Standing pretty old

Chapter 653 Under the Prosperity

Chapter 653 Under the Prosperity
When the Rockets decided to defeat the Nuggets and reach the finals, the Chinese fans were completely excited.

Finals Celestial Derby!

Coupled with the fact that the Chinese men's basketball team won the Olympic championship at home last year, is it true that the Chinese men's basketball team is really about to enter the golden age?

For a long time, in terms of major sports, Chinese sports fans have always had low self-esteem.

Except for the women's volleyball team that can reach the top of the world from time to time, the three major balls are generally beaten by others. Women's football has prospered, and women's basketball has also prospered.

Men's basketball?
The international record is not good, at least it has been the hegemony in Asia for quite a long time.

What about men's football?
Let's talk about something else!

men's volleyball?

Does China have men's volleyball?Probably, maybe, there is.

The other side of the prosperity of yin and the decline of yang is actually relying on women's sports as a fig leaf.

But in the Imperial Capital Olympics, the Tianchao men's basketball team led by Ruan Erniu and Yao Ming finally made a comeback. They counterattacked strongly all the way, and finally took advantage of the home court advantage and Mengba's lineup defects to win the first place in the history of the men's basketball team. Olympic gold medals.

It can be described as starting from scratch and climbing to the top in one step!
Ruan Erniu became a god in the first battle and became a well-deserved national hero of the entire Celestial Dynasty, and was praised over and over again by the fans tirelessly.

This is the age of peace, the influence of sports stars!

But for so many years, Dayao, as the leader of the Tianchao men's basketball team, also has a high reputation. At least in the official name, Dayao is still the leader of the Tianchao men's basketball team.

As the two stars with the most international influence in the Celestial Dynasty, and in their fields, they have stepped onto the highest stage of the professional league. This undoubtedly fully satisfies the arrogance of the Chinese people.

Basketball is not ping-pong. Anyone with a little sense will understand that it is impossible for geniuses like Er Niu and Dayao to appear in batches, so enjoying the glory at this moment has become the greatest pleasure for fans.

Ruan Erniu began to mobilize the atmosphere on Twitter and Weibo as soon as the Western Conference finals were decided.

"Thank you for your attention, this will definitely be a grand final!"

Er Niu is right, because the leaders of the two teams are from China, so the fans of China are full of infinite expectations for the finals of the 08-09 season.

In the United States, the famous bully Jaylen Rose said sourly: "I don't want to say more, anyway, this year's FMVP has basically belonged to China."

Jaylen Rose is right, no matter which team wins the championship, as the team leader, it is the one most likely to win the FMVP honor.

If Dayao gets it, his historical status will immediately rise by a notch, and if Er Niu gets it, he will basically achieve his No.1 status in the league.

MVP, 73 wins, core status, and average data per game. Once the title is successfully defended, the second-year rookie is very likely to become the top player in the league.

The league quickly made arrangements. The G1 finals will be officially held on June 6, which is 4 days after the end of the Western Conference Finals.

The Eagles even ended the battle as early as May 5. He will rest for 26 days before officially starting his journey to the finals.

Going back to the old topic, will 73 wins consume too much energy for the team, so that the team will encounter a physical crisis in the playoffs?
But the reality is that what the Eagles coaching staff has been worried about never happened, because the mighty Atlanta Hawks swept all the way, and they never encountered opponents who could entangle them.

In contrast, their rest time is too long, and the coaching staff has to worry about whether their competitive state will be affected.

The rest time of nearly a week is too long.

So much so that while Er Niu was playing in the Western Conference Finals, Er Niu, who had nothing to do, played a bullfighting game with Eddie under the basket in the backyard.

Eddie's body has not yet grown, and coupled with his gender disadvantage, he is certainly not Erniu's opponent.

However, play games with your daughter!
How could it be possible to really play, anyway, Ruan Erniu was passed by others, even if Eddie couldn't get into the empty basket, he would take the initiative to call a foul and hand the ball back to his daughter.

The result is naturally that both sides get what they need. Eddie gets the thrill of winning, while Er Niu gets a short rest time and spiritual pleasure in the tense playoffs.

However, these are too short-lived after all.

In addition to being involved in the upcoming NBA Finals, Ruan Erniu also encountered other troubles.

Ouyang Haotian flew to Atlanta by flight as usual. Apart from some commercial contracts that Erniu had to sign, he also chatted about Ruan Erniu's summer itinerary.

"Adidas' ad, in July, there was a scene to be co-produced with Derrick Rose. You happened to be in Los Angeles at that time, and you could co-produce smoothly. ... September is the NBA Tianchao, you and James will carry out activities in two lines, and finally Meeting in the imperial capital..."

Ruan Erniu nodded while putting forward his own opinions and ideas.

The so-called superstars actually rarely have their own time. Only enough commercial activities can maintain exposure and maximize the commercial value of the stars.

In addition to this, one's own training can't be dropped, otherwise, at the beginning of the new season, just wait to be engulfed by the flames of revenge!
While talking, Ouyang Haotian finally talked about a question that Erniu hadn't thought of.

"The China Basketball Association called and wanted you to participate in the Asian Championships. What do you think?"

Ruan Erniu was puzzled: "When I joined the national team, Chairman Li said that I would not be forced to participate..."

Ouyang Haotian smiled: "But now Chairman Xin is back to take charge! He has never trusted the league, and only trusts the strongman in joint training and intensive training."

Er Niu thought for a while and said, "Is your attitude very firm?"

Ouyang Haotian said: "No, it has always been in a negotiating tone. After all, there is a precedent of Dayao, and now you have enough status to reject them."

Ruan Erniu stood up, paced back and forth, leaned on the sofa and said, "Reject it for me!

If there is one, there will be two. Today I promised to participate in the Asian Championships, and tomorrow I may be asked to go back to participate in the National Games.

I talked with Dayao, the power of the local sports bureau is recovering, everyone wants to eat meat and drink soup, but they don't take the interests of the players seriously. "

Ouyang Haotian said: "No problem, it's just a trivial matter. Kraft, have you thought about quitting the national team?"

Ruan Erniu glanced at Ouyang Haotian in surprise, then shook his head: "Steven, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is, you're about to start maintaining your own value and image, and it might be an excellent choice to retire after all your achievements!

Think about Liu Xiang last year (08), if he didn't force himself to go to the arena, but directly announced his abandonment, what would happen? "

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "This is different. He is in the system and is being forced by sponsors. How could it be possible..."

Speaking of this, Er Niu couldn't go on.

Ouyang Haotian nodded while sorting out the documents: "Yes, he has no choice, but you have a chance to choose!"

Ruan Erniu only hesitated for a moment, and then out of his mouth flirtatiously said four words: "Jian Jiangan?"

From this moment on, Ruan Erniu had actually made up his mind.

He owes nothing to anyone, and it is impossible for anyone to do anything to please everyone.

That being the case, without violating conscience and morality, of course, you should deal with the problem in the way that is most beneficial to you.

Children only judge right and wrong, adults only distinguish pros and cons.

Ouyang Haotian muttered for a while, while Ruan Erniu nodded repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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