Standing pretty old

Chapter 665 KFC's Lies and Truth

Chapter 665 KFC's Lies and Truth

Van Exel's nickname is lunatic, but that doesn't mean he's incapable.In fact, he's as famous for his offense as he is for his bad temper.

Back then, in the Lakers team without a magician, his coquettish passing always made people seem to see the shadow of the magician.

After this guy ended his Nuggets career, he went to the Mavericks to pursue his dream of a championship. At that time, the person who guided him was called "mad scientist"-Don Nelson.

After Fan Crazy entered the coaching staff, he never got enough exposure in front of the media, but this does not mean that he will be an ordinary employee in peace.

And this time, his chance finally came!

"Tell me specifically!" Woodson touched his forehead and said to Van Exel.

Crazy Fan said with a smile: "I think our defense is good enough, there is no potential to be tapped.

In fact, what everyone said just now has some truth. At least the Rockets have an offensive level like G3. I never believe that they can play a second time.

You know, even Sean Battier, who averaged less than 9 points per game in the playoffs this season, can score 18 points in a single game, which can only show that the Rockets have played exceptionally well. "

Woodson nodded and said: "Then let's talk about your specific offensive strategy!
One of my goals is to maximize the offensive talents of superstars.

To be honest, even if you come up with any good offensive tactics now, we don't have time to practice them. "

Crazy Fan seemed to have guessed that Woodson would say this, and he said in a very positive tone: "Of course there is no time to practice, so I am not going to come up with any complicated tactical ideas at all.

My default strategy is still to focus on the personal talents of the superstars, let them find the tacit understanding and chemical reaction in the game, come, look here..."

Crazy Fan stood up, pulled the white blackboard one person tall with one hand, took out the oil-based pen in the pen slot, and explained while drawing on the board:
"The first step, what I'm going to do is unleash Joe's organizational talent.

Move Johnson from the two to the three and switch him to point forward.

At the same time, move Salmons to the 2nd position. Salmon's scoring efficiency in the [-]nd position has always been higher than that of the [-]rd position. We have always done this in the rotation lineup;

In the second step, I want Kraft and Josh to switch positions. Josh will become a false center and get more opportunities to attack the basket directly.

And Kraft?

In addition to continuing to guard the basket on the defensive end, I think he can swim more in the top arc area, freely choose to shoot three-pointers directly, or attack with the ball..."

Crazy Fan stopped speaking, not because he wanted to see everyone's reaction, but because he had finished his tactical prediction.

"It's over?" Woodson asked tentatively.

Crazy Fan threw the oil-based pen back into the pen slot, nodded and said, "That's all, I'm also playing the superstar card!"

The coaching staff collectively fell silent, and everyone was considering the feasibility of Fan Crazy's tactics.

Objectively speaking, the generals of the Eagles have already demonstrated what Madman Fan said in the game, but no one has ever tried to summarize these into a systematic tactical concept and formation strategy.

In simple terms, this is again the classic strategy of location obfuscation.

Crazy Fan is worthy of being a point guard, and he has been with old Nelson. Regardless of whether this tactic can be realized, this courage alone is worthy of praise.

Woodson was the first to speak: "Talk about your views on this tactic."

Some members of the coaching staff are in favor and some are against, but these people don't count, because the only person who can really make the final decision is Mike Woodson, because he is the head coach of the Hawks.

The most influential to the head coach is the Eagles' first assistant, Larry Drew.

At the same time, he was also the last to speak: "In the case that the strength of the defensive end has not declined, we should make changes on the offensive end. It is only 2:1 now, and we are qualified to take a gamble."

This idea coincides with Woodson's. If it is 2:2 now, Egghead may not dare to take such a risk, but the newly defeated Atlanta Hawks should indeed have the courage to change when facing two consecutive away games .

Last year, when they faced the powerful Celtics Big Three, if they didn't have the courage to take the initiative to change, I am afraid it would be difficult to win the final Eastern Conference finals.

When facing the Lakers in the Finals and Bibby was absent due to injury, it would have been difficult for them to win the championship without Er Niu's initiative and change.

To put it bluntly, the Eagles, a vibrant team, have never lacked the courage to change.

Last season, he dared to let Ruan Erniu, a rookie, take the lead in the playoffs. This season, he dared to prescribe the right medicine and reuse Dragic in the crucial finals.

This fully proves that the Atlanta people do not like the conformist side.

Woodson made up his mind and officially announced: "Let's do this. Tomorrow's training session will be practiced as Nick said. As long as we can successfully realize the offensive talent of the players, I always believe that we are stronger than the Houstonians!"

In the team training class the next day, Woodson said in front of everyone: "I will not repeat the defense. I believe that you can perform your tasks well. Next, Nick will talk to you about The tactical arrangement on the offensive end."

Crazy Fan followed suit and repeated what he said yesterday in front of the players.

The lunar eclipse itself has no opinion on the tactics. He said suspiciously: "Did you see the hell today? Why did the 'wooden man' arrange for us to conduct a drill of offensive tactics?"

The eclipse muttered a little louder, and Woodson said relentlessly, "Josh Smith, run 10 laps, NOW!"

Well, the great soldier of the bourgeoisie—Mr. Josh Smith used his actual actions to prove that Mike Woodson was not possessed by aliens, then the remaining problems are simple.

The Eagles started a specific tactical drill, and after 30 minutes, the players talked about their ideas.

Generally speaking, no one felt uncomfortable, but this did not mean that the tactics were successful. Without the verification of the game, no one dared to say that this is a feasible plan.

Fortunately, the Hawks will not have to wait long. On June 2009, 6, US time, two days after the end of G11, the Atlanta Hawks will come to the Toyota Center Arena again, where they will compete with the Houston Rockets for G3.

If the Hawks win, the Atlanta people will win the match point and fully grasp the initiative of the series. Even if they lose the last away game, they will have enough confidence to reap the game after returning to Atlanta.

The Rockets won, and the morale of the Houstonians will be boosted. Texas Xiaoqiang has come all the way, relying on his unyielding energy. Once they win two games in a row at home, the balance of victory and defeat will also fall in their favor.

This is the cruelty of the finals. Once any side loses carelessly, the situation of victory and defeat will be reversed immediately. If the players do not adjust their mentality well, they may collapse at any time.

Before the game started, Woodson suddenly said to Larry Drew meaningfully: "'Offense wins the game, defense wins the championship.' Larry, do you think Phil Jackson is lying?"

Larry Drew asked puzzled, "Why did you suddenly think of this?"

Woodson said with a smile: "When a team has players like Jordan, Pippen, O'Neal, or Kobe, does Jackson need to consider the issue of offense? He only needs to give full play to the offensive talents of the players."

Egghead finally woke up. No matter what defense wins the championship, the championship has always belonged to the team with a balanced offense and defense and hard power that can rank among the top ranks of the league.

(End of this chapter)

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