Standing pretty old

Chapter 635 MVP

Chapter 635 MVP

too busy!
If it hadn't been for sweeping his opponents to advance to the next level, Er Niu couldn't even imagine whether he would have enough time to deal with the most basic human relations.

Ouyang Haotian and Leon Ross even brought their own team directly to the Hilton Hotel in Atlanta to do all kinds of work and matters for Erniu.

"Steven, have all the people on your side been arranged? Have my brother's family been received?" Er Niu just went to the airport to pick up his friend Russell Westbrook, and then had to call Ask about Ouyang Haotian's progress.

"Kraft, don't worry! I will take care of it, and now you should find a place to review your lines, this is your big day!" Ouyang Haotian laughed.

Er Niu said: "Why is it like fighting a war? Is it that exaggerated? I'm not so nervous in the playoffs!"

Ouyang Haotian said: "This is part of a great player, enjoy it!"

While continuing to drive, Ruan Erniu pressed the Bluetooth headset button and hung up the phone.

Westbrook beside him said with emotion: "So you are about to stand on the highest stage! Kraft, congratulations!"

Ruan Erniu also nodded and said: "Do you still remember what I told you that year? It seems like a lifetime away!"


On May 5, US time, several days have passed since the Eagles swept the Magic, and the playoffs in each division are still in full swing.

Er Niu has no leisure time these two days, because he is about to receive his first MVP trophy in his life!

What is a superstar?

Without this MVP, you have no minimum qualifications for selection.

Moreover, the hard indicator of MVP is often more convincing than the championship, because you can also win the O'Brien Cup by hugging your thighs, but you have never heard that the MVP trophy can be won by hugging your thighs.

A superstar must have a dominant performance, and the best verification of this performance is the MVP.

Ruan Erniu, who led the Eagles to the best 73 wins in history, undoubtedly has the qualifications to win the award.

Many fans who complained about him even said that Kobe's MVP last year should be given to Er Niu, and the league was deliberately suppressing him purely for other reasons.

This statement is very popular so far. As for the reasons such as race, nationality, and seniority involved in it, it is naturally impossible to put it on the table in detail.

In fact, even if the qualifications are purely compared, Bryant's MVP is not good enough:
If the award is based on the team's record, Pierce and Garnett are undoubtedly more qualified.

But if you count by personal data, Er Niu obviously surpasses Kobe.

And if calculated based on the improvement of the team's record, Chris Paul is more suitable than Mamba.

The past is finally the past, no matter how much Niu Mi from the U.S. and China refuses to accept, the 07-08 season MVP trophy finally went to Kobe, but this year, no one can question Ruan Erniu's achievements and greatness.

73 wins and 9 losses in the regular season, personal averages: 33.2 points, 21.1 rebounds, 3.0 blocks, 5.8 assists, 2.1 steals.

No matter how harsh a person is, there is no way to say that Ruan Erniu is not worthy of the MVP trophy.

And experts from all walks of life also sent praises to the Celestial People. Among all the 121 first ballots, Ruan Erniu won 120, and only James got the last ballot.

Since O'Neal was elected MVP with 2000 votes (120 for Iverson) in 1, Ruan Erniu also passed the unanimous MVP.

Despite this, many Niu Mi still complained for Er Niu on the Internet, and the Tai Sui Army of the Celestial Dynasty even threatened to hire hackers to attack the only selection reporter who voted for James first.

However, after knowing the voting results, Ruan Erniu said generously: "I am very happy to be tied with O'Neal. I think LeBron deserves that vote."

Anyway, no one has ever won the unanimous MVP, Ruan Erniu's historical status has also been consolidated, and the people of the Celestial Dynasty are happy to show their demeanor and decency.

The press conference in Atlanta was packed.

In addition to media reporters from all walks of life in the back row, there are also the management of the Eagles in the front row, and Gu Jiu, a relative and friend of Er Niu in the front row.

The central podium will soon usher in today's protagonist, while the coaches and players of the Eagles are sitting on the chairs beside them.

After the meeting, everyone on the scene will witness the glorious moment of a generation of legends.

"Are you nervous?" an Eagles security guard said to Er Niu with a smile.

David Stern stood in front of the stage and delivered the opening speech, while Ruan Erniu was reviewing his speech behind the stage with his eyes closed.

Hearing this, Er Niu no longer sharpened his guns before the battle. He opened his eyes with a smile and said, "Dick, if you talk again, I will miss you (thank you) later!"

Stern's opening speech is over, and it's Ruan Erniu's turn to perform!

Er Niu walked quickly from the aisle to the front desk, and after shaking hands with Stern, he officially came to the podium.

He smiled and glanced at the MVP trophy featuring Jerry West before starting his nearly 30-minute speech:
"This is an important moment for me, but also a very luxurious moment, we are still in the playoffs at this moment, and we will be thrown into the next battle at any time.

Well, let's get specific, which is why we're here today.

It is not an easy thing to come here and win great honors.

People will only see the scenery in front of others, but they will not imagine the dedication and hard work of those who are in the background.

I am a lucky person, possessing talents and luck that others do not have.

Although I am not a believer in God, I have to admire the existence in the dark.

Next, I would like to thank many people, some present and some not present, please forgive me if I forgot to say a certain name, because I did not mean it, and it is also the first time I do this job ..."

Having said that, the audience burst into applause and cheers for the first time. These words not only pleased the relatives and friends at the scene, but also showed Er Niu's own ambition. He is not going to only win this MVP trophy.

"First of all, I want to thank my family.

May, thank you for standing behind me and silently paying for me.

In fact, the moment I went to you to have my wisdom teeth pulled out, I knew our lives were connected.

You are a thoughtful and independent girl and I have learned a lot from you.

I don't know how to express my love for you, but I know, honey, this MVP trophy also belongs to you..."

At this time, applause broke out again at the scene. Although Erniu had not officially married Dr. Han, in the American tradition of valuing family, Han Meimei was undoubtedly the hostess of the MVP family.

"Eddie, don't get excited, my daughter, this trophy belongs to you too.

Thank God for bringing you to my side, since you came into my life, the home is full of joy and happiness.

Well, okay, as you said, remove the time that MAY forces you to do homework.

I love you, Eddie, and I hope you grow up healthy and become a good woman..."

"I love you too, Dad!"

Eddie had always called Erniu by his name before, but this time, her name made Ruan Erniu feel like falling into the clouds, and his heart was instantly filled with happiness.

This happiness far exceeds the joy of winning the MVP.

Life is higher than basketball, and home is the destination that everyone yearns for.

 The second update is getting late again, well, that's it!
(End of this chapter)

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