Chapter 633


In a shocking slam, the basketball hit the front edge of the rim, bounced high, and the red indicator light at the end of the game came on.

Almost everyone in the entire Amway Arena held their breath, and some guys who couldn't help standing up and cheering were so happy!

The basketball leaped high, and finally headed towards the center of the hoop and plunged into it!
Oh oh! ! ! !
Ruan Erniu was the first to pounce on Salmons, wanting to throw the salmon down, but Salmons was clever enough, so he immediately turned sideways, dodged Erniu's pounce, and ran towards the locker room past.

"What are you waiting for, don't let this guy get away!"

Ruan Erniu shouted, and led the Eagles all the way to the player tunnel...

At this moment, the Magic players on the court are still in a state of confusion, and the Magic substitutes off the court either cover their faces or hold their heads. No one can accept such an ending, even if this ending has really been born.

Mike Woodson and Star Van Gundy were about the only two calm guys on the floor.

The scene where the two walked to the technical stage and shook hands with each other can be regarded as the final commentary for the game.

The Eagles have already led their opponents by a big score of 3:0.

In the history of the league, no team has been able to reverse the opponent and win the series after falling behind by three games.

The magic is over. They may be able to win one or two games to save face, but if they want to advance to the Eastern Conference Finals, there is only a theoretical possibility left.

The Magic still lost to the Hawks despite the fact that the referee was biased. There are a lot of things that need to be summed up.

Of course, a group of people's hacking and boasting are also indispensable.

Black is naturally the Orlando Magic.

The referee's scale was favorable, and even though they were given 13 free throws in the second quarter, they were still overthrown at the last moment. The strength of the Magic must have been blackened.

Whether it was Sta Van Gundy's substitution error in the second half of the third quarter, the Sparks made 6 of 0 free throws in the final quarter and did not score a point, and Rashard Lewis missed both shots at the last moment.

These will be the topics that the sunspots will tirelessly discuss.

Objectively speaking, these are indeed the mistakes of Magic, but who in this world has not made mistakes?

If it weren't for Dafan, Sparks and Lewis, the Magic would not even have the possibility of confronting the Eagles, let alone these mistakes that brought the loss.

Star Van Gundy said at the press conference after the game: "It is very difficult to advance to the next round, but this does not mean that we cannot win another game or a few more games. The game is not over, and we have no reason to give up. .”

There is black and there is bragging, and the object of bragging is beyond doubt-the Atlanta Hawks.

Whether it is Ruan Erniu's stability and strength, Jiong Jisen's singles strength, Lunar Eclipse's excellent defense, or the big heart of Bibby and Salmons at critical moments, these things are the key elements for the Eagles to turn the game around.

On the surface, the Eagles seem to be a team dominated by Kraft Nguyen, but they are actually very similar to the 96 Bulls back then.

Both teams have players who can stand up and end the game in multiple positions.

The strength of a team is not boasted by mouth, but compared game by game.

Under the absolutely unfavorable scale of whistleblowing, the Eagles still relied on their tenacious will to bite the game, and at the last moment, they scored a one-hit kill and won the match point. They are worthy of the bragging of the fans.

Among them, the praise of Chinese netizens is probably the most unprincipled:
"Stunning, I'm a big eagle, it's not a matter of doing magic tricks!"

"Magic is enough, the referee helped me like this, and I was killed by someone!"

"Just blame the referee, why didn't you blow off the Hawks' main players?"

"Upstairs SB!"

"Upstairs is really stupid, teach you to be good, that's called high-end black!"

"By the way, did anyone notice that Salmon scored 20 points tonight? He was the Hawks' third-highest scorer tonight, but he missed the All-Star selection."

"Under the Hawks system, except Erniu and Jiongsen, everyone else may explode suddenly. The Birdman even scored 20+10 in the season!"

"The Eagles must sweep all the way and win the championship at 16:0 in the playoffs!"


The Celestial Dynasty boasted so much, in fact, American Hawks fans and Niu Mi are not much better, but the American people do not have the kind of heroic complex for Er Niu, and there are many people who are close, and there will be many voices of doubt:

At the press conference after the game, a reporter from the "Orlando Sentinel" asked: "Kraft, do you think there is a problem with your choice of passing the last ball to your teammates instead of shooting yourself?
In other words, you just lack the confidence to undertake a decisive battle? "

Ruan Erniu seems to be the first time in his career to choose "pass" at the decisive moment. Faced with this question about "throwing the pot", Erniu thought for a while and said seriously: "Then who will win tonight?" Woolen cloth?
If I remember correctly, Michael Jordan also chose to pass to Steve Kerr in 97, so Jordan is also the one who lacks confidence in your eyes? "

Er Niu's rhetorical question was extremely sharp, and the white reporter from the Sentinel blushed immediately, and asked unwillingly, "I'm asking you!"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said: "I am absolutely confident that I can beat the Magic, and Salmons is in a very good position, so I chose to pass the ball, that's it, the next question!"


Er Niu said so on his lips, but in fact he sighed in his heart as a fluke!
If Salmon didn't make the ball, he would be in the wrong.

Because in some people's eyes, as long as you don't make a shot yourself at a critical moment, you are a coward, completely ignoring whether there is double-teaming on the field or whether the position of your teammates is better.

Well, even if Jordan, Kobe, and James have all done passing the ball at critical moments, they will still be selectively blind, thinking that some people will definitely choose to kill, and some people will definitely "snap the blame".

This pot is too heavy, no one can bear it, because the inner world of the troll and the real world are in the same space.

The famous black bull - Jaylen Rose also rarely stood on the side of the two bulls this time and said: "I don't think there is anything wrong with Kraft Nguyen's last attack. Salmons is in a better position. This is a right choice!

Don't forget, the Hawks were still 2 points behind. Even if Kraft Nguyen scored a layup, the Hawks would still have to play the Magic in overtime.

And what about the referee's call?Anyone who has watched the game understands, who knows what will happen in overtime? "

Even hardcore Niu Hei rarely stands up to support Er Niu, which also proves Ruan Er Niu's current super popularity in the United States from one side.


Is James leading the Cavaliers who have risen this season to advance to the Eastern Conference Finals, or is Green Kai still tenaciously defeating the Cavaliers after losing Garnett?
Experts generally predict that they are likely to tie the knot.

At the same time, in the west, the progress of the game is faster than in the east.

In the lower half of the West, the Nuggets have already led the Mavericks 3:1.

Perhaps the last round of the bull-horse battle consumed too much energy for the Mavericks, or maybe Kidd was completely suppressed by Billups. Anyway, everyone thinks that Carmelo Anthony and Billups will lead the ball together. The team made it to the Western Conference Finals.

And the truly unexpected game appeared in the upper half of the West, the Lakers VS Rockets, the current big score is 2:2, last year's Western Conference champion was entangled by Texas Xiaoqiang.

Three Texas fantasies about to become reality?

The Spurs are very old, yes they were eliminated by the Mavericks in the first round!
The Mavericks are very weak, very weak. No matter how good Dirk played, he couldn't hide the fact that Kidd was blown away by Billups. The Mavericks will soon be eliminated!
The Rockets are very strong, the 08-09 season is really strong!Lost T-mac and dragged the Lakers back!
 The second update continues to be postponed, well, that's it!
(End of this chapter)

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