Standing pretty old

Chapter 396 The Savior's Chicken Soup and Advice

Chapter 396 The Savior's Chicken Soup and Advice

"Don't worry about old You BB, you are the Iverson of China!"

"Don't be cowardly, just do it! If you get the chance, go for it, and you'll hang yourself to death!"

"Quick! Run!"

"Do you want to play in the NBA? If you finish playing in the Olympics, I'll help you figure out a way."


In the next period of time, Er Niu often trained with Chen Jianghua, pouring chicken soup on him every now and then, only praising him as unparalleled in the world. Iverson, Nash, Kidd, Paul, and Deron are all no rivals. , as if he is the number one point guard on the surface.

In Ruan Erniu's view, since Lao You has scolded Chen Jianghua so badly and hasn't recovered his condition, there is only one way.

Do the opposite and boast to death!
Let his self-confidence completely inflate, it is better to be arrogant than inferior and depressed.

Not to mention, as the training progressed, everyone found out miraculously that Chen Jianghua's ball had increased.

Not only is the choice of the ball reasonable, but the passing speed has also become faster!

He has a lot of self-confidence. Sometimes, even when Er Niu and Dayao ask him for the ball, he doesn't care, and dares to directly hold the ball and kill him.

Of course, most of the time, he will be taught by Dayao or Er Niu on the defensive end.

But when one or two can score, he immediately shouted excitedly.

Inside the Yuedong Gang, they are saying in private that the bastard Ruan Erniu won't give Andy Hua Tsai a boost, right?
Anyway, Jonas is happy to see the results. Chen Jianghua was also recruited into the national team by Lao You in 06. He played well, which also means that Lao You has a good vision.

At his peak, Chen Jianghua was hailed by the media as the next Celestial guard who could join the NBA.

After being injured, his condition has been poor, but more importantly, he did not get enough opportunities to play in the CBA.

The dynasty of the Eastern Guangdong Gang is unbreakable, which is not good news for young players who want to make their debut.

This is especially true for point guards like Chen Jianghua who need to form their own line. Without enough league training, Chen Jianghua's growth rate is not as expected, which is expected.

The Olympics is an opportunity. If Chen Jianghua can stand out, it will be a turning point in his career.

Yao Ming is also a turning point in his career.

Ruan Erniu and this big brother also had a lot of exchanges, but first they talked about the position on the court.

Er Niu said: "Dayao, on the offensive end, leave the low post to me, and you go to the high post as the turret, how about it?"

Yao Ming said: "My injury is almost recovered, Er Niu, don't worry!"

Ruan Erniu said, "No, what I mean is, when you play in the Rockets, you'd better end the offense at a high position and play like Big Z.

Adelman is not Van Gundy, he will agree with you to go high.In this way, you can extend your career.Your playing time per game is also better off.

You are a fighter, but your body is your own. If you get seriously injured, you may have to say goodbye to professional basketball. "

Ruan Erniu said bluntly that he had learned about Yao Ming's injury from the team doctor of the national team.

In fact, Dayao really can't play in the low post like he used to. This is a joke about his professional life.

"But the team needs my lethality in the low post." Yao Ming said unwillingly.

"Is there any lethality if you end up injured?" Er Niu retorted, "Americans don't pay attention to selfless dedication. You don't owe the Rockets anything. Everything you have is earned by your own hard work. here."

"Listen to you, if it's for profit, would you leave the Eagles? How about coming to the Rockets?" Dayao solicited with a smile.

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "I won't admit this if it goes out: if Alexander is willing to pay enough, how can you be sure that I won't change my family?"

The words of Xinke FMVP made Dayao think deeply.Of course he understands his current predicament. With Er Niu's rise, his status in the Rockets is actually in a decline stage, which is indisputable.

Rare things have always been more expensive. When Er Niu, who is more competitive, appeared, the commercial value of Dayao has been greatly reduced.

The commercial endorsement of China used to be for the Rockets, but now it is entirely possible that it will be incorporated by the people of Atlanta.

Rockets boss Alexander is also a businessman, he is considering the interests of Hongguoguo.

Dayao has worked hard in the NBA for so many years, so he naturally understands that business is business.

Since it was a business, he had to preserve his value. Only by successfully preserving his value could he continue to gain a foothold in the league.

What Er Niu said is right, his body is his own, and he has to make a decision.

"I understand what you mean, I will seriously consider it!" Yao Ming smiled and hammered Er Niu's chest.

Er Niu patted Dayao on the shoulder, which ended the superstar conversation.

Children only judge right and wrong, adults only distinguish pros and cons.

The existence of Ruan Erniu certainly objectively damaged Dayao's commercial interests, but relatively, it was because of the existence of Erniu that Dayao had the opportunity to better analyze his environment and make more rational choices.

On July 2008, 7, the Tianchao men's basketball team temporarily ended their training camp and came to Xicheng, Jiangsu Province for a warm-up match against a team called the Australian Stars.

When Er Niu heard this, he thought he was going to fight Bogut, and immediately bragged to his teammates: "Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, I can handle Andrew Bogut every minute."

This sounds like a big pretense, but when you think about the match between Atlanta and the Bucks last season, Erniu's words seem to be correct. He is indeed blowing up Australia's big mouth in all directions.

Jonas smiled and said to Er Niu: "I'm sorry to tell you that this is not the Australian national team, it's just their youth team, and I'm not going to let you play more than 20 minutes."

Ruan Erniu suddenly lost interest, and it turned out to be the legendary so-called Tianchao men's basketball national team's famous property - a warm-up match for boosting confidence.

The characteristic of this type of warm-up match is that the opponent's name seems to be high-ranking, and they will usually be dubbed the title of "XXX star team". After the match, it will be found that either the second echelon of the opponent's national team or a temporary formation The youth army, or simply a team made up of a bunch of fringe old guys.

It is said that the Tianchao men's basketball team has won the so-called eight consecutive victories in the previous warm-up.

The gold content in this is self-evident.


Sitting off the court, he looked at the trademark of "China X grams, Australia Red River" on the front of the Australian team's jersey. He really wanted to laugh: Why are the opponent's clothes prepared by our side?
Dayao did not choose to come back in the end, he still needs recovery time.

100:73, the Tianchao men's basketball team took the opponent lightly and achieved nine consecutive victories in the Olympic warm-up match.

Two days later, on July 2008, 7, the two teams moved to Ningcheng to continue the second warm-up match between the two teams.

In this game, Er Niu was pressed on the bench, and the two teams began to play defensive tactics, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

The men's basketball team failed to score a goal for as long as 6 and a half minutes.

I don't know if the audience was too enthusiastic and kept calling Ruan Erniu's name, or Yunus also felt that it was boring to fight like this, so he finally replaced Erniu on the field.

Ruan Erniu, who was like a tiger out of the cage, helped the national team open the score and set the tone of the game.

At 80:61, the Tianchao men's basketball team won ten consecutive victories.

Erniu didn't feel happy at all. With such a competitive state, can he compete in the Olympics?

(End of this chapter)

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