Standing pretty old

Chapter 642 Keep Confidence and Counterattack Easily

Chapter 642 Keep Confidence and Counterattack Easily
"Good job! There's nothing terrible about a 73-win team.

For the other players of the Eagles, the defense should be tighter. Try not to double-team the Chinese in the high position. If he is going to a deep position in the low position, double-team him as soon as possible, and don’t give him any chance to shoot... "

Mike Brown, this piece of black bread, also held back his energy to prove himself on the stage of the Eastern Conference Finals.

Without the Atlanta Hawks, the Cleveland Cavaliers could almost be regarded as the best in the 08-09 season. After all, the Lakers next door showed super strength as early as last season, which is far less amazing than the Cavaliers this season.

Mike Brown and LeBron James, who directed all of this, should also be favorable contenders for COY and MVP, but the 73-win Atlanta Hawks shattered Cleveland's dreams.

When the league faced the first 73 wins in history, it had to make compromises.

He gave Mike Woodson the honor of winning the best coach for the first time in history, and the MVP was won by Ruan Erniu without any suspense.

The role played by James is only to prevent the Great Demon King of the Celestial Dynasty from being elected with unanimous votes.

If it is said that KING is powerless in the face of Kraft Nguyen, who has exploded in data, then Mike Brown, who has become a piece of bread, is not convinced by Woodson.

Just kidding, they are all defensive coaches in the same line, and they are all relying on superstars to play. Why can you stand on top of my head with an extra beard?Are my glasses not fancy enough? (Both of them are black and fat. For people who are face-blind, they are really stupid and unclear.)
Well, the above are just sowing dissension by the unscrupulous media. No one knows what Mike Brown thinks, but one thing is certain.

After two tie-breakers, the Clevelands have already condensed the strongest willpower.

So what about 73 wins?

We are here to win, there is no second choice!

The Cavaliers continued to boost morale, Mike Woodson just finished his blower mode in the home team locker room, and almost every Eagles player was trained by the egghead!
"I won't talk about any tactical requirements anymore, because you don't even have the most basic professional attitude! I don't care how much energy you spent in the nightclub last night, as long as you are on the court, you must give me 120% effort. !"

Egghead really wronged a lot of people, because most of the Eagles players didn't dare to go to nightclubs in the crucial playoffs, and they would also consider the impact.

The real reason why they fell behind their opponents in the first quarter was because of their relaxation and discomfort with the intensity of the game.

8:0 came too quickly, they were not prepared enough to meet a bloody team that came out of the tiebreaker in a row.

Ruan Erniu, as the leader of the team, stood up and said with a smile: "Guys, I bragged with Greg Sager before the game, saying that we will kill the Cavaliers in a sweeping way and advance to the finals." .

Seeing that my cowhide is about to be blown out, you guys are reluctant to kill them! "

Speaking of this, the atmosphere of being very depressed by Woodson's training just now suddenly became cheerful.

Kraft is right, as a team that has made history, the Eagles should have such an aura to face any enemy.

You knights just took advantage of our unpreparedness and played a good quarter. We can teach you how to behave in minutes!

Self-confidence can be transformed into arrogance, but self-confidence is also a manifestation of strength.

As long as they are not arrogant, confident people are more likely to succeed and have the courage to forge ahead.

The Eagles have indeed slowly regained their confidence after being beaten in the first quarter and the stalemate in the second quarter. The root of this confidence comes from their strength guarantee throughout the season.

"Okay, the players from both sides have returned to the field, let's watch the second half of the game together." Kevin Harlan said in the commentary booth of TNT.

On the offensive end of the Cavaliers, Mo * Williams, with the help of Varejao's cover, threw off Bibby with the ball and came all the way to the penalty area.

Eclipse immediately chose to switch defenses, forming an obstacle in front of Xiao Mo, preventing him from directly attacking the basket.

Change speed, change direction, pause, and shoot!
Mo * Williams is a standard combo guard, using PG's height to do SG's job.

The problem is that his scoring consistency in the playoffs is far less good than in the regular season.

In the regular season, Xiao Mo's shooting rate was 46.7%, which can be said to be the most reliable helper around James, but in the playoffs, his statistic fell to 40.8% or even lower, and he immediately became a leader on the court. cancer.

It should be said that with his ability, he is not enough to take on the position of the second head of the Cavaliers, but reality has pushed him to this position.


Hard work!
The eclipse defended well, giving Mo * Williams enough defensive pressure.

Ruan Erniu grabbed the backcourt rebound and immediately started the counterattack mode.

A dragon directly charged towards the knight's backcourt, with only one person following him...

It's James!

The two team leaders are here!

Two non-human beings flew into the air at the same time, Er Niu was in the front, and James was in the back.

James raised his arms high, ready to block shots at any time, but Ruan Erniu didn't have the slightest intention of backing down. He stretched his body as much as possible and took the initiative to find a confrontation with James in the air.


The two sides had physical contact in the air, and the two monsters with physical talents far beyond ordinary people actually fell over in different directions in an instant.


When the referee's whistle blew, there was no problem with James' foul.

In the process of falling, Ruan Erniu didn't miss the last chance. When the dunk failed, he changed the dunk into a throw and tried his best to throw the ball out.


Very crisp, this is the sound of the ball entering the net bag.

However, before that, Ruan Erniu and James had already fallen to the floor ahead of time.

Over there, Delonte West and Varejao supported James, and here Salmons and Yue Eclipse pulled Ruan Erniu up.

The two team leaders stared at each other, and they finally ushered in a fateful duel.

Ruan Erniu almost brushed James' shoulders and walked to the free throw line. After adjusting his breathing, he hit the free throw steadily.

Since then, the Eagles started their counterattack wave in the third quarter.

But James is also not soft, and also gave his own response on the offensive end.

LeBron James made 8 of 5 shots in this quarter, 2 of 1 three-pointers, 4 of 2 free throws, scored 13 points, 2 rebounds, and 2 assists.

But two fists are no match for four hands.

When Ruan Erniu made consecutive kills in the paint and made Big Z leave the court early to rest; The Hawks in the first quarter of the year were average, they missed shots repeatedly, and were even defended by the Eagles for 24 seconds...

Even if James played well, it would be difficult to stop the Hawks from playing a wave of offensive climax in the second half of the third quarter.


The Hawks have become the norm in the third quarter.

So far, no team has been able to find a practical and effective way to stop the offensive frenzy set off by the Eagles.

No, to be precise, it should be that after the Hawks suddenly speeded up in the third quarter, the offensive and defensive conversion efficiency shown by the Eagles is still unstoppable.

Although D'Antoni has always felt that the Hawks' small ball is not authentic, but after the Hawks won the championship last year, he has to admit that the Hawks are indeed using another method to maximize their small ball tactics.

And countless experts are also discussing whether the Hawks are leading a new basketball trend.

James did his best. At the end of the three quarters, he has scored 39 points, 5 rebounds and 6 assists.

But in the face of Ruan Erniu's 38 points, 17 rebounds, 4 assists, and the overall strength of the Hawks, even James gradually felt hopelessly helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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