Standing pretty old

Chapter 466 Rebound record in a single game and 5 consecutive victories

Chapter 466 Rebound record in a single game and five consecutive victories
21 points, 15 rebounds, and 2 assists, these are Erniu's data in the first half.

However, in the locker room, Woodson didn't have any intention of praising him. For an inexperienced and weak team like the Thunder, they only led by 7 points at halftime.

Jon Jonson played poorly in the first half, making 12 of 4 shots and only scoring 10 points including free throws. If he could guarantee a higher shooting percentage, the scores of the two teams might have been drawn apart.

The state of Salmons, Dragic and others is also very average. The reason is that the attack point of the lunar eclipse is missing.

In the Hawks' offensive system, the eclipse's air cut is by no means a dispensable part. When everyone gets used to this attack point with an average of about 17 points per game, the running tactics will become smoother.

It's like the Rockets lost to the Mavericks in the playoffs because of Uncle Huo's sudden myocarditis. Even though Juwan Howard is no longer in his peak period, without him as the fulcrum of attack, the Rockets just can't handle the Mavericks.

The Eagles are currently facing such a situation. If they want to gradually find the team's offensive rhythm without a lunar eclipse, this is not something that can be done in one or two games.

Ruan Erniu's strong performance is the Hawks' biggest confidence.

Er Niu, who called out to win the regular season MVP this year, must also show such a performance.He is no longer a super rookie, he must now be a top three superstar in the league.

Woodson said: "J-Smoove is not here, I know, you will feel uncomfortable, but for you, this is both a test and a motivation. Being able to defeat your opponent without J-Smoove can prove that you have It’s a top team in the league.”

Ruan Erniu also said to his teammates: "Don't underestimate the Thunder, everyone should cheer up. Don't forget, we also came from a young team. I know their potential very well. Once the opponent is crazy , They will cause us a lot of trouble!"

Compared with the prudence of the Hawks, the Thunder is much calmer. The management and head coach PJ Carlesimo still have no requirements for the team. Well, the only requirement is that Durant has unlimited firing rights.

No, not only Durant, but even Jeff Green has unlimited firepower, provided he can keep going.

Westbrook?Well, it seems that it doesn't make any sense not to give him unlimited firepower. Westbrook is a man with a halo of shooting.

This is the NBA, not UCLA, and there should be no man who can stop Westbrook from taking a shot.

At the beginning of the second half, the Eagles showed their untouchable side as usual.

Ruan Erniu, who still had room in the first half, was no longer polite. Facing the Thunder's fragile inside defense, he resolutely dug in.

Is there anyone in the Thunder that can stop Er Niu's low-post attack?
No, there is no such character in the entire league.

So is there any existence that can reduce the efficiency of Er Niu or complete mutual explosions with the Great Demon King on the offensive end?
Johan Petro?Nick Collison?Chris Wilcox?Or the Robert Swift who was once known as the last hope of the American white center?

Don't be kidding, they are facing Ruan Erniu at the historical level!
On the offensive end of the Eagles, the two bulls are in the low post and overwhelmed Collison, who is the most active defensively among the above four.

One step, two steps, Collison, who is known for his toughness, has been knocked back and forth, and he is about to lose his defensive position.

Er Niu turned around with an inward cut, directly threw Collison aside, and then faced Wilcox's supplementary defense with a heavy dunk, the ball scored and caused an additional penalty.

The regular season has only just started, but some Eagles media outlets have already made the argument that Kraft Nguyen's scoring average this season will definitely exceed last season.

The reasons are nothing more than the following two points:

[-]. He has developed a three-point range and can threaten opponents in the top arc area;
[-]. After Kraft Nguyen won the FMVP, the status of the league has changed drastically from last season. Some violations that can be boasted or not, have now become free throws for the red tyrant.

Erniu also quite agrees with this argument. After the start of this season, he also discovered that it is much easier to get free throws than last season.

If there is no promotion from the alliance, it would be hell.

Of course, it doesn't make sense to insist that he received preferential treatment from the alliance.

After all, the famous MR.T-Steve Javi once said that there has never been a "star whistle", because superstars receive far more violations than ordinary players, they just get far More than what I lost.

That's it!Still have to look at it in two, of course there is no problem with low-level killers like O'Neill and Ruan Erniu, they are naturally big players who have been violated.

But it doesn't seem to be the case for Kevin Martin of the Kings, because he often takes advantage of the rules and takes the initiative to find fouls.

Martin expressed dissatisfaction, because just a few years later, a man named James *JDZ King* Harden brought his foul-making skills to the extreme!
Ruan Erniu stood at the free throw line, adjusted his breathing, and made a steady free throw into the basket.

Ruan Erniu has not been idle for a summer, and his stability at the free throw line has surpassed that of last season.

Many people say that Ruan Erniu is a typical rookie who is the pinnacle.

But so far, Erniu has proved with his actual actions that he is still evolving and has not stopped his footsteps.

Of course Durant and Westbrook are unwilling to admit defeat, but they are too immature in the face of the overall defense of the Hawks. The Thunder twin stars in the 08-09 season are not enough to use their personal abilities to destroy the defense of the Hawks. .

Desmond Mason, the former slam dunk king who signed freely with the Thunder this season, also performed poorly. He tried to attack the basket several times, but was taught by Er Niu and Anderson's big cap.

By the way, this guy even hugged and threw Dayao, almost causing Yao Ming to get into a fight for the first time in his career.

Apart from his good dunk skills, Mason seems to have no other specialties on the basketball court.

With such good physical fitness, why didn't he play out?

Because he still has a hobby of painting, it is said that David Stern has collected his paintings out of his own pocket.

So, he spent the whole summer practicing in the studio.

As usual, the Hawks, who opened the score in the third quarter, did not give the young Thunder much hope in the fourth quarter.

Ruan Erniu, who played again in the first half of the last quarter, delivered a fatal blow to the Thunder.

He first hit two open three-pointers in the top arc area, and then followed suit. Like the previous two games, he suddenly entered the penalty area, attracted double-teams, and distributed the ball to Jiongsen, Novak and others who were in the open space. people.

In this game, the Hawks' outside shooters finally found their touch in the final quarter.

Steve Novak once again staged a three-pointer in a row. At a 45-degree angle on the oblique side, after hitting two consecutive three-pointers, he faced Durant's defense and forcibly hit a long shot. A foul was caused on the head of Shubao Du, and it was a beautiful 3+1.

But none of this can cover up Ruan Erniu's outstanding performance in this game. Facing the Thunder's unreliable inside line, he unknowingly broke his rebounding record in a single game.

Ruan Erniu, who scored 38 points and 35 rebounds in the whole game, broke his original record of 35 rebounds in a single game with a rebound record of 33 rebounds in a single game.

Since then, he has surpassed Dennis Rodman and tied Charles Oakley's record of 35 rebounds in a single game.

At 109:85, the game ended, and the Eagles won 5 consecutive victories.

(End of this chapter)

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