Standing pretty old

Chapter 447 Saliva upgrade and a pile of bargains

Chapter 447 Saliva upgrade and a bunch of bargains
In the arena of competition, winners and losers are the unchanging truth.

But once the rationality of the winner is questioned, the problem becomes serious.

What Rivers said is very clear, that is, other teams in the league can't see the Celtics good. They are afraid that the league will return to the era dominated by the Hulk monopoly, so they will defeat the Celtics at all costs, even at all costs. Support the young army like the Eagles to the top.

As soon as his words came out, they immediately caused a large-scale controversy.


Sitting under the Big Three and being completely defeated by the Hawks' youth army, what reason does Rivers have to accuse the Atlanta people of being so far away?
Of course, the generals of the Eagles were the most dissatisfied as the parties involved. Facing the media, they also gave their opinions immediately.

Lunar Eclipse said: "I have never heard that the winner will be blamed by the loser. Is the strength of the strength proven by the mouth?"

Jon Jonson also said: "This is the biggest joke I've heard this year. No championship is won by luck. The Celtics consumed too much energy in the first two rounds of the playoffs, and that's because they It's their own business, this is not the reason why they lost to us."

Mike Bibby said: "So it's the luck of the Celtics to rank first in the regular season last season? I don't understand why Rivers came to such a conclusion, maybe he was drunk, interview?"

As the boss of the team, Ruan Erniu finally spoke: "Let us use the record of the new season to prove the words of Coach Rivers!"

Is it just that the Hawks will blow up?

No, many teams and players in the league are caught up in this discussion.

The 07-08 season that just passed was the starting point of great changes in the league. Everyone was on the cusp and wanted to be the waver.

It should be said that most people still support the Eagles, after all, the winner should not be questioned.

LeBron James said: "I don't think the Eagles' championship is questionable. They just rely on their own strength to get what they should get, that's all."

However, some people seem to agree with Rivers, such as Howard of the Magic.

"Hey, you know, the championship is not won entirely by strength! For example, in the Olympic final just past, I hadn't played 2 minutes in the first quarter, and I was sent off because of two consecutive fouls. If it wasn't Our opponent is not the host, I don't think I will get fouls in a row!"

Howard's words immediately made the Tianchao fans quite upset!

What do you mean, blame the referee for the loss?Make it seem like your foul doesn't exist.

As the Terminator of Dream Eight, Ruan Erniu was also dragged into the battle group again. He said: "This should be two things, but superman should not have to follow the rules, he can kill us directly with Cyclops and the like !"

The strong sense of irony rushed to the face, which made the reporters very excited. There was a war of words, and only their reports could be written.

In the first year, Kraft* Ruan Qiang was already strong, and he didn't seem to have any serious conflicts with anyone.Even using mouthpieces on the court is a kind of game strategy. Except for die-hards like the Celtics and Pistons, there are almost no major conflicts with guys from other teams.

But in the new season, as Rivers said, they have become the defending champions and the target of the entire league. It is completely impossible to swing around like last year and win the championship smoothly all the way.

To successfully defend their title, the Eagles must show sufficient strength to face various challenges and doubts.

After hearing Ruan Erniu's response, Orlando's World of Warcraft immediately said: "Kafu Ruan has forgotten the virtue of humility, they will not successfully defend the title, we will defeat them and win the championship!"

After Ruan Erniu heard Huo Hua's words from a distance, he finally responded with a smile: "So last year's championship was the Orlando Magic? So Mr. Howard is so eager to tell me how to win the championship?"

After that, Huo Hua wanted to continue the war of words, but Ruan Erniu refused to accept interviews in this regard because of boredom.

No matter how much saliva is sprayed, it still needs to be verified by the record, otherwise it will really become a talker.

The 08-09 season has not yet started, and the smoke of gunpowder has already begun to fill the battlefield.

In fact, the preparations for the various teams have never stopped, and major transactions or transfers have continued one after another.

Among them, the most eye-catching thing should be that the Rockets got Ron Artest and formed their own Big Three.

However, it remains to be seen whether Artest is compatible with the Rockets.

Clippers captain Elton Brand's transfer to the 76ers is also a major news this summer. Some people believe that Brand's arrival will change the pattern of the Eastern Conference again.

Baron Davis, who just signed with the Clippers the day before, was a little confused. The bearded man thought he would join forces with Brand. One day later, Brand swam directly to the 76ers.

Corey Maggette also signed the Warriors freely. It seems that the Clippers have really arrived when they should rebuild, and the escape of the muscular man is also reasonable.

No matter how the outside world changes, the heart of the Atlanta Hawks will not change.

However, among the series of signings by the general manager this summer, Billy Knight was still rated as a D-. Yes, this is the evaluation of Knight by the mainstream media.

Think about it, what reinforcements did he make for the defending champion?
First of all, he completed the contract extension with Josh Smith, which is probably the only reason why he did not fall to E in his evaluation.

Then, Marvin Williams and Salim Stoudemire were sent away, John Salmons and a second-round pick were exchanged, and Goran Dragic was acquired with this pick.

Then, he started his free agent signing journey, let's see who he has signed?

Ronald Murray, 150 million yuan, one-year contract.

Chris Anderson, 100 million yuan, two-year contract, second-year team option.

Steve Novak, 80 yuan, two-year contract, second year team option.


Well, a bunch of cheap stuff, plus Ruan Erniu, who claims to be the cheapest FMVP+AMVP+ROY+D-POY in history, also has a pitiful rookie salary.

The Atlanta Hawks are watching the luxury tax trigger line, drifting away from themselves.

Both the "Atlanta Charter" and CNN have published critical articles one after another, arguing that if the Hawks cannot strengthen in the mid-term, it will be extremely difficult for the team to gain the upper hand in the increasingly competitive new season.

In the end, even Hawks owner Bruce Levinson couldn't help calling Billy Knight: "Didn't you give you permission? Why did you only get a bunch of marginal people to join the team in the end?"

Billy Knight said helplessly: "But you even said that you should put Kraft's opinion first, and I did exactly what you asked!"

"Well, the lineup that Kraft decided on?" Levinson asked suspiciously.

Billy Knight nodded and said: "Yes, Kraft believes that three-pointers are the future trend, so he decided to use this lineup to defend the championship."

Levinson stopped talking. Judging from the past season, although the desire for power has become stronger, the Chinese people are indeed powerful. Being able to lead a team like the Eagles to win the championship is the best proof.

(End of this chapter)

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