Standing pretty old

Chapter 611 The Old Piston

Chapter 611 The Old Piston

The regular season record has been determined, and the situation of the playoffs between the East and the West is naturally clear in an instant:
Eastern side:

Upper half:
Atlanta Hawks (1) VS Detroit Pistons (8)

Orlando Magic (4) vs. Miami Heat (5)

Lower half:
Cleveland Cavaliers (2) vs. Chicago Bulls (7)

Boston Celtics (3) vs. Philadelphia 76ers (6)

Western side:

Upper half:
Los Angeles Lakers (1) VS Utah Jazz (8)

Portland Trail Blazers (4) vs. Houston Rockets (5)

Lower half:
Denver Nuggets (2) vs. New Orleans Hornets (7)

San Antonio Spurs (3) vs. Dallas Mavericks (6)

Although ESPN, TNT, FOX Sports and many other news media made various predictions before the competition, it is up to the competition itself to decide who will qualify.

On April 4, US time, the 18-2008 NBA playoffs officially kicked off.

There were four groups of matches that day, and the defending champion Atlanta Hawks was one of them.

Philips Center in Atlanta.

Fans gathered here. If the Eagles last season surprised the people of Atlanta and even the entire Georgia state, then the Eagles this season have been providing fans with the privilege of enjoying the fun of winning.

No. [-] in the East against No. [-] in the East, a team that sent Billups away and put Iverson in the cold palace, it is really difficult to beat the defending champion.

But Ruan Erniu still expressed a modest and cautious attitude before the game.

He said in an interview with the media: "Many experts predict that we will beat the opponent with a score of 4:0 or 4:1 to advance, but what I want to say is, don't underestimate the Detroit people at any time.

In the past few seasons, they have been one of the most competitive teams in the East, and we have no right to underestimate our opponents.

Until the opponent is completely defeated and advances to the next round, any prediction is just a prediction.

Just like last year we were predicted to lose to the Pistons, the Celtics, and the Lakers. Hey, I think everyone knows the final result. "

Er Niu's speech was domineering amidst humility, which is also the confidence that a 73-win team should have.

Before the start of the game, the two teams successively announced their respective starting rosters:


C Antonio McDyess
PF Rasheed Wallace

SF Tyshawn Prince

SG Richard Hamilton
PG Rodney Starkey

In addition, on the Pistons bench, point guard Will Bynum, forward swingman Aaron Afflalo, centers Kwame Brown and Jason Mark Hill, forward Walter Herman And Amir Johnson et al.

Iverson was dealt with coldly, and the Pistons returned to their usual rhythm. This is by no means a team with the strength to compete for the championship, but they can still play a good enough defensive system in the game.

As for the Hawks:
C Ruan Erniu

PF Josh Smith

SF John Salmons
SG Joe Johnson

PG Mike Bibby
The Eagles set up their starting lineup as usual, while Woodson sat on the sidelines calmly before the game, chatting and laughing with the coaching staff around him from time to time.

With referee Steve Jarvie's whistle, the first playoff game in the Eastern Conference officially began.

Ruan Erniu jumped up high and snatched the basketball from McDyess's head.

Before the game, some media hyped up the grievances between Tianchaoren and McDuss, and repeatedly played Ruan Erniu's "cross" last year to prove that this is a game full of gunpowder.

Unfortunately, McDyess, who is one year older, has found it difficult to keep up with Erniu.

Only age will not stagnate because of any retention.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu asked for the ball in the low post, and Bibby sent the ball to Erniu immediately.

Ruan Erniu leaned back, swayed his shoulders, turned to the baseline, and hit the first goal of the two teams after the start of the game with a straight arm.

The old Pistons fans who came to Atlanta with the team should still remember this shooting method. The No. 23 of the Chicago Bulls did the same!
McDyess tried very hard to defend the ball, but he really couldn't keep up with Er Niu's pace.

On the offensive end of the Pistons, Jon Jonson gritted his teeth and defended against Hamilton.

Every time he plays against the Pistons, Jon Jonson is the one who is the most upset, because he always has to run with a guy trained by Hamilton, a long-distance running family, which is not a good job.

Rigid and efficient piston tactics, when Hamilton slipped from one side of the baseline with the help of Rasheed Wallace's screen to shake off Jon Jonson, he received a pass from Stuckey at 18 feet.


Hamilton made a steady mid-range shot, tying the score for the Pistons.


Just as the Pistons were slowly returning to the defense, Ruan Erniu on the baseline was about to serve the baseline and threw the ball directly into the hands of Mike Bibby in the frontcourt.

Bibby didn't stop the ball, and a cross pass sent the ball to Salmons, who was plugging in at high speed. The latter directly held the ball for a layup, and with lightning speed, the home team once again overtook the score.

The Eagles would not foolishly engage in a full-field battle with the Pistons. They would change their attack rhythm at any time and use their speed advantage to try to destroy their opponents in the shortest possible time.

In fact, the direction of the first quarter of the game is exactly the same.

Often the Pistons in positional battles find a chance to make a move after various complicated moves, but once they fail to make a move, the Eagles will quickly enter an offensive and defensive transition.

In the first quarter, Ruan Erniu not only performed well in the low post, but his 20-yard (more than 18-meter) long pass on the rebound also gave the Eagles enough room and opportunity to counterattack.

The old Pistons couldn't understand the Eagles' fast offense and defense philosophy.

In their view, playing positional warfare in the playoffs is the kingly way. How can they play long passes and fast breaks again and again? This is not playing football.

Off the field, Woodson smiled and said nothing. With a talent like Ruan Erniu in the team, it is really normal for the team to play such an offense.

At 22:34, the Eagles led their opponents by 12 points in the first quarter. The Pistons played hard, but the strength gap between the two teams was too obvious.

If last year's Pistons were able to use tough defense and some off-the-ball moves to slow down the Hawks, then in this season's playoffs, the Pistons, once the Eastern powerhouse, are now looking like the sun is setting.

Pistons head coach Michael Curry called more than one timeout in an attempt to stop the Hawks' offense, but at best it had little effect on the Pistons' offense.

Woodson sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, and kept smiling throughout the first quarter of the game, showing the demeanor of a famous coach.

Since the high-profile claim that he should become the first team coach in league history to win the NBA's best coach, Woodson has pushed himself into the cusp.

If you want to wear its crown, you must bear its weight first.

Egghead withstood the pressure, successfully led the team to 73 wins, and made enough stunts in the first round of the playoffs. This signal could not be clearer!

Due to the large number of leading points, the energetic Ruan Erniu and Jiong Jisen were both replaced one step earlier to rest.

While observing the situation on the field, Er Niu joked with Jiongsen beside him: "Don't you think Mike's head is particularly bright today?"

囧囧sen laughed and said, "You can speak louder!"

Before Er Niu could speak, the team's assistant coach, Madman Fan, said loudly to Woodson: "Mike, Joe and Kraft, said your hairstyle is very cool today!"

Woodson showed a weird smile, and glanced at Ruan Erniu and Jiong Jisen, which immediately made the Eagles twins feel a chill in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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