finally, Mike Bibby's injury report came out. Fortunately, Bibby's ankle was sprained, but the bone was not injured, so he only needed to be treated conservatively and rested for a week.

In other words, it should be able to catch up with G7. If the injury recovers well, G6 may come back early, but the doctor is definitely opposed to doing so.

As for G5, which is the game three days later, it is impossible to catch up.

That night, Woodson, Er Niu, and Jiong Jisen represented the team and went to the hospital to visit Bibby.

Bibby was in a good mood. When the three of them went, he was sitting on the bed and reading the latest novel.

Er Niu said: "It seems that you are in a good mood, MB!"

Bibby said: "I am in a good mood because I have confidence in you. In fact, I am tired of this season. You better kill the Lakers in G5, so that I can go back to Atlanta directly with the O'Brien Cup."

Then, the four of them laughed heartily together.

囧囧森 said: "When will I be discharged from the hospital?"

Bibby said: "Tomorrow will be fine. Although the doctor said it will take a week to reply, I think three days is enough. Maybe Mr. Woodson can put me in the squad."

Woodson shook his head and said, "No way!"

The four chatted for a while, and before leaving, Bibby asked, "Have you thought about who should be the number one in G5?"

囧囧森 said: "I can go up there."

Er Niu shook his head and said: "I disagree, even if you go to play the first position, it will consume too much energy.

You know, Kobe's defensive burden has been on your shoulders, and you don't have much spare energy to take on the organizational work. "

Woodson said: "Trust Assi, Nick and Sally, they are also members of the Hawks. MB, you just need to take a good rest and get ready for the O'Brien Cup."

The next day, in the Eagles' training facility, Woodson began to drill the lineup.

However, the competitive state in practice and the game are two different things. No one knows whether the Hawks' weak No. [-] position can stop the Lakers.

Fisher, Farmar and others certainly do not have an advantage in front of Bibby, but they must be much more stable and efficient in front of Asi Law, Fan Maniac and Salim Stoudemire.

There is no bench depth at the No. [-] position, which has always been an unavoidable problem for the Eagles.

I just didn't expect this problem to erupt on the stage of the finals.

Er Niu didn't go to Gallagher's house or Little Fat Girl's in the past two days.

Both parties called, but Ruan Erniu declined them all.

He is now concentrating all his energy on the finals, and really has no time to think about other things.

I watched the video tapes over and over again, and went to the coaching staff to discuss tactics over and over again.

Although Er Niu is a rookie, he has gained a lot of voice by virtue of his superb performance and huge commercial value for a season.

As the head coach, Woodson also supports him almost unconditionally.

This is both a right and a responsibility. If the super giant cannot lead the team to the championship, then his own privileges will have legality issues.

On the contrary, if you are a super giant who can win the championship, everything is easy to say.

(End of this chapter)

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