Standing pretty old

Chapter 404 Crash and Rescue

Chapter 404 Crash and Rescue

At the beginning of the second quarter, Erniu and Bogut fought at the horns. Bogut held the ball, raised his hand at 45 degrees and shot, Erniu blocked it in place.


Dayao took the rebound and made a pass to Zhang Qingpeng. Zhang Qingpeng dribbled the ball for a fast break. After a fake pass, he made a direct shot from outside the three-point line and made a hit!

Bogut took the ball in a high position, and this time he calmed down a lot. After attracting the defense of the Tianchao men's basketball team, he sent a through ball. David Barrow in an air cut got the basketball and scored with a hook at the basket.

"Stop attacking?" Er Niu still did not let Bogut go on the offensive end, occupying a deeper position while constantly attacking Dazui verbally.

Bogut, while elbowing Erniu, said in Erniu's ear: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm a genius supporting center, shorty!"

Ruan Erniu smiled brightly, suddenly raised his head, ran to a high position and received a pass from Zhu Fangyu, shot a jumper near the free throw line and made a hit!

After voting, Ruan Erniu showed a mocking smile to Bogut provocatively.

When Bogut entered the offensive position, Ruan Erniu continued to spray: "I can score directly without passing the ball."

Bogut once again supported him at a high position. While defending, Ruan Erniu continued to complain over and over again: "It is also the No. [-] pick. Our Yao's strength is much more reliable than that of an Australian player. Andrew, are you right?"

"Shut up!" Big Zui told people to shut up again, and he finally understood that even if it was a contest of words, he was no match for Er Niu.

Bogut passed the ball to guard Patty Mills who had just come on.

The latter made a three-pointer and hit it!

Patty Mills is currently getting attention from some American media because of his preparations for the Olympics. He is studying at St. Mary's University and has been elected to the first team of the best team in the West Coast League of the NCAA Division I. He can contribute 16.4 points per game. 2.2 rebounds, 3.7 assists and 1.97 steals.

Compared to CJ* Bruton, young Mills has more impact.

Especially after Bogut stopped playing hard, the short point guard gained a lot of offensive freedom at once.

Continuously broke through the inside to score the ball, and passed good balls to the open Australian players.

Faced with Mills' sudden score, both Zhang Qingpeng and Chen Jianghua seemed unable to handle their opponents.

In comparison, the more experienced Liu Wei is still reliable, at least able to effectively limit opponents.

The speed of the two teams is not fast. In terms of offensive and defensive positions, the Tianchao men's basketball team is stronger, after all, it has the advantage of internal strength.

Er Niu and Dayao took turns to force the inside line, always oppressing Australia's inside line.

But the tenacious Australians did not let the score widen, and the point difference basically hovered in the 6-10 point area.

Er Niu has no choice but to beat the opponent to death with one hammer and one hammer.

Just like lions and honey badgers, most lions have the ability to end the life of honey badgers, but facing this kind of creature that can make your mouth full of blisters even if it dies, even if it is a lion, if it is not very hungry, it will not Willing to clash with honey badgers.

The game continued, and in the second half of the second quarter, something happened that made the entire Tianchao men's basketball team break out in a cold sweat.

Liu Wei normally dribbled the ball across the half, and when he was close to Mills and entered the penalty area, he bumped headfirst into David Anderson, who was defending up.

The referee on duty immediately whistled Australia for a defensive foul, but in the next second, Liu lay on the ground and failed to get up.

It turned out that Liu Wei stepped on David Anderson's foot when he broke through and twisted.

This injury made Yunus' face darken.

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

In fact, besides Er Niu and Dayao, the most indispensable player in this national team is Liu Wei.

In terms of the stability of performance and the necessity of taking the blame, Liu Wei is an indispensable existence of the Tianchao men's basketball team.

If he gets injured at this time, it will deal a big blow to the Tianchao men's basketball team.

Liu Wei was carried to the locker room, and the preliminary diagnosis could only be known after careful observation by the team doctor.

But what is certain is that the Tianchao men's basketball team will not let Liu Wei play in tonight's game.

Chen Jianghua, as Lao You's most important point guard, appeared in the No. [-] position of the men's basketball team.

Liu is not here, and he is needed to sort out the offense of the entire Tianchao men's basketball team.

Then, he made a mistake.

Chen Jianghua, who hesitated a little outside the three-point line, was finally intercepted by Mills at the moment of passing the ball.

Mills quickly crossed the half with the ball and scored 2+1 against Chen Jianghua's defense.

Yunus yelled at Chen Jianghua furiously: "Chen, pay attention to me, this fuck is in a competition."

Ruan Erniu walked up to Chen Jianghua, put his arms around Chen Jianghua's shoulders and encouraged him, "Don't feel burdened, just play normally, if you can't do it, pass the frontcourt and give me the ball directly."

Mills made a free throw!
Chen Jianghua took the baseline ball from Er Niu and pushed forward with the ball!

Suddenly, the Australians stepped up their defense, with Mills and Brad Newley double-teaming Chen Jianghua.

At this time, Andy actually only needs to flick the ball in the direction of Er Niu to break the double-team.

But he was nervous and just wanted to protect the basketball first.

As a result, the more you want to protect it, the more difficult it is to preserve it.

Chen Jianghua will soon be defended against an 8-second violation.He had to play the ball, and the next second the ball was broken again.

Newley received the ball that Mills broke off, and easily dunked with one arm under the basket, and hit it again!
An angry Yunus called a timeout, and directly replaced Chen Jianghua who was out of form.

Liu Wei is the last fig leaf and backer for the Tianchao men's basketball team. Without him, it is true that even the midfielder often has trouble making it through.

Er Niu couldn't encourage Chen Jianghua any more, the beating was so bad, what's the use of encouraging him?

Zhang Qingpeng was quickly replaced on the field, however, today the point guard of the Tianchao men's basketball team seems to be ready to die to the end.

It was another oppressive double-team, and the 8-second time was coming soon, and Dayao had to run to the backcourt to respond.

Before Zhang Qingpeng passed the ball, the ball was cut off again.

This time, Bogut got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attack. He received a pass from his teammate in the middle of the fast down, dunked the ball into the basket with one arm, and easily scored 2 points.

And once again opened his mouth and shouted at Ruan Erniu: "You are finished, MVP!"

Jonas was furious again, he was going to replace Sun Yue to play the No. [-] position. At present, only this Celestial Magician can help the men's basketball team overcome this difficulty.

However, before Yunas sent Sun Yue on the field, Ruan Erniu had already run to the No. [-] position on his own and took the baseline ball from Zhang Qingpeng.

Yunus paused the substitution, stood up, and stared at Ruan Erniu in the field.

Of course, he also watched G07 of the 08-6 season finals, knowing that Er Niu also has the ability to be a point guard.

But he has never shown his ability in this area in the Tianchao men's basketball team, and he doesn't know whether he can do it.

Erniu held the ball across the half court. Mills and Newley wanted to double-team him, but he squeezed him from the middle. His strong physical advantage made Erniu occupy the absolute peak in the confrontation.

In the frontcourt, Mills was still trying to take the opportunity to break the ball in Er Niu's hands, but Ruan Er Niu lifted his hips, easily arched his opponent away, and said contemptuously: "I heard that you entered the first team of the best team in the first tier league." Team?"

In the next second, Erniu accelerated and turned around to pass Mills, and left a sentence in Mills' ear:
"But I'm a MOP!"

(End of this chapter)

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