Standing pretty old

Chapter 662 Passion 1 Kiss

Chapter 662 A Passionate Kiss

At the beginning of the first quarter, the Rockets made the defense to the extreme. The Hawks' overall feeling was not good, and they repeatedly hit the iron.

But while the Rockets are working hard on the defensive end, they also did not perform well on the offensive end.

Brooks, Artest, and Battier missed shots repeatedly, and Yao failed to maintain the high and stable touch of the previous two games, missing more than one shot.

The dull sound of iron strikes makes people drowsy, and the ugly game can't lift people's spirits.

In the second half of the first quarter, Ruan Erniu had to play hard in the low position ahead of time, and used the method of killing to win free throws.

As for the Rockets, Brooks also strengthened his breakthrough. Coupled with the advantage of the home whistle, Xiao Heidou did get a lot of free throw opportunities even if he was not efficient at attacking the basket.

At 22:21, the Eagles in the away game led the home team by 1 point.

But only in this quarter, both teams let go of their last bit of hesitation, and the ultimate meat grinder battle is about to begin.

Offense wins games, defense wins championships.

Without defense, the O'Brien Cup will never beckon to you.

The Rockets, who have lost two games in a row, showed their strongest momentum in Houston. They want to bite down a victory at home.

On the other side, even with a lead of one point, Woodson did not dare to be careless. He said in an interview with ESPN during the quarter: "The Rockets' defense is very good. If we want to win, we must do better. They're better."

At the beginning of the second quarter, the two bulls took turns to rest off the court as usual, and Jon Jonsen led the substitute to continue the game.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Jon Jonson made a CROOSOVER against Brent Barry's defense, and after shaking his opponent away, he entered the penalty area in two steps.

Mutombo didn't say anything, and directly used a fierce foul to drag Jon Jisen out of the sky.

Uncle Mu is getting old, and the power of his elbow still makes people feel lingering fear.

After all, he is a veteran who played in the league in the early 90s. Who knows if he will suddenly play tricks and directly destroy the opponent's career.

Fortunately, Jon Jonson is not a serious problem. His athletic talent is limited, and sometimes he plays a role in protecting himself. If he is flying all over the sky like Carter and Tracy McGrady, he is more likely to get injured.

Jon Jonson, who walked to the free throw line, made 2 of 2 free throws and was not affected by the foul just now.

However, the foul scale of the game has been relaxed. Even a fierce foul like Mutombo's is only called an ordinary foul. This is tantamount to telling the players present that your actions can be more rough.

Some things never need to be stated explicitly, and the players on both sides quickly understood the referee's scale.

Pulling, stumbling, hip pushing, cuddling, black elbows, all kinds of actions that could be called fouls were put on the table as they should be, and the anger between the two sides is also constantly rising.

This is not good news for the Eagles, because the defensive transition they are proud of cannot be played at all.

Finally, in the fierce physical confrontation, he got a chance to go down quickly, but was immediately interrupted by the Rockets with a rough foul.

It can be said that, no matter in terms of pertinence or whistleblowing scale, tonight's Rockets have indeed taken the top spot.

Ruan Erniu and Yao Ming returned to the field one after another. In less than 3 minutes from the start of the second quarter, the two teams returned to the previous state of confrontation again.

Neither Adelman nor Woodson dared to bet, so they had to be the main force.

In the Rockets' offensive round, Yao Ming also started to fight for his life. He lost weight and changed his style of play, but it doesn't mean that he completely lost his dominance in the low post.Even with only height and shooting, in this era, Dayao is enough to establish his hegemony in the low post.

One step, two steps, Erniu dare not zoom in on Yao to dig in, and two steps forward, Yao Ming can directly attack the basket.

Er Niu, who stood up against Dayao outside the penalty area, must have lowered his center of gravity, so Yao Ming's waist and eyes are uncomfortable, but he can still turn around and use his touch to throw the ball.


Silk-like touch, this is where Dayao is better than Sparks. Even if someone pushes out of the three-second zone, Yao Ming still has a way to throw the ball into the basket. Coupled with his terrifying height advantage, it is really impressive. It is difficult to guard against.

In the final analysis, Yao Ming should be one of the insiders that Erniu least likes to deal with in the league.

This has nothing to do with nationality or other factors. Being able to ignore Erniu's strength confrontation and forcefully throw the ball into the inside of the basket will pose a threat to Erniu.

As a counter-example, even if Aldridge is forced to beat the second bull, there is nothing wrong with the locomotive. Of course, the locomotive can score one or two fairy goals on the list, but most of the time, they will be defended by the second bull to death and lose confidence.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu singled out Yao Ming with the ball without hesitation. The leader of the Rockets challenged him, and the leader of the Eagles had no reason not to accept the move.

Er Niu held the ball in the corner of the basket, and after a tentative step, he made a fake shot. Dayao didn't hesitate, but Er Niu immediately turned the fake into real in the second instant, and directly pulled out the shot!

Extremely strong response, even if the normal shooting rhythm is lost, the ball must be thrown in.

The team leaders of both sides once again staged a good show of mutual explosion.

When the team is in desperate need of long points, when the competitive pressure of the finals reaches its peak, when the defensive intensity of both sides is at its maximum, it is up to the leader to stand up and decide the outcome.

However, the two with fierce points are destined to fail to become the most watched matchup players in the game.

Because, also in this quarter, just a few minutes later, the most scene-stealing matchup group appeared.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu held the ball in a low position to attract double-teams, and then distributed the ball to Jiongsen.

Jon Jonson immediately wanted to break through with the ball from the wing, take advantage of the opponent's slack defense, and go straight to the open opportunity.

Of course, Artest, who was in charge of defending Jon Jonson, would not give him this opportunity. A shoulder bump and a thug directly knocked Jon Jonson aside.

The referee's whistle was indeed a little slower, but it was still good.

If the story develops to this point, it should be nothing.

But at the next moment, Jiongsen and Artest, who were about to go their separate ways, suddenly had an argument.

"What did you say?"

"What can I say, you bastard!"

"X son raised it, you can say it again."


The scolding between the players has never been technical, but the two heads got closer and closer as they got older, almost colliding with each other.


The two sides first bumped their foreheads. At this time, the teammates of both sides and the referee had already caught up to persuade the fight.

But they were one step too late, not because they didn't stop the two people from fighting, but because they didn't stop the headlines of the next day's news.

Jiongsen and Artest were so excited that after bumping their heads, they even bumped their lips together.


The scene was very embarrassing


"Stop them!"

Ruan Erniu yelled and stopped between the two of them. It's just a rotten joke, it can't be taken seriously. If you don't stop these two guys, you will really start to do it.

With Er Niu's dissuasion, and the players and referees of the two teams who rushed forward to persuade the fight, they finally suppressed the fight.

But the two who kissed each other passionately still got a technical foul each.


Or is the flame of ambition ignited in the heart instantly burning all reason?
Hehe, it's not important, what's important is that the media has new materials to play with the next day.

Of course, Ruan Erniu's heroic performance will not be let go by those tabloids, at least one text with pictures is indispensable:

"Don't touch my Joe! Ron (Artest), kiss me if you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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