Standing pretty old

Chapter 669 Honor and Absurd Truth

Chapter 669 Honor and Absurd Truth

After the game, Ruan Erniu, who was surrounded by reporters for a moment, obviously didn't realize what he had done.However, someone soon gave him a hint.

"What is the feeling of scoring more than Jordan in a single game in the Finals?"

"Really? I didn't even notice. The Rockets persisted until the last minute, and Mike (Woodson) didn't replace me, so I have been focusing on the game." Ruan Erniu said with a smile, "If I really have to do it, That was a really lucky thing, my teammates gave me a lot of support tonight.

Some difficult goals to score and that's it.

If I have to talk about feelings or moods, I feel very happy now. "

Ruan Erniu's calmness and smile further demonstrated his super giant status.To be precise, this is the status of No.1 in active service.

Why was Kobe Bryant still faintly becoming No.1 in the league after the Eagle County incident?
In the final analysis, his personal scoring ability is too strong. With 81 points in a single game and 35 points per game in a single season, the Black Mamba has become the most influential scorer in the league since Jordan, and captured A lot of fans.

But in the 08-09 season, Ruan Erniu averaged 33+21 per game, which has approached Kobe's career highlight period.

What's more, Kobe Bryant averaged 35+ in the regular season, the Lakers ranked seventh in the regular season, and was taken away in the playoffs; To defend the title successfully.

It doesn't matter if the regular season is awesome, after all, he is a star, and he can basically count the glorious past of the regular season.

In the playoff journey of the most tested players, Erniu also did not disappoint. The playoffs won 12 consecutive victories and entered the finals. Before losing to the Rockets in G3, the Hawks won 14 consecutive victories.

And what about Ruan Erniu's personal data?

64 points in the playoffs, directly breaking Jordan's record of 63 points in the playoffs.

Then, just tonight, His Majesty's 55-point finals single-game scoring record also failed to keep.

What's interesting is that the two bulls broke the records very cleverly, and they were all only one point more than Jordan.

Ruan Erniu is indeed qualified to challenge Kobe Bryant's No.1 status in the league.

In an era when O'Neal is old, Duncan and the Spurs always play dead, and continue to lack explosive power, after much deliberation, only Kobe and James, the two super giants touted by the league, can pose a threat to the two bulls.

But compared to hard honors, Er Niu immediately stopped booing.

The first one to be eliminated was James, because he currently does not hold a championship. As we all know, when evaluating dominance, the championship ring is a hard indicator.

Why Barkley was ridiculed by Bird in the Dream Team, Bird made it very clear: "Charles, you have nothing, nothing to do with you."

In terms of the number of championships alone, Kobe has three. If there is no accident, Er Niu will win the second championship trophy of his career this season.

But most fans will not equate the meaning of these championship trophies. Kobe won the three championships in the Lakers team with O'Neal as the core. .

But the two bulls are different. If he can lead the Eagles to defend the title, he will undisputedly win the FMVP. In other words, he will win two FMVP trophies while winning two championship trophies.

Comparing the honors of the regular season MVP, both of them won one each, but Kobe's regular season MVP in the 07-08 season has always been controversial.

In terms of team record, the Celtics are obviously better. In terms of personal efficiency, Er Niu and Paul are better than him.

However, the MVP trophy for the 08-09 season held by Ruan Erniu was almost unanimously won, and it was the least controversial one among the MVP trophy winners over the years.

Kobe Bryant has two seasons scoring champion, Er Niu once.

Erniu has two D-POYs, but Kobe doesn't have one.

As for POM (Most Player of the Month), although Kobe has 13, which is better than Erniu's 7, but think about it, Erniu has only entered the league for two seasons, and Kobe has played for 13 years.

In terms of efficiency, Kobe Bryant is far behind Kraft Nguyen.

As for the embellished honors such as AMVP and Slam Dunk King, both sides have them, so there are not many for comparison.

After careful analysis, the second-year rookie Ruan Erniu did not lose in hard honors, and it can even be said to slightly surpass Kobe.


The surrounded Ruan Erniu is enjoying the No.1 treatment in the league. Although this is Houston, as a sign of the league, he is still the most watched presence in the audience.

Two years ago, no one would have thought that a young man who came from China and rose to the NCAA would rule the NBA, but two years have passed, and all dreams are slowly becoming a reality.

At the press conference after the game, Yao Ming, as a representative of the Rockets, first expressed his views.

"We have been pushed into the corner, and it is superfluous to say whether we can win the championship. We must first take the game to Atlanta. In the G5 game, we have no way out.

Until the last moment, we can't give up the game. We came to the finals by virtue of unity and perseverance, and we will continue to persevere. "

Dayao's speech was very pragmatic, but in the eyes of most of the media, this was a desperate struggle.

The Rockets' ability to fight for the next game in G3 has already proved their value in advance. It is too difficult to defeat the 73-win Atlanta Hawks in the finals.

Ruan Erniu and Jon Jonsen attended the press conference together later.

Jon Jonsen, who won a triple-double in the finals for the first time in his career, said clearly at the beginning: "We don't want to bring the game back to Atlanta."

Ruan Erniu followed up and said, "Our chartered plane is very spacious, and it is definitely not a problem to put down an O'Brien Cup."

Jon Jonsen continued: "Kraft's FMVP trophy can also be put down!"

The solemn victory declaration of the two, as if they were talking about cross talk, enlivened the atmosphere of the scene again.

But the media in Houston were not prepared to let the two of them go so easily. A reporter asked: "G5 hasn't started yet. Why do you think the Eagles can win easily?"

This is arguing!
Er Niu asked back with a smile: "Then why do you think we can't win? I have no intention of arguing with you, let us see the outcome in three days!"

Winners should have a high profile, and Ruan Erniu is indeed qualified to say this.

A neutral reporter asked about the changes made by the Eagles on the offensive end tonight. Ruan Erniu smiled and said: "This is the idea of ​​our assistant coach Nick. Obviously, we did a good job tonight."

Madman Fan's coaching career suddenly became popular, but he deserved everything.

However, just a few days later, Madman Fan said the following to Er Niu at a private gathering: "Kafu, there is a saying that I will never admit after I go out.

In fact, I had a random drink that night, so I just talked casually to adjust the atmosphere.

Who knew Mike and the others would actually listen to me?And you can really play it.

To be honest, when I was explaining the tactics to you during training that day, I felt that I was going to be fired soon. After all, the 73-win team lost the championship in the end. I may be held accountable for my stupid idea. .

Haha, in fact, I shouldn't be a professional coach. It may be more promising to be a prophet.

Do you really believe it?
I'm just kidding! "

The truth may always be absurd, but Er Niu still prefers to believe that Madman Fan is really joking with him.

 Thanks to Master Sheng and the plane and car for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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