Standing pretty old

Chapter 477 Influence Surge

Chapter 477 Influence Surge

Breaking Jordan's record immediately made Ruan Erniu lose the desire to continue attacking.

He took the initiative to raise the position and began to deliver shells for his teammates.

There is only one minute left in the game, and there is really no need to smash the opponent.

At 122:103, at the last moment of the game, the entire North Shore Garden fell into silence. The Bostonians could not accept the fact that they were defeated by the Southerners again, not to mention that they once again became the background board of historical records today.

Scoring a career high of 65 points in the much-anticipated Quanmi live broadcast, Ruan Erniu proved with his own actions that he is a well-deserved superstar.

Doris Burke interviewed Er Niu for the second time in the game.

"So you have nothing to say? Kraft, you really did!"

"Yes! I did it! Thanks to my coaches and teammates. It was their connivance that gave me the chance to break the record. By the way, I also want to thank my opponents. Without their pressure, I I can't think of forcing out the strongest self.

You know, I just had better luck! "


Good luck getting the MVP!

The championship is also good luck!

It is of course good luck to score a high score!
But my luck is good, what can you do?

We are all adults and we must speak responsibly.

This time, in back-to-back situations.Ruan Erniu was able to score a new career high in the North Shore Garden Arena. If this is still luck, then there is no such thing as strength in this world.

In fact, luck has always been a part of strength, because it is almost impossible for people without strength to gain luck on the competitive stage.

At the post-match press conference.

Rivers said: "We lost to a Jordan-style player. He seemed to be blessed by God tonight. We tried our best, but the opponent played better!"

However, the reporters at the scene would not let him go. Some people directly asked: "Is the Hawks' victory this time also luck? Is it also luck that Kraft Nguyen scored 65 points in the North Shore Garden Arena?"

Rivers said with a shy face: "As for luck, I explained that any team needs luck to win the championship. This is the case with the Eagles, the Bulls Dynasty, and the Lakers and Celtics before that. My meaning has been distorted."

Regardless of what the river docs actually mean, the league needs a story anyway, and with the Celtics losing again to the Hawks, his role as the villain is a given.

Tonight, Woodson did not attend the press conference, and Ruan Erniu enjoyed the warmest cheers alone.

Before he was seated, applause rang out from the press box, and even the local media in Boston did not object to this. This is something a winner should enjoy.

A reporter asked: "Is it something you thought about before the game to score 65 points? Is there any intention of retaliating against your opponent's remarks?"

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said, "I'm not God. I couldn't have predicted that I could score 60+ tonight. To be honest, I feel a little unreal now.

As for the counterattack, I don’t agree with it. Our whole team is here to win the game. I can score high points, but it is secondary. This is the result of countless coincidences colliding with each other.

Of course, if you interpret it as luck, I have nothing to say! "

Speaking of this, the audience burst into laughter again!
This is Ruan Erniu. He is obviously sarcastic to his opponent, but it makes people find it quite interesting, and his super giant temperament suddenly stands out.

Another reporter asked: "Since the beginning of this season, the Eagles have won seven consecutive victories, and none of the games has a score difference of less than 10 points. In the last few games, the main power forward Josh Smith is still on the injured list. , Does this mean that the Hawks are already the strongest team in the league? How did you do it?"

Ruan Erniu thought for a while and said: "The absence of J-Smoove has greatly affected our combat effectiveness, there is no doubt about it.

We did win 7 games in a row, but that doesn't mean we're the best team in the league. The regular season has just started, and no one can guarantee that we can win alone.

If we have to look for the reason why we can win consecutively at this stage, I think it should be that we entered the game state earlier than our opponents! "

If there are reporters who pay attention to the team and grievances, there must be guys with data control who pay attention to the scoring of Er Niu.

So, a reporter asked: "You scored 65 points tonight, breaking Jordan's 63 points in North Shore Garden. Do you think you can break Kobe's and even Chamberlain's singles?" Field scoring record?"

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "First of all, I don't think I am better than Jordan. Jordan's 63 points were scored in the playoffs, and the strength of the defense we encountered was not the same.

As for Kobe's 81 points, which is even more rare, you can ask Kobe again if he will get another chance to break his own scoring record at random. I don't think even he dares to make this guarantee.

Whether the record can be broken depends on the timing, and I personally don't focus on these things. "

The press conference was successfully concluded, but there is still a long period of fermentation for Ruan Erniu's 65 points.

After all, he is the second-highest scorer in active service, coupled with Ruan Erniu's age, the attention he receives is naturally different.

Ruan Erniu immediately updated his Weibo and Twitter after the game, and attached a post-match photo.

In the photo, Er Niu held a piece of paper with 65 points in his hand and cheered and celebrated with his teammates, just like Chamberlain did back then.

Although Kobe Bryant lost to Erniu in the finals, he still praised Ruan Erniu with grace and sent his blessings.

Kobe is still No.1 in the league now, but he also understands that the top position of the Celestial Dynasty is very fast, and it is only a matter of time to replace him. In fact, even without Ruan Erniu, the growth rate of James, the chosen son, is amazing enough .

Kobe also accepted a related interview not long after, he said: "Kraft is right, although I am sure I still have the ability to score 81 points, but such opportunities are not easy to come by.

I only care about the championship now, as for the statistics, I don't care! "

Scores are always more dazzling than other data!
The reason is very simple. The outcome of a basketball game is based on the scoring data. No matter how perfect the other data is, if you lose in the scoring data, you are a loser!
As Director Sun said: "If one team scores more than 100 points and the other team does not, it is difficult for the team that does not score more than 100 points to win!"

Ruan Erniu's name once again resounded across the entire meter, and even the first-generation Hengyi sneakers that had just been put on the shelves were sold out.

The situation in Tianchao is similar. Erniu once again proved his appeal with his own strength. Adidas really loves and hates Ruan Erniu.

What I hate is that he cut a considerable profit share from Adi, and what I love is that this guy is really a god, and I have never seen such an insider who can sell shoes.

As the other party involved, His Majesty the Flying Man, Michael Jordan, who is also the owner of the Bobcats, also had to stand up and say a few words: "Kafe Nguyen is a phenomenal player, but I think he is not as good as me. If you want to talk And historical status, in the end we still have to talk about the championship!"

Most of the fans agreed with Jordan's words, but some Atlanta fans expressed displeasure. They directly commented on the Bobcats' official website and Jordan's Twitter: "So what if Kraft and the Eagles are not as good as you and the Bulls? We can do it every minute." Get the Bobcats!"

(End of this chapter)

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