Chapter 613
The sights first shifted to the West. In the second half of the division, the Spurs, the third in the West, played against the Mavericks, the sixth in the West.

The bull-horse battle was originally the focus of battle, but Ginobili's old injury relapsed and he finally announced his absence from the playoffs of the 08-09 season, which undoubtedly cast a shadow on the Spurs, but this was not because the Spurs lost to Mavericks only reason.

From the technical statistics after the game, Duncan made 24 of 13 shots, 1 of 1 free throw, and scored 27+9+2. Nowitzki made 15 of 7 shots, 5 of 5 free throws, and scored 19+8+2. [-] points, [-] rebounds, [-] assists.

Judging from the data of the main general, the Spurs still have an advantage over the Mavericks.

However, the heart-wrenching data comparison came.

For the Spurs:

The starting center, Matt Bonner, who was ridiculed by the fans as the White Mamba, played a total of 18 minutes. There was only one statistic, 1 rebound, and all other stats were 0.


Another substitute insider, Kurt Thomas, was also desperate. In 18 minutes of playing time, he scored 0 points, 2 rebounds, and 1 assist.

The impact of Oberto's absence due to injury can be explained just by looking at the data.

But that's not enough to make Spurs fans miserable, because without comparison, there is no harm.


The starting center is Eric Dampier, who calls himself "the second center in the league".

He played a total of 39 minutes, but he didn't waste any chances. He made 6 of 5 shots, scored 10 points efficiently, and had a double-double of 11 rebounds. He completed the task very well.

What's more deadly is that the substitute insider Brandon Bass, who played 18 minutes on the field, performed extremely bravely. In 18 minutes of playing time, he scored 9 points and 7 rebounds on 14 of 4 shots.

It can be said that in this game, Nowitzki, who is the core of the Mavericks, did not exert his strength at all.

Deutsche Driver’s template for tonight is not Silver Horn King, he has also become Wukong in "Journey to the West", the standard "I haven't done anything, you will fall down!"

After the game, Popovich criticized the team's defense. He believed that the Spurs needed a high degree of unified understanding and could no longer give opponents too many opportunities to score inside.

Rick * I'm more handsome than Jim Carrey * Carlisle explained the gains and losses of the Mavericks and Spurs in this field with a calm face, hoping that the players can make persistent efforts and strive to win this series.

Black 6 is not a big upset, but it is enough to boast about killing a tycoon like the Spurs.

In fact, the problem exposed by the Spurs in this game is more than the lack of inside defense.

Bruce Bowen is getting old, and the Spurs' perimeter defense also has a big problem, otherwise Josh Howard would not let this guy make 29 of 18 shots and 9 of 6 free throws in just 5 minutes of playing time. Scored 25 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists.

A fragmented Spurs on the defensive end, how could it be possible to stop the Dallas Mavericks with both offense and defense.

With 4 points and 8 assists in the game, Kidd certainly performed the "base does not attack" to the extreme, but he did not attack himself, which did not make Parker feel better.

The Gaul sports car seems to have scored 24 points, 8 assists, and 4 rebounds, but the 40% shooting rate is a good example of Kidd's defensive skills.

Coupled with the excellent performance of JJ* Barea, Jason Terry and other substitute players on the Mavericks bench, it is reasonable for the Mavericks to take the Spurs lightly in the away game.

This is a matchup that is enough to affect the direction of this round of the series. What the Spurs lost in this year's playoffs is not just Ginobili. Years, three years old, three years of mending and mending".

Judging from this game, even if Popovich becomes Zhuge Weiqi, it will be difficult to save the current Spurs. This odd-numbered year does not belong to San Antonio.

From the analysis of the two playoff games in the Western Conference this round, at least two of the three major illusions in Texas are true-the Rockets are really strong, and the Spurs are really old.

If it is understandable to say what happened in the battle between the bulls and horses, the result of the battle between the Cavaliers and the Bulls in the lower half of the Eastern Conference is completely headlined.

The Bulls, ranked seventh in the Eastern Conference, shocked the entire league with a 7:105 three-point overtime victory over the Cavaliers.

This is the result of the game that no one expected before the game. Even the Eagles who just defeated the Pistons expressed doubts about this result.

Eclipse posted an online message to the team's Twitter group: "Is James playing badly?"

Bibby, who had just checked the data, wrote: "If you are talking about data, James scored 38 points, 8 rebounds, and 7 assists."

Birdman also became interested, and continued: "Then why did the Cavaliers lose?"

Ruan Erniu, who also just finished checking the data, replied: "Because there was a more fierce player on the opposite side. Derrick Rose played a total of 50 minutes in overtime. He contributed 39 points and 11 assists in the game. Contributed a three-point lore in the game..."

Eagles generals: "..."

Well, although the Eagles, who easily defeated their opponents, are in the mood to comment on the game in the lower half of the Eastern Conference, the formal discussion on the second day will still be handed over to various news media.

Compared with the overall advantage of the calf in the bull and horse battle, the bull and the knight are really indistinguishable.

Before the game, no one could have imagined that the Chicagoans could play so well. They actually fought against the Cavaliers for four quarters and dragged the game into overtime.

Joakim Noah, who contributed 11 points and 17 rebounds (five of which were offensive rebounds), proved his worth as he joined Tyrus Thomas and Brad Miller in building the Bulls' interior defense system.

As for the Cavaliers, Big Z Ilgauskas certainly contributed 12 points and 10 double-doubles, but the performances of Varejao, Joe Smith and others were really lackluster.

But the above-mentioned people are not the worst performers. The four-time D-POY, Ben Wallace, who has the highest salary in the team, has become the target of criticism from various media because he played 12 minutes. Inside, the contributed data is 0 points, 1 rebound, and 1 assist.

Many people have begun to laugh at the Cavaliers' management. Their behavior of taking Ben * Wallace's garbage contract from the Bulls is simply giving the opponent enough salary space to reinforce.

Such a fearless spirit of internationalism is really admirable.

When losing, no one would think that the Cavaliers traded for Mo Williams this season.

All kinds of negative comments rushed to the face, as if the Cavaliers won the second record in the Eastern Conference this season because of shit luck.

There is no doubt that the Bulls failed to guard James. Nocioni used more than one bad foul when facing James, but he also failed to stop A KING's assault. This is the problem of the gap in strength.

However, on the other hand, Mo Williams, who performed well in the regular season, was completely suppressed by the 08 champion Derek Rose.

Rose's performance on the offensive end does not need to be repeated. Just looking at him defending Mo Williams to 14 of 5 shots, it can be seen that the Windy Rose has done everything a superstar should do on both ends of the offense and defense.

With this battle alone, there is no suspense about the ownership of ROY (best rookie) this season, and Derrick Rose is the one who deserves his name.

Ruan Erniu sent a separate message to Woodson: "Mike, your best coach is here!"

That's right, Woodson's biggest opponent this season is Mike Brown, who led the Cavaliers to a new historical record.

But if the Cavaliers were really held back by the bulls, this would undoubtedly be the best news for Egghead.

(End of this chapter)

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