Chapter 400
Yunus in the locker room turned on the blower mode again.

For some reason, Er Niu suddenly thought of Zhou Xingxing's "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance".

After the drum set that made people sleepless by beating tables and chairs, Mrs. Hua and Chun, Xia, and Dong Sanxiang staged a classic scene of soaring hair.

Anyway, Er Niu felt that Yunus' scolding at this time would not have a very good effect.

Scolding too much, the players are almost used to it, it's kind of like breaking the can.

If you are ahead, you will be scolded, and if you are behind, you will be scolded even more.

With Er Niu and Dayao, if you can't lead the opponent by 30 points, you will be ashamed to say hello to others.

The problem is that Angola is really not that weak, and the players of the Tianchao Men's Basketball Team are really average on the field today.

After the start of the second half of the game.

Er Niu and Dayao appeared on the field at the same time again.

Liu Wei immediately sent the ball to Dayao, and after Dayao attracted double-teams, he distributed the ball to the second bull on the outside.

Ruan Erniu hit 3 points with a knife in his hand.

In the international arena, Er Niu suddenly became a three-point shooter. Such a sudden change made people overwhelmed.

In fact, Ruan Erniu himself is considering whether to increase the proportion of long-range shots next season.

Especially in the small ball lineup, if he can also pull the outside shot, it will definitely play a magical role in tearing the opponent's defense for the Eagles.

In the next few minutes, Erniu completely entered the three-point mode, making consecutive shots from outside the three-point line, hitting one goal after another, and opened the score of the two teams to more than 10 points.

Angola had to request a timeout again, but to no avail.

No. 14 Paul, No. 4 Cipriano or No. 8 Armando Costa can't stop Ruan Erniu's long shot.

This is also a matter of course.

The physical fitness of these guys is really good, but there is still a gap from the world's first-class NBA. Ruan Erniu can often compete with players with top physical talents like James and Wade.

In comparison, these people's physical conditions and skills are at least two grades behind those of top NBA players.

However, today Jonas seems determined to test the adaptability of the Chinese men's basketball team.

Er Niu just shot his opponent to death, and the next moment, he was immediately replaced by Yunus.

The audience once again broke out in addition to dissatisfaction, and Lao You once again became the focus of firepower.

However, the basketball Caesar was unmoved, and shouted as he should, anyway, Ruan Erniu was firmly pressed on the bench by him.

Er Niu had no choice but to chat with Chen Jianghua who was beside him.

Chatting and chatting, the Tianchao men's basketball team, which was holding a good situation, actually started to get sick.

Angola's No. 6 Carlos Moresley made a sudden outside shot. Shortly after Er Niu left the field, he set off a wave of counterattacks, which once chased the score of the two teams to about 5 points.

Er Niu said helplessly to Chen Jianghua beside him: "Hua Zai, how do you say 'it's over' in Cantonese?"

"Fall on the street!"

Ruan Erniu smiled wryly and said, "If we continue fighting like this, we're really going to hit the street!"

Fortunately, Dayao on the court still played the role of Dinghaishenzhen at the critical moment.

He continuously used the height of the inside to overpower his opponents, and scored a beautiful 2+1 twice.

Although the state is only [-]% of the peak period, Dayao is still the most reliable Chinese player besides Er Niu in both offense and defense.

At 62:51, the third quarter ended, and the Tianchao men's basketball team still led the opponent by 11 points.

The last quarter of the game started quickly, and Er Niu and Dayao were put on the bench again at the beginning stage.

Fortunately, Allen performed well at the beginning of this quarter. He and Gomez shot at each other. Until the middle of the fourth quarter, the score gap between the two teams remained unchanged.

In the end, Dayao did not get playing time because of his recovery from injury.

So Er Niu led the team alone and started the last 5 minutes of the game.

Chen Jianghua dribbled the ball to Ruan Erniu in the low post, and Angola's No. 15 power forward Eduardo Mingas held Erniu behind.

This is obviously another confrontation that is not at the same level.

Ruan Erniu made an easy inside cut. After throwing off his opponent, he dunked the basket with both arms and scored 2 points.

Almeida dribbled the ball across the half court and passed it to Gomez. Gomez shot the ball under the defense of Allen. After Ruan Erniu grabbed the rebound in the backcourt, he did not pass the ball to Zhang Qingpeng, and directly dribbled the ball by himself. Half time passed.

Then take advantage of the opponent's unsteady footing, and immediately pull up directly outside the three-point line, and then hit!

Ruan Erniu is to the Tianchao men's basketball team, not only a puzzle that can be integrated in the shortest time, but also an independent existence that can be completely self-contained.

Even if Lao You faced Ruan Erniu like this, he couldn't do anything. His personal ability was strong to a certain extent, but he just ignored the rules.

Yunus himself spread his hands and said to Zheng Chen, the interpreter behind him: "Is there no way to make this kid stop being so showy?"

Zheng Chen laughed and said, "But among the 13 billion people in our Celestial Dynasty, there is only one Kafu Ruan."

Jonas could only shake his head. Facing such a privileged player, he, the basketball Caesar, also had no way to forcibly suppress his personal offensive.

Ruan Erniu's performance was far from over. He intercepted Almeida's pass on the defensive end and immediately dribbled the ball across the half.

This time, only one Gomez defended in place, and the Tianchao men's basketball team, in addition to the two bulls, also had Zhang Qingpeng to the frontcourt.

Er Niu passed the ball to Zhang Qingpeng immediately, and Zhang Qingpeng threw the ball into the air immediately after taking the ball with one step.

Already flying into the sky, Ruan Erniu posed obliquely in the sky with a "big" character, caught the ball with one hand, and dunked the ball into the basket with all his strength.

Gomez couldn't avoid it and flew directly out of the bottom line.

"Doo!" The referee didn't care about this, and sent Er Niu to the free throw line, 2+1.

So far, the game has completely lost its suspense.

The existence of Ruan Erniu completely broke the balance of strength between the two teams.

The Tianchao men's basketball team already had an advantage in terms of skills and tactics, but now Er Niu, a fierce monster, defeated the opponent's most proud physical advantage.

If Angola can turn back, they will not be the African champions, but the European powerhouses.

At 88:71, the Tianchao men's basketball team finally defeated the opponent by a huge advantage of 16 points. Ruan Erniu also did not play the last 5 minutes.

Seeing that the situation was good, Yunus immediately replaced Erniu again.

Simply this time, Angola was really helpless, and finally disarmed and surrendered happily, ending the Stankovic Cup match that attracted much attention.

Ruan Erniu scored 29 points, 11 rebounds, 5 blocks, and 5 assists in this game. Among them, he made 6 of 5 three-pointers, which was even more eye-catching.

Under the FIBA ​​rules, the Celestial Monsters seem to have become stronger.

Even some American media are saying: "The Tianchao men's basketball team in 08 was much stronger than we imagined, especially the existence of the youngest FMVP Kraft Ruan, which made this team a world-class team. You must be prepared to fight hard!"

In fact, it is not only the Tianchao men's basketball team that has made significant progress over the years. The level of basketball around the world is improving rapidly.The dominance of the American family is gone forever.

Of course, if you only compare the overall strength and depth of a single country, American basketball is still undoubtedly the number one in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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