Standing pretty old

Chapter 470 The Future Belongs to Him

Chapter 470 The Future Belongs to Him

Some people feel malicious even if they don't speak.Some people are obviously provocative, but they still make people feel like spring breeze.

Of course, the latter needs strength and record to set off.

But at least at this moment, Derrick Rose did not dislike Er Niu's provocation. He smiled and patted Er Niu on the back, took the baseline ball from Noah, and continued the game.

In the first quarter of the game, the offensive and defensive confrontation between Ruan Erniu and Ross was naturally the most attractive part, but it was someone else who really decided the direction of the game.

When Jon Jonson was still slow and couldn't find his own touch, "Salmon" Salmons stepped forward and hit three-pointers in front of Ruhr Deng in a row, instantly opening the score between the two teams.

This is not over yet, Goran Dragic, who played in the second half of the first quarter, also felt hot today. Facing the Bulls' tall backup point guard, the Swiss Sapo Sefoloza, Dragic Continuously use the speed to shake the space and hit three-pointers.

The scores of the two sides were further opened.

At 36:22, the Eagles in the away game led their opponents by 14 points in the first quarter.

Ruan Erniu is a little bit unsatisfied, what about the agreed-upon battle between Adi and brother?If things go on like this, what room does he and Screw have to play?

Woodson saw Ruan Erniu's inner thoughts. He said: "Kraft, this is just an ordinary regular season. If you really feel that you are not high enough, I can let you play the whole game."

Ruan Erniu shook his head, and he immediately recognized Woodson's overtones.So, he sat down on the court honestly.

The second quarter started quickly, and Ben Gordon broke out.Although the screw performed better in the first few regular season games, so far, the Bulls' strongest scoring point is AIR Gordon.

Bulls No. 7 faced Jon Jonsen's defense, and after consecutive breakthroughs, he hit a mid-range jumper, helping the Bulls to close the score.

Although Jiongsen didn't feel good, he responded immediately to Gordon's assault.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Jon Jonsen also forced a breakthrough. After attracting double-teams, he sent consecutive strikes to Zaza Pachulia on the weak side.

The Georgian easily scored points at the basket, opening the score for the Hawks again.

After that, it was the Bulls' Nocioni and Sofnoza who stood up. These two guys scored consecutive three-pointers from the outside, allowing the Bulls to chase the score to about 5 points.

Woodson was still pretending to be a superior person for a while, but immediately asked the technical table for a timeout in a rage, and scolded the Eagles players on the field.

This season, the Hawks have indeed improved a lot on the offensive end, and they have also performed well on the defensive end.

But once the opponent is ahead by a big score, it starts to wave, and the concentration on the defensive end drops sharply.

In fact, this is also a matter of course. Strong teams are always qualified to despise their opponents.

Leading a lot, but still can't be happy at all, and the one who keeps his face paralyzed in the audience must be the Spurs under Popovich.

The Hawks clearly don't have that kind of team culture, so Woodson rants.

"Do you think you are great? Can the defending champion not play well? Who do you think you are? If anyone loses his mind on defense, I will immediately let him sit on the bench all over the court!"

After spraying, I still don't feel relieved. Woodson, who won the best coach last season, has enough courage this season.

He made an amazing decision, five ups and five downs.

All five players, including Jon Jonson, Salmons, and Pachulia, were replaced.

Ruan Erniu brought Anderson, Murray, Bibby and Novak to the field to continue the game.

The head coach got angry, and the Hawks generals did not dare to relax any longer.

Ruan Erniu held the ball in the low post, and after attracting the defense of Joakim Noah and Aaron Gray, he immediately passed the ball to Bibby on the outside, Bibby passed the ball to Murray, and Murray The ball was quickly distributed to Novak who was open.

Many years later, there was a popular saying in China's Hupu forum:

Vacancy for Novak;

A small space for Allen;

No time for Miller!

Novak did not disappoint the love of China JRS, he made a quick shot and made a steady hit!

While returning to defense, he made a classic celebration with a gold belt.

In the second half of the second quarter, it became the performance time of Ruan Erniu and Mike Bibby.

This time it was Mike Bibby who took the lead this time, perhaps because he was too depressed by the young screw in the first quarter.

In this section, Mike Bibby broke out without warning.

He first hit a 3-pointer against the Bulls' substitute Sefoloza, and then, facing the re-entering Derek Rose, Bibby once again showed his killer qualities as a white devil.

Bibby's speed is indeed not as fast as that of the screw, but in terms of rhythm control, use of the body and experience in the game, it is still far above the screw.

A tentative step, followed by a retreat step after the breakthrough to pull the ball, and after shaking the screw, the long shot hit!
After receiving a high pass from Ruan Erniu under the air cut basket, after an emergency stop and throwing off the screw, a small hook hit the basket!

It was Bibby again, continuously dribbling the ball under the crotch, receiving the CORSSOVER, and after reaching 18 feet, he immediately stopped and made a fake shot.

The seasoned Bibby told Screw with practical actions that winning the game requires not only the best physical fitness, but basketball skills are also indispensable.

Bibby's starlight made Ruan Erniu excited too.

He first received a pass from Bibby in the high position and made consecutive hits!

Facing Noah who jumped out, Ruan Erniu instantly chose to break through.

After passing Noah with one step, Erniu jumped up, and Noah tried to hold Erniu to prevent him from jumping.

The Gauls are so naive, is it possible for ordinary people to stop the bull?

Ruan Erniu dunked with both hands and smashed the ball into the basket, scoring 2+1.

The referee's whistle was a bit slow, probably because he was shocked by Ruan Erniu's terrifying power.

Noah's obvious pulling action didn't stop the Celestial Man's ferocious dunk. The last time he did this kind of thing, it was probably that young shark.

Even LeBron James, if the whole person is not in a state of sprinting, I am afraid there is no way to complete such a dunk.

Er Niu hit and added a penalty, which opened the score of the two teams to more than ten digits again.

After the Hawks went up and down, they once again stabilized the situation of the game. They are indeed superior.

The two sides ended the competition in the second quarter between you and me. At 66:52, the first half of the game between the two sides officially ended.

Ruan Erniu made 8 of 6 shots and 7 of 7 free throws in the half, including 1 of 1 three-pointers. He scored 20 points, 13 rebounds, and 4 assists. He once again completed the amazing data of 20+10 in the half ahead of schedule.

It is an amazing stat for other inside players, but it is almost becoming standard for Ruan Erniu.


Due to the suppression of Ben Gordon, Windy City Rose has no way to fully release himself, but judging from his current performance level, this year's ROY trophy is very likely to fall on the head of the No. [-] pick.

As for the high-profile Mr. Mike Beasley, he is still in the embarrassing situation of competing with Sean Marion for the starting No. 4 position.

During the intermission, Ruan Erniu was asked again by ESPN reporters about his views on the No. [-] pick.

After thinking for a while, Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "The future belongs to him!"

(End of this chapter)

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